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Posts posted by BrisbanePanther

  1. On 5/29/2024 at 3:42 AM, Jackie Lee said:

    What's going on with the lack of media at OTA's? I hope they're not doing another hiding/coddling thing until they're forced to play publicly 

    I mean in this economy, companies have to be smarter with their spending. Sending reporters to Charlotte to cover a moribund, Pop Warner-level franchise is the ultimate waste of money that should get execs fired.

    If the media were being kept out, they'd report that--it's the most self-important profession in the world. Even for the locals who know "Panthers suck yet again" stories get them no clicks.

    Bottom line, no conspiracy here. They're just not worth covering.

    • Beer 1
  2. 6 hours ago, CPcavedweller said:

    My order for the draft was this:

    1. Stroud

    2. Levis

    3. Richardson



    4. DTR

    5. Bryce

    The top three are three rounds better than DTR or Bryce. Just because someone else would’ve taken Bryce if we hadn’t doesn’t make them right either. 

    I’ve also seen people comparing Bryce and Caleb Williams but Williams has something Bryce doesn’t, and that is speed, belief, swagger, and arm strength. I think Williams, Daniels, Maye, and Nix all have the chance to be better than everyone from 2023, including Stroud. Maybe not this year, but in their career. 

    Now 2025 is a QB Desert unless you want someone like Cam Ward or Carson Beck, neither of which are ideal. 

    I know I’d draft Joey Aguilar later in the draft. Dude has an NFL arm and RG3 confirmed as much after watching him throw in the monsoon that was the Cure Bowl. 

    Milroe will be that guy IMO--especially with Penix's old coach. I just hope the Bryce experience isn't enough to sour everyone on Alabama QBs.

    I mean, imagine if one reason Chicago didn't draft Stroud because they already had an Ohio State QB that they hated...

    • Beer 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, ProcessBlue2 said:

    I think initially the plan was to build a dome when building a whole new stadium back when that was talked about early in the Rhule era.

    Then during Covid and the stricter policies I think Tepper told reporters that it changed the way he thought about a new stadium and referenced the nice weather in the Carolinas being another reason to rethink it.

    I think you only go after a dome if you build a new stadium which doesn’t appear to be happening anytime soon. The only other reason I see a dome is if the plan is to get a SB bid which I doubt would happen because Charlotte doesn’t really have the infrastructure to support that kind of event.

    My guess is they are just going to use the money to upgrade the hell out of the existing facilities and then add those other rumored expansions. 

    It's been a long-used narrative that Charlotte can't support a Super Bowl. However, it looks like after their new stadium opens, Nashville will work itself into the rotation. 

    If Nashville can, Charlotte can. The main difference though is that Nashville is clearly an entertainment town with cross-section appeal now. Charlotte is all business.

    • Pie 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, pantherclaw said:

    I have actually rode from Kansas to Oakland California, then from Oakland to Houston.  

    Yeah, if one doesn't care about anything but doing nothing with no expectations of when they're going to get anywhere. 

    My experience won't let me board another Amtrak.  I have read plenty of people's accounts where they had amazing times. 

    That's fair enough. The station in Oakland (Emeryville, actually, which is a bit "better" than Oakland) is a filthy waste of space that put a damper on the trip. Oh and the tents and tarps in Sacramento were a wake-up call as well, unfortunately.

    • Beer 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, pantherclaw said:

    The Village Steakhouse in Sparks. Next to the TA Truck stop. 

    I refuse to ride amtrak ever again. 

    Thanks for the tip. 

    Re Amtrak, I felt the same but gave the Zephyr a try. After some absurd confusion (where like 2/3 of the passengers didn't make the trip) it was totally worth it if you're not worried about a schedule and have a sleeping room. The piece from Denver westward is awe-inspiring (if nature is your thing).

  6. 2 minutes ago, Waldo said:

    He has $9.49 million to smile about and soften that blow of failure. No one likes to fail but ending up with that bank account number sure doesn't look like complete failure in any worse case scenario for him. 

    And laughing is awesome, especially at your enemies. This is still football right? I don't know about it being confirmed but it's believable. Stinks to be on the receiving end but thems the breaks. 

    All fair points, and ones that he would definitely focus on I'm sure.

    • Beer 1
  7. On 5/21/2024 at 7:21 PM, pantherclaw said:

    Mouth watering, melt in your mouth tender, full of flavor.  

    It is a must have every time I come through Reno. 

    Ok so, we know Reno, but what restaurant?

    Also, while not as good, you could also have a (much more average, but not terrible) steak while riding Amtrak from Reno to SF. If you haven't done that yet, you owe it to yourself. Especially in winter or early spring.

  8. 2 hours ago, raleigh-panther said:

    I feel this too

    i reallywish i didnt

    those are behemoths out there and their  speed and closing speed us ungodly fast

    in the pros, they are all good. There is no college level player to be  picked  on

    i  saw the Saints bench laughing at Young  in the pocket

    i dont feel he belongs in the pros. I feel he will be below average due ti physical limitations. 

    Laughing is pretty juvenile. I'll say this much, he's probably more level-headed than I am because if I were in his shoes and got laughed at on the way to potentially washing out from the league because I didn't belong ON the field due to physical limitations, I could still very much belong OFF the field...where I could be vengeful and inflict all sorts of chaos on players on the field, whether I was in the booth, on a podcast, in a front office, or in the commissioner's office where I'd probably get paid more than they ever will without any risk of bodily harm...but I'm not bitter, I promise lol.

    • Beer 1
  9. 3 hours ago, TD alt said:

    This "non-elite" or average or slightly above average stuff simply isn't supported by his stats. Dak isn't the best out there, and sure he's never won a chip, but several notable QBs didn't win, until they did. 

    I don't know how we'd pay him the highest contract in NFL history, so all of this is probably moot, but we could do far far less than Dak. 

    Agree. This Dak talk reminds me a lot of Matt Stafford, or "Stat Padford" as one of the talking heads calls him. Overrated in Detroit, the one season in California totally changes how he's seen.

    Also reminds me.of how many people here legit wanted no part of Lamar when he was allegedly available.

    No reason to believe Dak couldn't do the same.

    • Pie 1
  10. 7 hours ago, rayzor said:

    it's about not wanting to overpay for an old overrated QB who chokes on the regular. it's like a starving man not wanting to pay a million bucks for a pack of moldy crackers when you know that if you hold off a little longer you can find a better cheaper meal that won't make you sick.

    I mean I see what you're saying, but we're still waiting on that better, cheaper meal and nothing in the team's history has shown the ability to successfully do this on the offensive side of the ball. Dak might be overrated, but his overrate is still pretty high, and the only reason why any choking stands out is because he's in a lot more meaningful games.

    Put him on this team today and he is already at worst the 3rd best QB in team history, warts and all. And depending on the trajectory, he could be the 2nd best (sorry Jake). Carolina wins the division with him at QB.

  11. Am I reading this right? We've had awful QB play for over half a decade...and we'd pass on Dak because he has no "clutch gene" or can't get it done in the playoffs--something we haven't sniffed and have no reason to believe we will for years to come?!?

    Sorry, but this sounds like a starving man turning down a box of crackers because they're Great Value instead of Ritz. If a Great Value QB is available when you have none, there is no deliberation needed. 

    • Pie 1
    • Flames 1
  12. 6 hours ago, *FreeFua* said:

    How did this “innovative” narrative start with Canales? Just because he’s young?

    He truly wants to run the ball and nothing Tampa did last year was all that creative. Mike Evans ability to win 1 on 1 does wonders for an offense as a whole 

    It's gotta be the youth, but Andy Reid is innovative too, yet I think he and Adam hung out as kids. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Waldo said:

    Cousins can win the NFCS but he has won 1 playoff game ever. He isn't there for a SB but to take an easy division.

    They are betting Penix can be more which is also what pisses Cousins off about that situation, it's the same thing he was running from in Minny. SF already did this to Jimmy G with 2 young QBs, they also handled it way better as far as I have heard, so it's not that new in Atlanata...even if they did their best at creating internal friction. 

    It's ironic that he would be upset for that reason, given that he played the same role with Griffin.

    • Beer 1
  14. 4 hours ago, *FreeFua* said:

    Re set the 5 year rookie QB contract window and try again

    I think it's worth taking a step back and looking at the impact of this on the NFL overall. It's like the league went from one extreme--rookies with no experience becoming the teams' highest paid players--to another--expecting rookies with no experience to play like they're the highest paid players. In both cases the vets get angry, and in both cases the rookies are under probably an unfair level of pressure created by a market not them individually. The vets also lose out because in the former case teams spent all their money on the rookie and not the supporting cast and now teams still don't spend money on the supporting cast when they don't know what they have with the rookie.

    The Atlanta experiment will be good to watch for this, especially if Cousins was to lead them to 2-3 division titles (entirely possible). They spent a lot of high draft picks on skill position talent rather than a QB and brought him in via FA. Will they go away from him when it's time to pay the skill positions while Penix is still on his rookie deal? They were stupid, but might have stumbled onto another potential way to build a team.

  15. 7 minutes ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    Yeah I said I was done trashing the kid. Just let it play out and hope for the best. This season will determine if he's the guy or not. Wish him the best.

    Yeah, since I like being called out, I'm going to agree with you. He was atrocious last year and probably will be this year, but finding new ways to go on about it is a lot like finding new words to describe how hot the sun is. If that's how people like to occupy their time, that's their right. Can't say that I understand it but I suppose it's comforting in some way.

    Either way, we'll be on the Sanders or Milroe or Beck hype train this time next year while Bryce's super computer is one year closer to him maybe becoming the youngest OC in NFL history.

  16. 2 hours ago, WhoKnows said:

    Don’t know why people get so butt hurt by these articles. We were a hair away from 0-17 and even with 2 narrow wins we still finished 2 games worse that every other team. People in here thought we were shoe ins for the division last year. We are going to have to prove we are not the bottom.

    Yep, we go through this every year it seems. National writer says Panthers suck, Huddle cries basis/hate/whatever, and then lo and behold the team actually did suck. It's the same every year. Maybe a couple of Cam seasons did national media get us wrong. Otherwise, it's time to stop fighting city hall. These writers may know more than we give them credit for.

    • Beer 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Hoenheim said:

    Didn't he already have that last year? The Chicago game was the only one I didn't watch or listen to live. I watched a quick replay of it and don't even remember how dj Moore did.


    Wasn't much offense from either team iirc

    It was putrid. There was the 75 yd FGA that Frank sent Eddie out for (and he shrugged when he missed it lol) and Chicago started their backup QB Jag McBean, who looked okish against our vaunted D iirc. I believe they had also gotten Sweat back on D, which instantly played better than their stats showed in the games prior.

    Of all the games to finally watch live from Australia...

  18. 9 hours ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    Fug Madden!


    I'm ready for EA college football 25.


    Can't wait till I go undefeated with coach Prime and Colorado. It's gonna be like reality.

    Well I'll be unrealistic and take UNC Charlotte all the way like I did for 14 or whatever their last year was. Only this time I won't have to create them.

    Transfer portal FTW.

    • Flames 1
  19. 15 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Well, obviously. I think they just watch the games and then try to build a playbook that vaguely resembles the offense that coach runs.

    This is exactly along the lines that I was wondering. If some YouTuber can diagram plays or follow an All 22 to review games, surely EA can afford to have people do something like this, and it wouldn't surprise me if they had computers do this automatically in order to build the AI. I mean we're talking about calculating football plays not the orbits of Jupiter's moons lol.

  20. 3 hours ago, MGH1989 said:

    I’m not saying Bryce should be high, but putting multiple rookies ahead of him, including a guy like Bo Nix is insanely stupid.

    Agree. He should definitely be the lowest of NFL starters, but to put rookies above him (except maybe Williams) is just crazy.

    I just wish he took all this and made it bulletin board material. Then again, he's not that type of dude. He's more of a "run my own race" type rather than "destroy you for a slight against me" type.


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