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Ready 2 Win

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Posts posted by Ready 2 Win

  1. 4 minutes ago, mav1234 said:

    Hahaha.  This dude tells is the actual data on percentage vaccinated is wrong for the county but the doses administered isn't, but didn't notice the big text disclaimer of "NOTICE: (Wednesday, June 30 to Wednesday, July 18, 2021)"  Oooooof.

    The post we are speaking about is about those vaccinated. That means those Fully vaccinated, not those simply administered to with a first dose. Please, do try to keep up

  2. 7 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I was technically incorrect. From Buncombe County's website:

    Currently, 63% of the total population in the county has received at least one dose of vaccine and 59% of the total population in the county is fully vaccinated.


    It was 63% with at least one dose. 63% for fully vaxxed. Since we're a week past that info we probably are closing in on 63% now.

    If that info is wrong, it's on Buncombe County.


    Its not on the county. Dont blame the county. You are a Mod. The buck stops with you. I think you made fun of me when I made a comment about using alts. This is the kind of bullshit you should say with your alt account...not your main and MOD account. 

    But here we go. See attached file for baseless claim said MODERATOR posted. 

    Now the evidence. 

    Doses Administered in Buncombe County according to a source out wonderful mod would not cite. 97,300+ 

    Source: https://www.buncombecounty.org/Governing/Depts/Health/News_Detail.aspx?id=19057

    Population of Buncombe Country according to latest US census: 261,191. 

    Source: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/buncombecountynorthcarolina

    But you are so wrong bro. Really, mods should not engage and be wrong on their main, 

    If you do the math, the percentage is 37.27 . A FAR cry from the uncited stay of 61% touted by a Mod. 



  3. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    You're the one making this an issue. Don't ask me to do your research for you. Again, post your data. Explain exactly why it's relevant to whatever point you're trying to make which still isn't at all clear.

    I had really hoped you would prefer not to expose you in public. I have already done so via report and they obviously turned a blind eye. I will post the links and info here, in which i am sure you or some other mod will quickly ban me. rest assured, you were so wrong that 61% of people in that county were vaccinated, and spread false news. 



  4. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I literally have no idea what you're talking about but go ahead and post it up.

    FWIW, no one has ever been threatened to be banned for simply being incorrect about a vaccination rate but sure, go ahead and post it up.


    You dont have any idea about it because despite me giving US census dats and Buncomme county data in my report ( 2 links to real dats whhile your post gave no dats or link to real information) your mod friends swept it under the rug and decided nah....fug our rules! 

    I suspect even if i spend the time to post it now, you will delete. I will anyway, and screenshot it all the way.


  5. Just now, Floppin said:

    Being wrong about the percentage of a particular county's vaccination status is hardly comparable to spreading vaccine falsehoods. Holy false equivalency Batman.

    you obviously didn't read the sticky. Zero tolorance for false news. Bulcombe county vaccinations rate is not 61%it is 37.5 ..and holy cow its not really an argument a MOD should be involved in, but if you gonna be in it have accountability for your own rules


  6. Just now, LinvilleGorge said:

    You have saved screenshots from a message board for "proof" someone is wrong. LOL @ you.

    I mean, hey... if you're super confident you're not gonna be posting misinformation, go ahead and post those screenshots right here.



    I reported YOU. You are a mod. I am sure you intercepted those. 

    I have no doubt your mod status protects you.  But i proved your post wrong. Do you really want me to bust that mess out? I reported it. Lets make a bet. I will show you the post I reported.  A post you made making statements about a certain county. You said 63% of people were vaccinated. I proived you wrong by a simple search. 

    You want to play with me...its cool but do it openly and show your mod status. Lets go around and let me prove your posted statement wrong ( and in violation of the own laws you bumped after I called you out) 

    If i show proof that after Ricky Spanish's post...you posted unverified info as false and as such is a perma ban offence....will you accept it?

  7. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    That's a really weird post to quote for your bone to pick. Then again, literally all you ever do with your posts is complain about site ownership and/or moderation. Not sure why you hang around when you obviously don't like it here.

    Expected reply from someone in power that can do whatever they want because of that power. Its cool. I got you on record and screenshot posting all kinds of fake news that was said to be a perma ban offense....but we cant get too mad because we know rules are only for the little people.  Tis thr world we live in


  8. 49 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    If veteran players are failing on the field due to lack of ability, it's easy for them to use the excuse of lacking talent to work with. If young players with talent are failing on the field due to not being ready it looks bad on them as coaches.

    Most football coaches are fairly conservative and self preserving by nature. Playing the vets is the conservative and self preserving call... until the boss man calls them out for not playing the young talent when they start using the excuse that the vets lack talent and that usually takes awhile to happen.

    Why the fug are you even here?  I busted your ass posting fake news related to covid. I reported (and you likely intercepted) the report I made of your false news claims. Ricky Spanish says your type of fake ass news is perma ban. Why are you not perma banned when i gave 2 legit sources to prove you are full of poo and your post was fake news.  

    DM me for screenshots. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    People pooing this are telling on themselves…

    What are they telling...they they feel a moderator jumping into a thread from a moderators position you judge posters and shame them for not feeling the same? Save that bull for the alt account.

    • Beer 2
  10. Cam is gonna be alright! Some of yall are trippin! 

    Cam deserves better? The fug you talking about? They supposed to keep him because of good feels, play he did YEARS ago? Come on now. 

    Best of luck to Cam, but he got enough money and non-football stuff going on that he will be ok. 

    • Pie 2
    • Flames 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, CRA said:

    89 was a great football player.  I think he tries and does some good things in life. 

    I think he basically acknowledges he is a pretty shitty guy overall though.   I don’t find enjoyment in 89 shitting on people.   Because he doesn’t just do it a Talib.  It’s universal.  Claiming it is just the truth is a lie.  89 is just an asshole.  It is what it is.   

    you would probably rather have a beer in life with Joey Slye.  Heck of a WR though. 


    I was referring to him giving honest takes about plays we were running, Darnold and happy feet...etc etc. We usually don't hear that kind of commentary from the home team broadcast booth. I felt like he took a lot of the gripes from here, and took it on air where it cannot be ignored so easily. 

    The personal stuff about players....well I agree with you that is just Smitty being (the asshole) who he is. 

    • Beer 2
  12. I am over Smith in all honesty. great player. great person. Shitty teammate. 

    With that said, I certainly enjoyed him calling out the same kind of poo many here call out as downfalls or things that need correcting. That kind of honesty is rarely heard in the context of calling a game. I LOL'ed when Curtis Samuel was brought up and the reply was "He only had 4-5 catches per game...not a big loss"...

    Not a fan of Smitty..but I am a fan of honest perspective in the booth!

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