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  1. What is wrong with you people?!? Josh only had 1.5 good years here was a HEADCASE acts all mysterious in interviews but was really somebody who craves attention! He even started to play like complete poo after he left this organization and has been put on HIGHLIGHT AFTER HIGHLIGHT! But just because he's wilks buddy he's back!! What exactly will he do??!? this is just shameful you would think he was REVIS or something
  2. Yeah but Corral won 2 National Tittles in College and was widely regarded the best QB prospect since Andrew Luck. Oh wait...
  3. Okay so a third that can't even complete an NFL pass and you guys want Scott to be the GM next year still? lmao okay
  4. Corral was drafted with a conditional 4th round pick... basically a 5th rounder.. so him?
  5. I respect you Mr Scott but your homerism is showing other than that I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
  6. You brought up other QBS that don't play like him now height based is a stupid argument lol we have seen enough of him no NFL QB worth a damn can't even COMPLETE A PASS in the PRESEASON VS THE 3RD STRING I HAVE SEEN ENOUGH!!! Matt was a wasted draft pick and he will never be a decent NFL QB in this league if you can't complete a pass you suck period i don't care what the situation is he looked like ass in training camp practices as well
  7. They didn't go to OLE miss and could actually read an NFL defense
  8. Is Corral Rodgers? is he Lamar? is he hurts? All answers to those questions are HELL NO and by the way all of those QBS went in rounds 1-2 not 4-5
  9. Im asking you to find me a COMPARABLE QB to coral Mahomes and Coral aren't comparable at any level except the height lmao how we go from Zach Wilson to Mahomes? lmfao you guys are desperate man
  10. Jalen Hurts has almost 1k rushing yards this year and more multi rush TD games than Cam Newton this season... can corral do that? Like I said if you wanna talk about other 6'2 QBs talk about some that actually compare to our scurb
  11. So its almost like if you lack size as an NFL QB you need legendary traits to offset that.. what are Corral's again? Like I said he can't even run the football lol
  12. Zach* started as a rookie... he's way better than corral lool bum didn't get drafted till the 5th for a reason you should know that since we got ripped off to get the QB they were replacing lol fire Scott too btw
  13. So both young rookies? And also the jets are that much more advanced offensively than us? LMAOOO I hope matt gets his chance so he can run himself out the league
  14. Mahomes plays way bigger than 6'2 and can make ANY throw Corral is a product of a one read college system and he plays very small these guys are even comparable and you know that
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