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Posts posted by NCTHFL0567

  1. 6 minutes ago, TrevorLaurenceTime22 said:

    TDA is restricted I think he and Nino are the priorities, TDA wants to be here and given his "history" I have a feeling he's here to stay... My feeling is we get him on a either on a Bridge deal for 3-4M or a long term deal for the same there will still be teams who either won't touch him.... You get the feeling he values being a winner more.


    My bet is we sell Raanta low in the offseason.

    I want to keep Tro over Nino personally. But I'm fine with either in the grand scheme. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, TrevorLaurenceTime22 said:

    I think if this series was well in hand at the moment we would see Freddie's return he will be back soon,  I highly doubt Boston can go 4-1 against us the rest of the way.

    Question of the day. 

    Since you love the Kooch. Who you rolling with fully healthy? Anderson, Raanta, or Kooch? Or just go with the hot hand? I'm going with the hot hand. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, TrevorLaurenceTime22 said:

    It's early in the day, the adrenaline a lack of sleep from these two games persist, Aho is going to Aho that is expected, That hit he had on Lindholm Monday himself was tasty. 


    TDA is a beast of course he gets shots through the defense on demand.

    Really wish we could sign TDA. Guy could be better than Dougie was for us going forward. 

  4. Just now, Harbingers said:

    That was intent to injured on Raanta just finally got to see it. He put the butt of his stick right through Raanta’s mask. I don’t think Raanta is concussed, I think he probably bit his tongue off. Which is horrible to say. 

    He's not concussed, because he's not in the Protocol. Rod said so after the game.

    Svech even stated he's fine. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, MillionDollarCam said:

    Getting this out of the way now.

    Assuming Raanta is out for game three with a concussion…

    Your goalies…

    1. Pyotr Kochetkov

    2. Jack LaFontaine

    What a time to be alive.

    Luckily. Lyon is back for the Wolves, so I expect them to demote LaFontaine and call up Lyon. HOPEFULLY. 

  6. 41 minutes ago, Panthers Fan 69 said:

    Facts on facts. To steal a golf analogy, it’s not how you drive it’s how you arrive. I don’t freak out when we lose a game. This team is built for the long-haul

    They're built to win this year. Anything other than that is a disappointment. Spare me this crap you got going on. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, TrevorLaurenceTime22 said:

    We will have to choose between him and Nino, should be noted Jarvis is a natural C as well....


    I love Trockeck but with talents like Drury ready to come up with no likely drop-off it wouldn't be a good long term move unfortunately.

    Same. Vinny's one of my favorites on the squad. His shots from those angles are so absurd. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, TrevorLaurenceTime22 said:

    He is passionate, just remeber you can go 16-12 and win a Stanley Cup don't flip out when we lose a game (and we will) 

    Oh yeah, I know. Just can't take any of these teams for granted. One game we could win 5-1, and the next lose 4-0. NHL Playoffs make no sense. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, TrevorLaurenceTime22 said:

    The Canes have been excellent at scouting and developing talent the past 5-6 years.... Let's not forget before our affiliate changed to Chicago the Checkers won the Calder Cup.... The Checkers/Wolves are really just the "Future Hurricanes"

    Oh yeah, my cousin plays for the Checkers right now. Connor Carrick. Was wishing he could be a Cane, but never came to pass. Did get to meet all his Maple Leaf teammates for his wedding in Chicago. That was fun. 

  10. 1 minute ago, TrevorLaurenceTime22 said:

    Oh and I'm going to bury the Hatchet with you on Svechnikov, I'll just leave it at this if he was a more selfish player he would be an easy 100 point guy... but he's fine being two way and overly physical for the team.

    I already buried it, but clearly some others can't (not you). 

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