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Posts posted by Lumps

  1. Well like others have said, we could probably put in incentives or give him a two-three year deal where we could release him the following year if it doesn't work. I do think we would have to have a better offer than other teams because as much as I hate to say it, free agents aren't necessarily attracted to us yet.

    I think Gettlemen will start to learn this over time, hopefully. Players aren't coming here because of the franchise and the offer will have to be better than others.

    • Pie 1
  2. Going to have to do something at tackle. I can handle a talented drafted WR to come in next to KB but to expect a rookie and Oher to be our tackle options is really stupid, as was Bell and Chandler last year. We really don't need Cam, our future QB to be injured over something so stupid....(again).

    Don't need a all pro or even a guy for long term besides the rookie. We just need a solid player.

  3. Call her out on it, be honest with people. Tell them that you've noticed they may not have time in their life for you right now and that's ok, but you don't have time to be running in circles. Take a break or tell them no the next few times they want to meet if they are persistent and tell them why you're declining.

    When you think they're sincere or apologize give them a chance to come back into your life. If you are stood up or cancelled on at that point wish them the best in life after reminding them you just don't have time for games, then simply cut ties with them for good.

    That's what I would do...it's hard to know what to do if you don't know why what's happening is happening. And you simply cannot know that without being honest. You could ask her why she is so flakey too, if you don't already know. Could be something serious going on, you never know.

    • Pie 1
  4. Jags are our twin? Are you actually retarded? We've been to the playoffs in consecutive years, while the Jags are in a constant struggle to win 3 games a year

    Look at the overall record, and nice of you to throw in playoffs consecutive years the year you can do so, and with a losing record.

    The jags, currently struggle, but if you stop being a dumbass and look at the bigger picture (wins/losses) of the franchises it's obvious. In looking at the bigger picture, entire history of the jags and panthers, the Panthers are slightly a better team, ver slightly.

    I get it though...denial.

    Regardless, what are you actually arguing? We're the 5th worst team in the league since existence instead of 4th? And I'm the retard...

  5. Can't blame him. lol at some of you guys, the Panther aren't that much better than the Browns. And no the Panthers aren't a winning team. Losing record last year, were lucky. Was good year before. Losing records two years prior to that. Panther have a lot to do to be called a consistent 'winning team', we're not there yet.


    Browns, Raiders...are worse.


    Jags are our twin...


    Couple others are aguable.


    That's about it, pretty much all the same. If that's his home, he should go there.

    • Pie 1
  6. thank god the dumbass contracts are off the books


    who cares about dwill? like he said this is buisness, and since I'm a fan and nothing more to the Panthers, this is going to help the team, as is Bell FINALLY leaving.


    Just need CJ to either prove last year was a fluke and playing his worth or leaving too along with Stewy and then all those incredibly stupid, overpaid contracts are finally off the books and Gman can show us what he's worth and attempt to build a real winning team.


    Still going to be 2-3 years for eveything to be wiped and off the books for good but as a fan looking to the future I cannot fuging wait. In cap hell for so long and absolutley nothing to show for it.

  7. ...with these three statements.

    - We have a better roster than we had two years ago

    - Over the past two years, we have seen improvement from our coaching staff

    - Our front office has us headed in the right direction

    For each answer, explain why.


    1. Disagree, the cap has only gotten worse until now. Simply don't, and can't have a better roster. Smitty, Gross, Wharton and Hardy are big reasons. And yes, I included Hardy. These were necessary moves and retirments though, not much could be done.


    2. Improvments are on and off and quite frankly, it's hard to tell. Somtimes you think yes, then all of a sudden no. Is coaching getting better? Not getting better enough to tell  for sure and certainley zero consistency.


    3. Too early to tell. I don't believe JR is the owner to win a SB with the Panthers, he holds them back in many ways, plenty of evidence for that, but hey he is a great person. As far as Gettle, way too early for anyone to be able to tell, and those that think they know already, good or bad, have an opinion that should be ignored.

  8. Besides the color, design, and logo-what the hell else do change on a helmet exactly?


    Not close to being the same. Although the blue us off. Maybe a new owner will do more than change the logo. We have some of the best colors in the NFL IMO, shame we don't really use them. Kudos on the all black, finally, this year though.

  9. I'm not sure how cheating got into the topic of employing questionable characters. I think you guys are going way off base into left field with a simple subject really.

    The league does not allow employment of serious offenders (Carruth) and players like Lewis are allowed because the legal system, as they should. Whether the legal system is flawed, or you disagree with it is another debate but because of the way it is, Lewis can and should play just like a person found not guilty shouldn't go to prison, regardless of your opinion.

    So now that we've set aside cheating, serious offenders, and have a legal system as a guideline, JR. Is an owner of the extreme. While we don't need murderers on the team, there is also something that needs to be said for someone found innocent as well. After all we use that same legal system to judge and determine the lives of thousands of individuals every year. There is a middle ground I think and the OP is right in the fact JR is too extreme but wrong in the sense winning is all that matters. Winning is all that matter, within the confines of the law and the rules...not anyone's opinion, even JR.

    Looking to the NFL for role models for your kids isn't the NFL's or any teams job and in general is a bad idea. The NFL should be taught to be looked at as a business, and Athletes who are paid millions to preform. There is nothing noble about that and these people don't affect us or our children personally, in our every day lives. Real role models are our above average teachers, brave police, soldiers and firemen, sacrificing parents who do real noble causes and aren't paid for it. These are great role models that good parents would point their children towards. If parents would do this maybe society would be a little better.

  10. Meh, either would've the right answer. Cam is going to his fifth year....pretty sure he's hit his ceiling and is just about as good as he'll get, but it's easily good enough to win.

    Luke owned the second he stepped onto the field, even as an OLB. And despite the dumbasses in this thread, a player like Luke is NOT easier to come by. Than an elite QB? Yes, but Cam is not elite.

    So I feel it's pretty even.

    Some say they'll wait for the day Cam has adequate weapons to judge (a little dumb as he had two 1,000 receivers and a 1,000 RB but I can understand oline wise if they're 'weapons').

    I say, I'll wait for the day Cam will

    no longer be able to use his legs the way he does to judge him as a QB, because mark my words, that day will come.

  11. People aren't home Saturday, they're out because they don't have work and can stay out. They're almost always home Sunday nights, because of work the next morning.

    And not everyone gets off weekends and unless you work in restaurants, Sundays are the slowest business day so you'll be off or have a short day/ close early. Any buisness hours you look up are open later Saturday and close early Sunday. Same idea.

    Ever notice how Saturday TV is God awful? This is why.

    They easily have more viewers Sunday night.

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