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Posts posted by Popsickle

  1. 1 minute ago, jfra78 said:

    Here they post the number of allowed occupants on the doors of every establishment.  Different states do different things, here its 5 people per 1000 sq feet.

    Ooh yeah, sorry I didn’t include it in my post. But my gym is not allowing more than 15 people at a time. But, honestly I think that number is too high. It’s a small location having that many people in there would be kinda crowded without the Rona. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Wes21 said:

    My gym here in Virginia opened today as well.  They are supposed to be at 30% capacity or something like that.  But how do you judge peak capacity in a gym?  Is it dictated by floor space?  Pieces of equipment?  Typical number of people in the gym at one time?


    5 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I would guess it's 30% of the maximum capacity as dictated by the fire marshall.

    You can't keep gyms shutdown forever, but I personally wouldn't be working out in a public gym right now. I can't imagine a better venue for the transmission of a respiratory disease than an indoor place where everyone is working out and huffing and puffing.

    The fire marshall code is what I was thinking as well. I view the gym as too crowded when I have to wait for a spot to workout, so I’m there prior to 5am when there are few people and everyone there is taking care of business and not socializing. Nevertheless, I’ll be there tomorrow and for the foreseeable future (hopefully).

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