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About LinvilleGorge

  • Birthday 07/12/1982

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  1. The court should've ruled that they had to be called chicken nuggies by law, because that's what "boneless wings" are.
  2. Yep, sorry. Brianfart on my part. Yeah, an Achilles tear is a significantly worse injury than an ACL which is no walk in the park itself.
  3. They realize that Aaron Rodgers is 40, coming of an ACL tear, and the Jets were trash last year, right?
  4. A lot of that is honestly intentional. You're out of the limelight. No one is a fan of you. You can be the asshole and take that heat for your client. It's part of the job.
  5. He's an agent. His job is to do what's best for his client. And yeah, oftentimes that runs contrary to what us fans would prefer.
  6. I don't expect to be good. Here's the two things I'm hoping for most this year: 1. An answer on Bryce. Hopefully he'll prove me wrong and improve by leaps and bounds and we know we have our guy. That would be by far the best situation. The worst situation would be if he improves just enough to leave us thinking "well... maaaaaaybe". Just give me the answer. Be the guy or be the guy who gets us the guy. 2. The team improves throughout the season under Canales. He shows he can run a disciplined team and make adjustments in game and week to week.
  7. Yeah, FB Marketplace just completely replaced Craigslist
  8. If it wasn't for being able to keep up with people I'd otherwise likely lose contact with I'd delete it too. I do a LOT less on it now that I've moved back to NC. When I was in CO I was a long way away from most of my family, friends I grew up with, went to college with, etc.
  9. I do very little on it. Mainly because I hate the "better" layout. It's better for them. Their algorithm feeds you the content that keeps you engaged. But that means your social media feed ends up becoming a rabbit hole of confirmation bias and triggering content. Not good. No wonder why everyone thinks the world is so polarizing. Everyone's social media feed is.
  10. We'll see. Honestly, I'll be shocked but it would be a great thing.
  11. Literally us mods right now
  12. For the most part, social media just replaced forums the way forums replaced bulletin boards. Forums were just bulletin boards with better layouts and more features. Social media is basically just forums with better layouts and more features. Everything evolves.
  13. Shaq is an average starting LB getting paid like a future HOFer. When you're way overpaid that gives you a lot of tolerance for bullshit.
  14. Sure we could. You can always get creative with contract structure.
  15. You still have to acquire that next QB in the worst case scenario. That's why I'm for conserving future assets. We might need them to get that QB. If you don't have a QB you don't have a shot. Can Bryce be Brock Purdy in the perfect scenario? Maybe. But Brock Purdy will turn into a liability once the Niners have to pay him.
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