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Posts posted by Woodie

  1. 4 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    LOL! It's not like underthrows typically make highlight reels my man. Just go watch a Bama game. They're there. You asked for an example. I googled "Devonta Smith deep" and clicked on the third link on Google because it was under a minute. Then came the whataboutisms.

    Even though I watched several of his games this year, I decided to review his play.  Since I challenged you, it was only fair that I challenge myself as well.  Below is a video of every play Jones made this year...not just the highlights (someone posted it earlier, not sure who).  So far I have looked at every play of his through the first four games, and so far it only reinforced my perspective.  

    Was every pass perfect?  No!  Did he always make the right decision? Certainly not! 

    However, I made a point to look at every one of his deep balls in those games (30+ air yards).  The vast majority were perfectly thrown, either leading the receiver, or thrown where only the receiver had a chance to catch it.  A couple of throws were underthrown, but the ball had zip and got there quick, Jones just didn't put the ball in the best spot.  On only a couple of balls did the receiver have to slow down at all, but even then it was only slightly.  Several were contested and on multiple occasions he was under duress. 

    Some key time stamps you might want to look at (that show him using the arm strength you say he doesn't possess) are 2:36, 7:46, 9:33, and 34:58.  For good measure, look at 27:09 to see a play that disproves your assertion that he cannot throw on the run (even though he doesn't do it very often, it is something he can do).  

    Now, to be fair, here are some time stamps where he didn't throw a perfect deep ball: 10:30, 18:45, and 41:00.  Yes, these were slightly underthrown, but they are clearly imperfect throws and not due to an inability to get the ball there.

    To be clear, my argument is not that he has a powerful arm and the deep ball will be his bread and butter in the NFL.  It's that while not possessing a cannon, he is capable of making deep, accurate NFL throws, and those throws do not flutter or float.  He will not be the liability deep that Bridgewater has been.  I have no argument for anyone that prefers someone with a cannon and/or is more athletic and is more of a threat to run.  

    For the record, I think his bread and butter will be the short to mid range game, but he'll keep defenses honest because he can hit the deep ball.  His style will be similar to the way prime Brees played (not saying he'll be as good as Brees, but that's the style he fits).



    • Beer 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    This is a typical Jones deep ball. Recover is wide open and leaving down the field. Has to slow down and track back inside to get a ball underthrown and missed wide. Only complete because the guy was wide open. 


    Ok, so the one play you can come up with is a pass with 43 air yards where he wasn't able to step into the throw and was underthrown by maybe 1-2 yards causing only a slight adjustment by the WR.  Ok then.  I'll give you that you are technically correct, the receiver did have to slow up...although he didn't have to stop and wait, just make a slight adjustment.

    But where are the others?  Every single QB in the history of the game has had the occasional pass that was underthrown...even those with a cannon have been known to make their receivers slow up from time to time.  But for the truly weak armed QB's, there are multiple examples of them not being able to consistently throw deep accurately.  So where are the multiple of other plays that should be easily found if he truly does have a weak arm.

    Where are the throws that show he just can't get the ball to the receiver deep without making the receiver slow up and wait.  You like to compare him to Bridgewater as an insult to him and a slight to anyone that thinks he can be a decent QB, but Bridgewater couldn't make that throw if his life depended on it.  

  3. 25 minutes ago, mav1234 said:

    I don't want to spend a first round pick on a QB with average arm strength.  His lack of athleticism is also somewhat concerning.   A lot of people bring up Brady, but Brady is otherworldly in other ways...

    Eh, if Rhule thinks he is worth it I'll be happy with him.

    This is an extremely fair take.  There is a lot to like about him, but he's definitely not a sure thing as a franchise QB.  

  4. 1 hour ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    All those times wide open deep receivers have a to slow to a near stop to wait on the ball to get there. I mean, just watch a Bama game. It happens every game.

    Really?  Go find me some examples.  Show a pattern, then I will acknowledge you are right.

    The thing is, I watched most of Alabama's games this year, and no, receivers typically didn't have to wait on the ball.  Jones' ball placement, even on deep balls, was stellar.

  5. 10 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    His arm is average for a P5 D1 QB. It's definitely below average at the NFL level. Don't get triggered, but it's probably on par with Teddy's 

    I love how triggered people pre-emptively warn someone against becoming triggered.

    Go look at whatever video you can get your hands on and show examples of where Jones consistently shows he doesn't have decent arm strength.  I seriously doubt you'll find much (which is why I expect you'll deflect and try to turn this on me). 

    I'll be perfectly honest, I went into this college season thinking Jones was nothing but a game manager.  But the more Alabama games I watched, the more I began to realize that he was much more than I expected.  My advise for you is to not dig your heels in and stubbornly stick yo your preconceived ideas, instead go watch him with some objectivity.  If you do this, I believe you will be surprised that he's more than you expected.


  6. 4 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Stop. His a is absolutely not as strong as Burrow's and "running" also means throwing on the move - something Burrow does very well and Jones doesn't.

    Jones has shown he can throw to wide open elite targets who are head and shoulders better than the opposing defenders behind an elite OL that is also head and shoulders better than the opposing defenders. Good luck replicating that at the NFL level.

    When plays broke down at LSU, Burrow still made positive things happen. If the first read wasn't wide open at Alabama (a true rarity) the play was generally a dud.

    If you think that Burrow's arm strength is absolutely better than Jones', then you clearly didn't watch one or both actually play.  Neither has a cannon, but both can make all of the throws.  Jones has never had a problem making whatever throw was required of him...even on deep balls.

    I find it funny that you try to use that elite target myth to prove your point.  Jones played with one guaranteed first rounder for most of the year (Waddle got injured early), while Burrow was throwing to three likely first round targets, with one that battled for rookie of the year, and the other being talked about as a top five pick.  And both had elite RB that could catch out of the backfield, so that is a wash.

    And while it didn't happen a lot, plays did break down for Jones, and he usually handled those situations very well.  He's not a great athlete, but he is very good moving around in the pocket, and he was able to make some plays with his legs as well on occasion.  And yes, he can throw on the run, but like most QB's he was not as good as when he was able to set his feet.

    So again, you have provided nothing to support the idea that other than his athleticism, there really isn't anything Burrow did better than Jones.

  7. 1 hour ago, mav1234 said:

    Jones doesn't really seem to have great arm strength... he could work in our offense but many of the comments we've heard is a desire to have a QB that can make all the throws...

    His arm strength is actually decent.  he doesn't have a cannon, but it is strong enough to make all of the throws. His deep ball accuracy is among the best, if not THE best, of any QB in this draft.  And while some like to say it was because of the talent and scheme he played with, look at his ball placement on these deep passes.  Very rarely does his receiver have to even slow a step for the ball...it usually gets there fast, and is placed perfectly where the ball drops right in front of them, allowing for YAC. 

    If he was throwing to wide open receivers that had to wait on the ball to get to them, then I would agree that arm strength is an issue.  But that's not the case at all.  His receivers rarely have to wait on the ball, no matter what level he is throwing to.  His balls also don't float, which is why his interception numbers are so low.


    • Pie 1
  8. 5 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    You can't possibly watch Burrow play at LSU in 2019 and try to compare Mac Jones in 2020 to him as an NFL prospect. The stats may match up well, but there's a massive gulf between the two in terms of physical traits.

    Other than his running, What? 

    His arm is every bit as strong as Burrows', he is every bit as accurate as Burrow, he is able to put plenty of zip on the ball when he needs to, he throws with incredible anticipation and his ball placement is outstanding - often hitting his receivers perfectly in stride, allowing them to maximize RAC, he processes information extremely fast, he is able to identify defenses and understands who his hot reads are, he has shown he can manipulate the defense with both his eyes and body movements, he has a quick release, he maneuvers inside the pocket extremely well, and he rarely makes a wrong decision.

    To be honest, his only legitimate negative is his athleticism and running ability.  So, other than that, there's really nothing Burrow has over Jones.   

    Everyone is all enamored with the Patrick Mahomes' of the world, the QB's that are good passers, but also exceptional runners.  But as we just learned this past year, that is not necessary in todays NFL to win a Super Bowl.  A high level pocket QB can still win now, despite the myth that you need a QB that excels in off script playmaking. 

    • Pie 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, MHS831 said:

    Mariota--not a bad thought.  A lot of people trash the qbs that are highly rated, drafted early, and then go to some terrible team.  They become 21-year old saviors for an entire city/state and are often drafted early because the front office sucks.  Having said all that, there is something to be said about a guy who can play with talent around him.  A guy who has sat on the bench for a few years.  A student of the game. 

    When I saw him play one game this year, he was not the same QB he was in Tennessee.  I have a friend on the Raiders team and he loves Mariota.  He says that he thinks Mariota is better than Carr.  Said he is fast, has a good, accurate arm, and the players like him.

    He is 27 and mobile. When he came out, was he as good as Wilson?  Lance?  Fields?  Give him some protection and weapons, and he could surprise some folks.  To me, he is the hidden gem of free agency--the Tanneyhill. 

    Mariota has an 89 career qb rating and 62% completion rate.  I think both increase here once we get the OL together.

    He might be cut--the salary cap figure for him is $11m, so it is possible we could sign him without losing a pick or a trade. 

    WFT loves him, and that is where he is projected to go if anywhere---

    The pick is not getting the QB he has been, but it is picking a skill set that possibly might prosper in this system. 

    Just a thought for those who like draft picks and keeping our best players.

    This is where being a good talent evaluator is so important.  It's easy to see the struggles a player has on the field, but what is tougher is looking past that to the actual reasons for those struggles, and determining if you can either correct or work around them.


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  10. 6 minutes ago, MHS831 said:

    Well, I did not mean Jerry Jonsing it--calling the shots was not really fair--but he if he wants a QB, we getting a QB. That is all--what kind of QB?  Well, Stafford and Watson are different animals, so I do not think he is calling the type.  I agree with your take.

    Oh, I know.  I just used your post to respond in general about the idea that he is looking like a meddling owner.

    Generally speaking again, the truth is that every owner is involved with team decisions to some degree.  The problem is when the owner takes on a lead voice, but doesn't have the expertise to make intelligent and knowledgeable decisions...basically, Jerry Jones.  The thing I like about Tepper, is that he has that aggressiveness and willingness to do whatever it takes to build a Super bowl contender. However, he also seems to recognize his lack of expertise and lets those that are actually qualified make the actual decisions...and when he sees those individuals are not up to the task, he is not shy about moving on from them.  

    • Pie 1
  11. 4 hours ago, MHS831 said:

    All signs point toward Tepper calling the shots.  Hope the QB's athleticism is not also Tepper's decision.

    I don't see it that way.  I think that while he clearly wants an upgrade at QB (and is correct in wanting it), he is letting the professionals do their jobs.  Other than the idea of him being obsessed with getting a franchise QB and willing to pay, I haven't heard one word about him actually being involved with any negotiations or decisions.  Everything seems to be funneling through Rhule and Fitterer.  

    The thing is, he's not saying anything any knucklehead fan doesn't already know...we need a legitimate franchise QB.  I believe he just realizes that we may not have another opportunity like we have this offseason.  You rarely have a young top 5 QB who wants out, and may become available, nor do you typically see this number of high-level QB's in the draft.

    My impression is that he recognizes this at a rare opportunity, and just like he does in his business life, he is ready to take advantage of the situation.  And based on what I know of Rhule, I think he right there with him.

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  12. I think Wanda is being manipulated through her grief to create this "Shangri-La" in order for whomever the bad guy is to steal her power.  I believe Vision beginning to question what is going on is affecting Wanda and making her realize that things don't make sense.  So the bad guy either sends an underling, or goes himself in disguise, as Pietro to regain control of her and re-establish his manipulation.  However, because either the real Pietro is truly dead so couldn't be re-animated, or they could only use the visage of actual townspeople, they had to try and make her believe this Pietro was actually her brother.  (side note, I think it being the X-men's Quicksilver is just a fun wink and nod for the fans, I don't believe he is meant to actually be him)    

    First of all, Pietro works to separate Vision from Wanda, Then, he makes a point of telling her several times that everything happening is her doing, even saying that she handled the ethical considerations of "this scenario" the best she could, that most personalities aren't far from what's underneath.  When she asked if it was wrong, he told her he was impressed.  Then he asked how she did everything. 

    To me, he was definitely reinforcing the illusion that this was all Wanda's doing, but he also wanted something from her.  There is definitely something sinister about him and the reason he showed up.

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  13. I actually think it is Mephisto who is behind everything.  I believe he is doing this to steal Wanda's magic.  The commercial may have laid this out.  It was for a yogurt called Yo-Magic, and the shark says he "snacked on Yo-Magic" which sounds an awful lot like "your magic."  Sounds pretty spot on to me.  However, if it's not him, I suspect that it may be Nightmare, who has the ability to draw power from the psychic energies of the subconscious minds of dreaming beings. 

    The one thing I have no doubt about is that Wanda is not doing this on her own.  

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  14. On 2/1/2021 at 11:51 AM, Brooklyn 3.0 said:

    A big clue is that this ties directly into the Multiverse of Madness film next year. 

    This will actually lead into the next Spiderman movie (which has Dr. Strange in it), then the story line will conclude with Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.

    It's going to be crazy!!

  15. One other point I want to make.  While we all tend to stat-evaluate guys we haven't seen much of, don't get too caught up with that from Lance.  The system at NDSU is more run based.  And the coaches called a lot of designed QB runs.  His running numbers and lack of big passing games was more a reflection of his offense than his ablility to generate big plays in the passing game.  Based on what I have seen from him, if he was put in a high volume passing offense like a lot of these other top QB's, he'd have put up big numbers as well.

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  16. 37 minutes ago, Varking said:

    Fields literally has the same skill set except he can throw better and has done it for longer. He’s also probably going to post a better 40 time than Lance. 

    I watched several of Lance's games on replay over the summer, and he really does have the skillset to be great.  He has a strong arm, is very accurate with excellent ball placement, makes good decisions, and usually makes the correct read.  He's not timid or afraid to make the tough pass, but he also isn't careless.  He plays smart and can make every throw with touch and accuracy.  And this isn't even touching on his running ability. 

    His style as a passer is reminiscent of Rodgers, and he runs with speed and power similar to Cam.  One thing he does very well is when he scrambles, he keeps his eyes downfield.  But, when he makes the decision to run, he puts his head down, and nobody's going tackle him with arm tackles.

    With that said, he's not a sure thing.  As you and others have said, his level of competition is nowhere near what he will see in the NFL.  And he will need to be more careful as a runner. 

    He is so much stronger and faster than most QB's, that he sometimes initiates contact when it would probably be more prudent to go down.  He also tends to throw a little low on some shorter throws (not all the time, but it does need to improve).  Although he is generally good technically, he could stand to tighten things up a bit.  One of the biggest problems he will deal with as a result of his level of competition is simply understanding the complex defenses he will see in the NFL.  He has done well where he is, but it will be a big jump at the next level.  It's why I think he'll be best served going to a team where he can sit and develop for a year, similar to how sitting really helped Mahomes.

    He's also known as a very hard worker who is willing to put the time in, so I feel really confident he'll be able to make the adjustment to the NFL and truly has the potential to be a star.

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  17. 3 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    That was idiotic. I understand why he said it, but it was still idiotic. He said it because supplies were low and they wanted to ensure that what supplies there were could be directed to medical professionals. Still, when you blatantly lie to people you have to understand you're destroying your credibility and public health officials have to maintain their credibility.

    I don't think it was idiotic at all, nor do I think he was lying.  It was simply a matter of prioritizing the greatest need.  Just like an emergency room has to triage cases from a major accident. 

    Sure, it would have been ideal if we could have told the general population to wear masks, but there simply were not enough to do that and also keep the front line workers safe.  At the time, there were limited resources, and getting masks was very difficult because we hadn't ramped up production yet...not to mention that, like toilet paper, there were people hoarding whatever they could get their hands on.  And hospitals had very real concerns that the doctors and nurses were going to run out of masks and other basic protections they desperately needed. 

    So, Fouci was just saying we have to prioritize healthcare workers until we can produce more masks.  And with stay at home orders and many businesses closing or working from home, the need was far greater for those dealing directly with the virus every day.


  18. 36 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Yep, because absolutely no one who works in the school system is in a high risk group. The bottom line is that if a ton of kids get in then it's going to spread BIG TIME. Good luck getting kids to listen to social distancing measures and getting them to diligently wash their hands and not touch their faces. It's not a lack of self control, it's just called being a kid. Those kids are going to give it to their parents, those parents are going to go to work and so on and so on.

    Not to mention the teachers and other school workers that would be at risk...many of which fall within the high risk category.  

    Schools would be devastating breeding ground for this virus if left unchecked.  

  19. 3 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    That was Michael Osterholm director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy. What's scary is that his predictions on the way this thing will play out have been spot on so far. He was pounding the drum back in early January that this was going to become a global pandemic unless we took drastic action immediately. 

    Yep, that must be him.  I think people minimizing it because they are comparing it to the flu don't really understand just how much worse things will likely get.  

    • Pie 1
  20. 36 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    You don't seem to comprehend that we (as in the majority of the world) are in the very beginning stages of this. This party hasn't even started yet.

    I saw an interview with an infectious disease scientist that works for one of the health organizations on the Coronavirus, and he said the same thing.  He said that what's scary is that this is only the beginning.  It will get much worse, and they expect the fatality numbers to be much higher than what we typically see with the flu.  He said the incubation period is at least four days, so people are exposing others while living their normal lives because they think they are completely healthy.  Also said the numbers will take a huge jump once more people get tested.

    One thing that makes me concerned is just how unhealthy the United States is in general.  He also said that obesity, diabetes, heart problems, and generally anyone with any kind of weakened immune system or poor physical health is at much greater risk for death.  So, I fear that we might see a higher mortality rate than many other places, simply because of how unhealthy the average American is.

  21. If Hill, Byrd, Garrett, or someone else wants to make the team over Brown, they are going to have to beat him out.  But it is abundantly clear from everything Rivera has said that KB, Funch, and Ginn are locks, and thus, our #1-3 receivers.  So, that means barring an injury, that Brown is no better than #4 on the depth chart.  And I don't care how much you like Brown, a #4 is not untouchable...but he's also not in danger of losing his spot without someone giving him a good hard push.

    And you can't simply dismiss Hill based on his past drop problem.   Jeremy has said that the team really likes him, so if he does come out showing an improved ability to catch the ball, he'll likely push Brown to #5 since he has physical skills Brown can only dream about. If that were to happen, Brown, Garrett, Bersin, and Byrd would be competing for 1-2 spots, depending on whether they keep 5 or 6 receivers. 

    So, the chances are that Brown does make the team, but it is far from a certainty.  Since the 5th and 6th receivers usually do not dress, the end of the WR core would likely come down to who the team feels has the brighter future.      

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  22. I don't get why so many are infatuated with Hunter Henry.  A receiving TE that is not a particularly good blocker and is not overly tough seems to be a wasted pick for us.  I know everyone has fantasies about two TE's going out and causing havoc for defenses.  The only problem is that's not what would happen.  In our two TE sets, we typically keep one TE in to block while the other (usually Olsen) goes out in a pattern.  And while some still remember having Olsen and Shockey, also remember that their combined stats were about what we are getting from just Olsen now.  So, if we did make Henry a big part of our passing game, it would cut into Olsen's numbers and impact on the team.  And I don't know about you, but I'm not at all interested in limiting what Olsen does for us.  

    Henry just seems to be the type of player that will give us a net value of zero for our 1st round pick.  Maybe if Olsen was getting ready to retire, but from everything I have heard, he still plans to play a few more years.  So there is little urgency to find his replacement now...particularly in such a weak TE draft.  Maybe take someone in the middle rounds to replace Dickson, but not in the 1st.

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