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Posts posted by Mainstream

  1. 4 hours ago, mav1234 said:

    Darnold is a veteran that just had one of the worst seasons of a starting QB in the NFL - his fourth consecutive case for being the worst starter in the league. Jones and fields are both promising rookies - one of whom had a better season than Darnold outright, and the other of which flashed great talent repeatedly, but is still raw...

    You don't really know how good Mac Jones is, NE beat down a playoff team and he had 3 pass attempts

  2. 43 minutes ago, Borat said:

    Gotcha — all I needed to know. No real point in arguing when the baseline assessment is so disparate. No hard feelings and have a good night. 

    Just keep in mind the only reason Carolina decided to cut Cam had nothing to do with performance, but his ability to stay healthy. He's healthy now and has been the last two seasons.

    A healthy Cam putting up these numbers means something is very wrong besides Cam himself. It's ok, you'll see.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Borat said:

    Would Mahomes have been had a 58 QB rating across the 3 games that followed? 

    And why, since you still haven’t addressed it, do you think that Panthers consistently graded as a middling team by QB-agnostic metrics, across the full season? Is there a conspiracy to make it look like Carolina’s QB play is the issue when it really isn’t?

    The defense brings that rating ex. QB up. I don't need a stat to know our line was trash this year. Cam had no time.

  4. 43 minutes ago, Borat said:

    For posting (pretty standard) stats that say the Panthers, ex. QB, are an average team? Vs. what, you just claiming otherwise with no backing other than "that's how I think it is?"

    Cam had a 120+ Rating in one start that resulted in a loss. Bring up the PFF graphic of our offensive line performance against Miami .. so out of 5 Cam starts, there's two right off the bat that had nothing to do with QB play

  5. 1 minute ago, Cpt slay a ho said:

    You can’t be serious right now ? Dallas has a worst supporting cast ? The bengals ? Steelers ? Raiders ? If anything this proves my point. Those teams have nfl coaches we currently don’t, those teams have significantly better offensive weapons than we do too. Prime Joe Montana isn’t covering the blemishes of this roster and coaching staff. 

    These people are NPC's

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