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Fug Drump

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Posts posted by Fug Drump

  1. Rhule had the Panthers looking great to start the season.  So much promise and hope, and then....  Panthers got exposed by good teams and now its gotten so bad, they're losing to bad teams.  What a fraudulent start to the season!!!  I guess Rhule isn't the answer. 

    • Pie 1
  2. 54 minutes ago, iamhubby1 said:


    Oh  shut the fug up. You talk out both sides of you mouth all the fugging time. You never talk football, because you spend all your time trying to rile folks up with your goofy azz takes like this one.

    Nah, you shut the fug up and go sit your weak ass down somewhere.  I dont try to rile anybody up, I just speak on what every set have eyes have seen.  Just because YOUR coward ass live in an alternate reality from people with real football knowledge don't mean anybody is talking out of both sides of their mouth.

  3. 41 minutes ago, Jaxel said:

    What? It's like a rollercoaster in here every week. It we win on Sunday the "honest assessment" will swing  to the other side faster than a Roger Federer forehand. It's not lala land to think the season is over 5 weeks in with a mediocre schedule and a winning record.

    I said its "la la land" if someone think their team is better than they really are.  The mirage-like 3-0 record against bad teams had a few people here in "la la land".  People who were really honest with themselves didn't take too much from a 3-0 start against bum teams, they waited to see more from the Panthers before they got too high or too low.  

    When the Cowboys game came along and were the first "real" NFL team the Panthers played, they were exposed.  

  4. 14 minutes ago, Jaxel said:

    Oh my gosh, can the negative nancies retire for the season? Some of us enjoy hoping for a playoff run when our team has a winning record. Seriously.

    I dont believe they are being negative, they are just giving honest assessments.  The eyes don't lie.  Some of you like dwelling in the land of fairytales instead of looking hard-core reality in the face.

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  5. 17 hours ago, App Panther said:

    Yes, two.

    It sounds like it's contract related and fall out with Dan Quinn.

    Its more than contract related.  He's out of position too often and he's lost one of the things that made him special...  his speed.  He was a liability to the Cowboys and im not surprised they cut ties with him.  This was a smart move on their part because he definitely was overpaid.

  6. 9 hours ago, KatsAzz said:

    Most of the mistakes you mentioned would probably never happened if the game had been called fairly and we were not put in pressing, pressure situations having to play catch up.

    What is a pressing situation to a "good team"??  Yall feel that the Panthers are a good team, correct???  Or were they over-inflated with a 3-0 record due to playing against three bad teams???  If you are a good team, then those weren't pressing situations.

    • Poo 1
  7. 20 hours ago, Snake said:

    Dallas is mediocre at best. 

    If Dallas is mediocre at best, then the Panthers are in trouble.  How do you let a mediocre at best team whoop your ass like that???  Dallas loss a close game to the Superbowl champ Buccaneers, beat a very good Chargers team in LA, and slaughtered a very bad Eagles team.  The Panthers beat three weak ass teams....  Jets, Saints, and Texans. 

    So yeah, if Dallas is mediocre at best and owned the Panthers the way that they did, then the Panthers are really in trouble and may be picking in the top ten in the draft.  

    • Beer 1
  8. 20 hours ago, HPPantherzfan said:

    You mean the one where it was down by forward process and it was actually a fumble?  How about the 5 neutral zone infractions on Dallas that never got called?  Refs handed Dallas that game on a silver player and I’m proud of our boys, especially Sam for fighting back


    Edit:  I forgot to mention the horse collar on a sack and three holding calls that were blatantly missed somehow for Dallas


    Was it the refs that threw 2 ints and a potential 3rd that was dropped???  Was it the refs that allowed 5 or 6 sacks???


    Which ref did that, because last I checked those were Carolina Panthers players who got beat and loss the game.  But get back to me with the name of those refs that threw ints and missed blocks that got your qb floored.


    I'll wait....

    • Poo 1
  9. 6 hours ago, 1of10Charnatives said:

    Because the refs only help so much. A meddling owner who treats his team like a glorified fantasy league team does a lot to undermine that team's success. As for making excuses, I made exactly one point about an officiating call. It was a call we could all see was quite clearly wrong, and it was obviously enormously impactful in a close game. As a fan of the team who consistently gets favorable treatment from the officials, you can of course be relied upon to turn a blind eye towards that bias and use rhetorical strategies to shift the focus. The point remains.

    When I say bandwagon fans with regards to the Cowboys, I mean that a large percentage of their playerbase cheer for the team because they are hyped nationally, not because they consistently produce winning football. Over the years that I've had discussions with fans of other teams, what I see is that fans of the Packers and Steelers consistently know their poo when it comes to the game, Eagles fans are consistently obnoxious win or lose, and Cowboy fans consistently know the least about the game.  The Cowboys have fielded the best offensive line in football for several years now, featuring Tyron Smith and Zach Martin, two of the very best at their respective positions, yet Cowboys fans consistently speak only of how awesome Eliot is. Most cannot name even a single offensive lineman.  When I talk to Packers fans and Steelers fans, they are intimately aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their team, Cowboys fans are oblivious not only to their own linemen, but to what a tool Jerry Jones is.


    Well I'm not a Cowboys fan, im a Raiders fan, and most of the Cowboys fans i know or have encountered are very knowledgeable about their team and what's going on with their team.  The Cowboys fans i know personally are very critical of their team.  Maybe you've met some different Cowboys fans who are delusional, but name me one fanbase who doesn't have delusional fans???


    Hell, I was reading some of the posts by fans on THIS site and a few of them are dangerously delusional.  You had one guy who wrote a post before the Cowboys game claiming that he believed that the Jets were better than the Cowboys....


    Then you had a couple people who said that Cowboys fans whine about the refs when they lose....  but as soon as the Cowboys beat the Panthers what happened...  Panthers fans whined about the refs.  Talk about hypocrisy at its finest!! 😂😂


    When I think of bandwagon fans, I think of the Patriots, Seahawks, Buccaneers, Chiefs and teams like that who get on a two or three year run and all of a sudden they have fans all over the country.  These are the same teams who barely had a following outside of their regions for decades and now you'll see apparel all over the country while they're WINNING.

    Cowboys, Steeler, Packers, Raiders, 49ers, Eagles, and teams like that have fans all over win, lose, or draw.  So I respect fans of the Cowboys because they haven't won big in over 2 decades, but they still wear their apparel and they still show out well in opponents stadiums no matter what their records are.  That's not bandwagon fans thats faithful fans.

    • Poo 3
  10. 4 hours ago, SBBlue said:

    Huh?  So if you play a perfect game with perfect blocks and win 90-0, then you can complain about the footlocker-rejects?

    Ignore on.  

    I'm saying that the Panthers loss the game by throwing ints and allowing sacks....  NOT the refs.  So many people are trying to say the Panthers loss because of the refs which is a total lie.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, mav1234 said:

    Not just 2 starters. We have 3-4 starters on IR, including Horn that was playing lights out at CB, a starting safety, and Elflein from the OL (admittedly not that great anyway)... not to mention 2 other dbs that would be starting if they weren't on IR now... plus CMC and our starting run stopping DE inactive this game due to injuries.  

    I'm not saying the Cowboys are bad or completely healthy, but the Panthers are really hurting right now.

    You've made great points, I respect that.

  12. 6 hours ago, 1of10Charnatives said:

    You won by 8 points and you know good and well that not reviewable fumble was a huge momentum shift in your team's favor that the refs just happened to get wrong. Been watching football my whole life and it's always been this way with Dallas. It's just a cold hard reality that there are certain teams the league favors for marketing reasons. 

    You're arrogant because your team always gets the calls and most of the time your team still sucks. On top of that, on average Cowboy fans are the least knowledgeable of any fan base in the NFL. I honestly have nothing against most of your players. It's your garbage of a human being owner and your bangwagon no nothing poo for brains fanbase that I take issue with. 

    Cowboys fans are always the first to run their mouths when the team wins and the first to make excuses when they suck, so get your sorry ass outta here with your pot calling the kettle black bullshit.

    If the league and refs cheat for Dallas, why haven't they been to a Superbowl in over 20 years???  Bandwagon fans only hop on to winning teams...  if thats the case, the Cowboys haven't won in over 20 years so how can their fans be considered "Bandwagon" fans??  With that said, there are Panthers fans making excuses as to why they loss today....  the same thing you've accused the Cowboys fans of doing when they lose.  Do you care to explain these baseless accusations???


    I'll wait....

    • Poo 1
  13. 7 hours ago, ncstatekwi said:

     R E F S.....REFS REFS REFS.....nuff said SON!!!

    When you tell me which ref threw 2 ints and a potential 3rd...  when you tell me which ref that allowed multiple sacks by missing blocks, then I'll agree with you.  But last I checked, the Panthers got outplayed by a better team.

  14. 5 minutes ago, mav1234 said:

    Lol okay. Is that why the Cowboys did so well last year sans their best player?

    Sit Dak and let's play the game again. That's the difference between CMC and not. He's that important to the Panthers...

    Not to mention missing far and away our best defensive back, starting safety, etc...

    I cant argue with you there, but missing 2 starters compared to missing 6 or 7 starters is a lil different.   Missing CMC is quite a blow tho.

    • Pie 1
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  15. 7 hours ago, Untouchable said:

    Combination of injuries, officiating and just playing a better offense/QB.

    The Cowboys were missing more players due to injuries than the Panthers, so thats not a valid excuse.   The Cowboys were just a better team than the Jets, Saints and Texans.   

    • Poo 1
  16. 18 minutes ago, SmokinwithWilly said:

    They weren't misses. The NFL needs the Cowboys winning to fuel their story line. Same way they weren't going to let Manning ride off into the sunset 1-3 in Super Bowls. These weren't bad calls. These were exactly the momentum shifting calls they were supposed to be. 

    This is the biggest pile of BS i have ever heard in my life....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣  The NFL needs all of its teams to do well.  Why the hell would they pick ONE DAMN TEAM out of 31 others to cheat for????

    The fact that the Cowboys haven't been to the Superbowl in over 25 years just destroys your "conspiracy" logic of refs helping the Cowboys.   Where was the NFL's ref help for Dallas in over two decades????  Just turn your device off right now, because you make ZERO since!!!

  17. 15 minutes ago, TrevorLaurenceTime22 said:


    With all due respect, yall don't have past or recent success in the Superbowl trophy/rings conversations.  You look promising this year tho!!

  18. 2 minutes ago, TrevorLaurenceTime22 said:

    We still haven't played a good team lmfao. Played one who greases the refs pockets though. GTFO of here you sackless POS who couldn't show up pre game.

    They greased the refs pockets to make calls on their own team too???  Because they got flagged as well.  Stop blaming everything on the refs, thats loser talk.  The Panthers are a solid team that you should be proud of.  They played a better team than they've played all year and got beat fair and square. 

    Was it the refs or your QB who threw those ints???  Was it the refs our your offensive line that gave up so many sacks???  Carolina is looking like a serious playoff team right now.  Be proud of them and stop cryin refs refs refs....  refs didn't put Carolina down 22 points, the Panthers did.

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