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Posts posted by Lumps

  1. FF7, FF6, Xenogears, Chrono Cross, Skies of Arcadia, Vagrant Story, Resident Evil (GameCube), Eternal Darkness, Tribes 2, WoW, SimCity 4, first Command and Conquer, Total Annihilation, Baldur's Gate 1/2, Planescape: Torment, Halo 1, Elder Scrolls Morrowind, GTA: SA, Knights of the Old Republic, original Mario series, Fallout 3 and yes....despite it's flaws, Skyrim.

    Clearly I love RPGs. I haven't played many newer PC games since my PC couldn't handle it so these are the older ones I grew up with but still play all of them. To me a great game is something you still crave to play years later so I don't judge newer games.

    I'm about to buy GTA 5, I heard it was good.

    Sent from my iPhone using CarolinaHuddle

    • Pie 1
  2. Do you even tailgate bro?

    Sent from my iPhone using CarolinaHuddle

    Couple times I have but I don't really see Panther games as some sort social event, I'm there for the game. Not all tailgaters need their cars anyhow, I can carry a cooler of alcohol, that's all I need.

    Sent from my iPhone using CarolinaHuddle

  3. I pay 5$ and walk 15 min to the stadium.


    Why do people always insist on parking as close as you can for big events like this? Do you not realize the first ones in are the last ones out? Go pay $30 to park 20 feet from the stadium and I will wave at you sitting behind 3 hours worth of traffic on my 15 min walk back to no traffic.


    I will be at the game...not very exited about seeing the Lions for the first game though.

  4. I have been online dating for a year or so and I have never, NEVER met relationship/wife material. I have slept with 10+ and dated even more but all of them seemed crazy or slutty, nothing else. I am done with online, great for sex and dating but if you want something real it's a lot more work than just meeting in grocery store, event, or library and asking for a number.

  5. Nice.

    Exquisite was my favorite...always classy and unique. I'm afraid we are a dying breed Jason, cards had a flare up in the 90s but don't count on anyone caring as much as poeple used to. I love the cards, I have always enjoyed looking at your random card posts. Card collecting can be very profitable. For instance a rookie Matt Ryan right now would be worth thousands and could have been bought for hundreds (if that) when they were released. Or how about a Romo? Probably pennies a while ago and thousands now. Vick? Same story. But what they're worth is far from the reasons we do(did) it :)

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