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  1. Excellent post, Jackie Lee. I watched every second.
  2. I don't bitch and moan. I say my Pease and move on.
  3. You know what that looks like, don't you? Love the pick. Thieland is probably on his last year.
  4. I don't think so. Got to look at what we came in with because of last season.
  5. I caught a long snapper one time. I had a joke to follow but the Scotch made me forget it.
  6. It looks good on paper but we wont know until pads are introduced in training camp. I believe we have an improved line and some key potentials. I'm not ready to place a heavy bet just yet.
  7. A good interview. I loved the 'getting ready to be a head coach'. Thanks for posting it.
  8. Lets hope we keep him. Mr. Scot, do your magic and keep Tepper off the muddling list.
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