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Everything posted by Match.com

  1. Its garbage time!!!! can they at least let CAP get one snap....
  2. we are not going to have this level of opponent all year so, either we gotta make some changes or we are doomed......
  3. Ok....offense please don't fug this one up....we need a decent drive....and who was the guy who predicted a defensive TD???? I forgot but somebody called it earlier this week.
  4. we get the ball back at the half.....and my girl promise to blow me if we loss. so, my bets are all locked up for this afternoon.
  5. I hope they come out the half looking better than they do now....I think they wanted to show the world we are cool with the receivers we have now.... Fail
  6. well, it seem like the talking heads are right about this team....it should be 21-3 panthers....
  7. these officials can't see poo....he put his hand up for a touchdown....wow...clearly didn't touch the pieline
  8. I'm clapping for philly right now....he caught it with his hands.
  9. I wonder how many Blindside reference we will hear this year.
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