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About falconlynx

  • Birthday 06/10/1987

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  1. Not this year. They definitely would have in 2004 and 2016. Those training camps were buzzing!
  2. His time on camera was very impressive. I knew he was sharp, but I hadn’t ever heard much from him before this. We’ve definitely got some top-10 potential on the defensive side.
  3. Just glad to see he’s wanting to stick with the current uptown location.
  4. Chark sure flashed that game too. But, he was awful otherwise.
  5. As a coach, you can control the situation completely in joint practices. You can’t in preseason games. Fan demand for preseason games is quite low. I don’t envy season ticket holders having to pay for home preseason games.
  6. Raleigh inferiority complex shows up once again.
  7. I noted the same thing when I heard him say that when I watched it. I also have to say this is the first HC I’ve looked forward to watching every presser, and where I actually keep listening to the whole thing. He has an interesting attention to detail while still being able to keep the focus on a larger vision / direction.
  8. Haha well played - definitely hope we’re not saying it about Bryce next year…
  9. Unfortunately for him, he’s just not that good and too small of stature to get past other shortcomings.
  10. That’s fair, especially when talking about Rhule and Tepper. I feel we’re finally in capable hands now, especially with Morgan in charge.
  11. Crazy the rest of y’all can’t see this. Well said.
  12. Looks like we should have made you the GM. You obviously know more than Dan Morgan and everyone who observes practice and talks to the players daily.
  13. The same local sport radio guys who want to get a spark out of their increasingly dwindling audience.
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