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Posts posted by ThPantherFan

  1. The same reason dudes fall for Hailey Berry.. Even thoe she been married more than a few times...and none of them ended in happily ever after. . The same reason Kim Kardashian is a star and has no talent. .. The same reason thru out history great men have fallen.. power of the P...


    You make a good point.

  2. Again, if a player is not under contract to any team, is he a member of the NFL? How do you suspend a player who isn't a member of any team?


    Seems to me if I'm not under contract to any team, I'm not part of the NFL and therefore, not able to be punished by an organization of which I'm not a member.


    Who really knows how the NFL has players locked down?


  3. On March 10, Greg Hardy will no longer be under contract to anyone in the league. If the league announces a suspension before he signs a contract, how does the league suspend someone who is not technically a player in the league?


    On the other hand, what team is going to enter into any contract negotiations without knowing what the league may/will impose with respect to further discipline?


    Seems to me the league has to make the first move here and I'm not sure how they can suspend or take any other disciplinary action against a player who isn't under contract to anyone and is, for all intents and purposes, not even a part of the league until he signs a contract. 


    I would assume the suspension would be no one could talk to or enter in business with him, relative to NFL, until after the suspension.

  4. People talk about Hardy having paid her off while losing sight that she was the one that "may" have happily cashed the alleged check.

    If she was so gotdamn concerned with what happened to her and wanted to see justice prevail, she would have simply shown up to court, cried her little eyes out, got him convicted of a crime, then used that conviction to easily win a civil suit.

    But she didn't do that because she is a gold digging fame chaser and this was always about one thing.

    Hardy dropped this chick and she wanted a severance package.


    What do you expect from a powder sniffer or what ever the drug relationship was.  I do question that if Hardy new of the drug use, why was she his girl friend?


  5. what is a legal use of stickum?



    hhhmmm probably would be a better question in the lounge.


    No, it belongs in this forum.  If that be the case then all other references to the Pat's cheating would be in the lounge forum.

  6. But could definitely be a stop gap for a year or two while you groom a high draft pick.


    This is very true.  I would have no problem with this approach.  One thing is for certain, we better address this issue one way or another.  This next season could be big.  I hate to say it this way, but if we don't get the left tackle position addressed sufficiently, our season could be in jeopardy.


  7. November 22, 2013,


    I made the decision to propose to the love of my life.  It was both the best day, and the single most important moment of my life.  Fast forward to the Summer of 2014.  We had begun phase 1 of the planning, which included inquiring about caterers, photographers, etc.  And then it struck.  My fiancée got word that her mother was diagnosed with cancer.  That put everything on hold.


    When I was 15, I lost my father to cancer.  I knew all too well the feeling of shock, and denial, when hearing this for the first time.  We consoled each other.  We stayed strong.  Her mother fought, with the entire family by her side.  And…she won!  In fact, we all became winners.  She has been cancer free for several months.  However, the financial hit from paying medical bills has put us in a bind.  We have come up short on funding for our wedding, which is May 30th.


    So, why do we need your help?  My fiancée and I have been selected in the top 10 of a contest to win a LOT of stuff, including chair rentals, photography, and other décor options.  To win this contest, we need to have the most likes on our picture.  I know what happens then the huddle unifies.  If we made the panthers black uni’s the GOAT, could we please help my fiancée and I to be able to have our wedding on May 30th?


    My fiancée, her mother, and I are all HUGE panther’s fans.  We attend a few games a year, but watch EVERY game.  I have been on this board for several years now, posting occasionally, but mainly just lurking.  I love this board, and although we have the most over dramatic fan base in the NFL, I wouldn't want to be a part of another community  I need the huddle's help.  We need your help!





    Please, if you could give us just a few moments of your time by clicking the facebook link below and giving us a like and/or sharing the picture.  It'd mean the world to us to have support from fellow panther fans!  And as the poster says, there will be pie for all!  The winner will be the photo that has the most combined likes/shares, etc.



    I don't do facebook but I hope it works out for you.

    • Pie 1
  8. i would love for us to go into training camp with the OL already set and the starters spend the whole time getting reps together with cam.


    we waste so much time having competition for starting spots on the OL every year (going back into the fox era) and that usually results in the OL taking several weeks into the regular season for them to gel. crap.....last year or two we've still been trying to figure out who the starters are going to be several weeks into the season.


    the interior is set heading into the future and RT might be as well. imo, we don't need to screw around with anything there. just build on what chemistry was there and let them use the experience of this past season as a foundation for the 2015 season. hopefully we add the LT early in the offseason via FA or the draft so we can even let them start getting reps together in mini camps.


    we can't start early enough building that chemistry, imo.


    You are 100% correct.  I too wish we could set on the line and from day 1 give them what they need.  Exposure to the plays is a must.  You always have to move newbies in an out so you can have a fresh set of legs.  I like what you're saying.


  9. I've often wondered if there will be another football league.  We had the AFL and NFL for a good while.  Now it seems like the NFL is about the dollar more so than the sport.  I'd like to see some competition for the NFL.  However, the NFL is so big and rich it would be very difficult for someone to break the door in.  Talk about a monopoly.

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