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Posts posted by falconlynx

  1. 32 minutes ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    I think it was more of "lets not put anything more than we need to on film"   The game was pretty much in hand or at least it felt like it was.  No need to show any more.


    My 2cents

    This is what I think as well. Why show anything you don’t have to against an obviously inferior opponent? 

    We can be validated next week against the Saints.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Manna said:

    I believe Julio’s 300 yard game was when he had an injured Bene, rookie Zach Sanchez, and rookie Daryl Worley covering him. Bradberry who had been doing well that season was out that game. 

    Homerism or not, 89 over everyone else in the history of the NFCS since 02. He played on a run-first team and carried the team until Cam came along. 

    Bradberry was active and got hurt right away, like on the first drive. 

    There is no way Bene covering Julio was in the game plan that week and it showed. 

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