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Everything posted by Bronn

  1. In the show this week, did anyone else take Tyrion's and Tywin's exchange about Tyrion being a Lannister come across anyone else as blatantly toying with the theory that Tyrion wasn't really a Lannister? Also, have we ever had any evidence that Jaime and Cersei themselves aren't a product of a Targaryen affair? Could it be that all 3 are Targaryens? This would totally open so many doors in the plot linkage it would be unreal. I believe PSC has thought for a long time that Tyrion was half Targaryen... But what if Jaime and Cersei were too? It would explain the madness of Joffrey for starters (aside from the whole incest thing, of course).
  2. We also had a blind Arya, a dead Cat, a missing/presumed dead Benjen (if he is CH), and IIRC it seemed Tyrion was gone in the Blackwater AND when he fell into that disease causing water in ADWD. I think that is why the Hound is still alive too (and is the gravedigger like you said), and Jon is probably still alive.
  3. You don't come back as white walkers... you come back as wights... as for the AA comment... are you referencing The Hound?
  4. There are lots of redemption moments throughout the series, so hang in there. Also, they aren't the "yay good guy A killed bad guy Z" that you're probably expecting. They are more like "good guy A just totally made a great decision that will help him while bad guy Z just got caught up in some poo that is going to hurt him down the road, but party X seems to totally be becoming more relevant to both A and Z." It's a huge, mean world. You have to remember the line "you win or you die"...
  5. I always thought maybe on the Benjen thing, but Leaf told Bran that CH was killed "long ago"... That doesn't make sense for it to be Benjen or anyone we've really read much about in the ASOIAF series to me.
  6. I think he's the Night's King... and his name was Brandon Stark....http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Night%27s_King
  7. Yeah he's pretty much replaced Edric Storm, who is still alive too, but not very important seeming in the books. I could see them killing him off, but I hope Davos ships him out kinda like he does Storm in the books.
  8. Dunno if anyone caught it last night, but GRRM was on Conan... He made the comment about TWOW, and said it was around 1500 pages... I dunno if that is what he has written, or if it was a projection... Also, he commented that he was trying to hurry in fear of the show catching up, and that he hoped the show ended in the same fashion as the books (although he didn't sound too concerned that they wouldn't)... There was minor concern about some of the changes in the show affecting things later on, and he noted that there were like 4 characters that were dead on the show that are still alive in the books at the current part of the story... I can only think of Marillion and Talisa (Jeyne) off the top of my head... I'll try to figure out the other two... One might be one of Arya's targets? dunno... It sounded kinda optimistic overall though, and I think he kinda stressed the need for people to read the books too... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR36slEw7aU
  9. I think the biggest wrench in the way many people are thinking is UnCat... I don't know how she or her followers are going to fit in to most people's theories about everything else.
  10. tbqh that doesn't prove much... If I remember I'll photoshop that tonight to show you what I'm talking about... FWIW I now believe it is real based on other research, but the above image doesn't really prove its legitimacy...
  11. Basically, I see the MFG as the grim reaper... as depicted in pop culture... IE. by allowing someone to live, he is owed a death... Arya saved the 3 prisoners from death by fire (when the campsite was set ablaze by Lannister men), therefore taking 3 deaths from the R'hllor. As is his duty as a servant of the god of death, Jaqen owed a debt to R'hllor of 3 deaths. This could be seen as a weakness of R'hllor if you wanted to get all theoretical... The fire didn't kill the prisoners... But, at the same time, the MFG owed R'hllor apparently.
  12. He said it in the books too IIRC... I took it to mean that the many faced god works alongside R'hllor and is only concerned about the death aspect of R'hllor's power. Likewise, it would be safe to assume the MFG would work alongside all gods, being responsible for the deaths owed to each.
  13. There isn't an old 7... there are the old gods... and yes, the COF, what's left of them, worship the old gods... They're more of a "nature gods" type thing without malice, and don't really have much power other than via wierwoods... which Bran may well become a god himself by using... IIRC all that is left of the COF are hole up in a cave system with Bran because of the Others outside...meaning they are pretty much powerless against TGO...
  14. For the show... Next week's preview shows Sam and Pyp looking down at something... Do you think this is them at the Wall looking down, and we'll get an assault on the wall this week? Also, we see Bran and co. at what appears to be the Nightfort... Do you think this is earlier in the episode and Sam is the one scaring them , causing Meera to draw her blade? Or, do you think we'll actually get a Coldhands character and he's the one that comes for them? If the former, do you think if it IS Sam, we'll still get a Coldhands this season or do you think Sam will just show them the way through the wall?
  15. TBQH she has never really had a big role in the books post RW... even before, really... The show did her character up a little... As far as Rickon, he's pretty much an afterthought in the books as well... He hasn't even been mentioned for a couple books really.
  16. I dunno about the god of many faces... Basically he's the god of death while R'hllor - Light, Day, Fire and TGO - Darkness, Night, and Ice... If you'll remember, though, Jaqen H'ghar allowing Arya 3 deaths for the "red god"... But as a Faceless man, you wouldn't think he'd be concerned about repayment to R'hllor... unless the MFG is a servant of the higher gods R'hllor and TGO... Basically doing business with both... Syrio also alludes to the god of death and peoples' ability to go against it, so the MFG might not be such a god at all...
  17. The only gods I've seen evidenced with any power at all are R'hllor and the Great Other, and then the Many Faced God
  18. If it is legit, though... that is one talented mother fuger
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