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Posts posted by MCCNASTY

  1. 3 minutes ago, colty77 said:

    Broncos have had national exposure all year and for several years.  They usually get the nationally televised late afternoon game with the #1 CBS crew Nantz and Simms, if they're not playing on Sunday or Monday Night...  they've had numerous Super Bowl appearances and countless playoff runs.  This is new for the Panthers and their fans, the excitement and all.  It's old hat to the Broncos, the coaches and their old QB.

    I'd like to see the Panthers face this game with realistic expectations...   not over-hyping their chances only to be left with their expectations dashed by halftime and spend the second half in a cold sweat panic.



    Actually our expectations are much more realistic then yours. 

    • Pie 4
  2. You have already posted stupid shat about a veteran poster here and a real Panthers fan.  Opinions are welcomed here.  But don't get pissy when your stupid comments are treated like every other halfass troll that shows up with an inflated opinion of themselves. Poor  attempts of passive aggressive wit only expose what people like you are.  Simple, silly, bandwagon, trolls.  So start posting relevant non insulting football discussion or gtfo.  Troll

  3. 6 hours ago, Ralo Fett said:

    lol...no I'm not rahrahcarolina and I'm not looking for any points, just pointing out that there are extreme ignorant fans in every fan base and obviously they have their supporters. I like football and I am a Packer transplant to the Carolinas and I cheer for the Panthers (when not playing the Packers). I just find it sad that people can't enjoy a game of football for what it is, a game. Some people feel the need to attack the fans themselves because of some insecurity issues. I don't mind friendly trash talk but there is a line that too often gets crossed when it becomes hurtful or just disgusting, it's only a game! So please do not put points on the board for me as I do not care. I was just stating the obvious. I am sure the Panther fans appreciate SCP's comments...and good luck on Sunday.

    So you're a troll.  Great.  You will be respected here I'm sure.  Troll.

  4. Ah yes, the offseason is in full swing for the next couple of weeks before the draft.

    But fear not! The huddle has you covered with a new forum to discuss one of the most important football related products... namely... beer.

    This week we opened the first ever Huddle forum dedicated to delicious brew, and it immediately took off. It seems our instincts were right... football fans are a thirsty bunch.

    Microbrews, Macrobrews, local, regional, national... all the brew talk is right here.

    Join the Discussion

    That link keeps taking me to an old smack thread from 2008. Dumbass buc fans.
    • Pie 2
  5. The B12 is in no shape or form superior to the ACC in anything. They're a one trick pony during basketball season and their football conference is as overrated as it gets. I'd be willing to wager that there's more current players in the NFL from the ACC than B12.

    What's really great, is when loser WVU fans start thumping their chests about the B12 conference when they've only been members for like 2 years.

    And not trying to split hairs here but WVU wanted in the ACC badly but they simply don't have what it takes on or off the field to be admitted.

    I'm a WVU fan. Im from WV. Bashing a school and a state you dont have a fugging clue about is embarrassing. I don't know where you're from and don't care. But you need to stop with the ignorant crap you're spewing. Its making you look Alice stupid and I don't think you are like that. Besides I have a rule here that I wouldn't get into it with another Panthers fan. I've already done that so I'm done with this dumbass conversation.
  6. So the best pro is a punter?

    McAfee is a great follow on Twitter BTW.

    He is a great follow. If you want to go throwback Jeff Hostetler was a super bowl champion quarterback. I'm not of a fan of this guy but Adam "pacman" jones has had a troubled but talented career. As far as the ivy league ACC goes, WVU chose the Big 12 over the ACC. The competition and success of the Big 12 colleges exceeds the ACC and Financially it was more profitable. I'm OK with WVU being on par academically with the universities in the big 12. Those established, academically advanced programs accepted WVU with no issue. Besides WVU wanted to compete in a league dominant in Football. That is something the ACC can't match.
  7. Serious question... is there anything you don't consider "trash"?  Seems like 95% of your posts these days involve calling something or multiple things "trash".


    After listening to Kevin White break down coverages and routes during his visits to the studio of NFLN, I'd definitely disagree with you there.  Plus, you can't call a guy with his production a "workout wonder".

    Its because he "thinks" he knows about Kevin White and every other WVU player.  You had to actually watch Mountaineer football to know what Kevin White did.  Or be an informed, objective fan of college football.  Not a ignorance spewing clown. Even ignorant ass Michael Irving didn't know anything about him at the conbine.  Mayock had to tell him the kid was good right before the 40.  Alright, Im done. 

  8. trash pick - I called it when I saw it. Typical Marty draft selection. 


    WVU guys are trash and overrated coming out of college. I'd steer clear of that workout wonder WR they got coming out of this year, too. I  think WVU players have trouble grasping NFL playbooks.


    West Virginia is a joke college and their academic "standards" are the #1 reason why they aren't playing in the ACC. Geographically speaking, it would have been a perfect fit. 

    I usually don't entertain ignorance on the main forum but this post is full of dumb.  How many times have you been to WVU?  How the hell do you know shat about it?  You want to talk ACC academic "standards" then lets bring up ACC sweetheart Tarheels academic "standards".  You "think" WVU players have trouble grasping playbooks!  You "think" because you don't have a fugging clue!  Don't post ignorant dumbshit and not expect to get called out.          

    • Pie 1
  9. or even worse, video, as with Ray Rice


    In a domestic situation if the cops are called then someone is going to jail and getting a misdemeanor regardless. I don't think the cops are allowed to use any leeway.


    Only if there are signs of injury/assault.  If not, its up to the victim to pursue warrants.

  10. It says he was arrested for a misdemeanor. I'm not familiar with anything legal but it just seems that a misdemeanor could be a minor issue. 


    All domestic violence charges in NC are misdemeanors.  If the assault was more severe or included weapons it would be in the felony assault range of charges. 

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