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Cary Kollins

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Posts posted by Cary Kollins

  1. If she has been MIA since November, that doesn't exactly lend more credibility to the prosecution's case.


    Certainly it is possible that he paid her to go away, but this case sounds like it was bullshit from the beginning honestly.



    the moment she said her weed "flew out of the window", under oath, you knew she was no good

  2. Not sure if this has been posted yet, but pretty damning analysis that suggests that the Patriots may have been deflating footballs since 2007, the year they were caught for SpyGate.  Read this link, it's worth it.  http://www.sharpfootballanalysis.com/blog/?p=2932







    One can CLEARLY SEE the Patriots, visually, are off the chart. There is no other team even close to being near to their rate of 187 offensive plays (passes+rushes+sacks) per fumble. The league average is 105 plays/fumble. Most teams are within 21 plays of that number.

    I spoke with a data scientist who I know from work on the NFLproject.com website, and sent him the data. He said:

    Based on the assumption that fumbles per play follow a normal distribution, you’d expect to see, according to random fluctuation, the results that the Patriots have gotten over this period, once in 16,233.77 instances”.

    Which in layman’s terms means that this result only being a coincidence, is like winning a raffle where you have a 0.0000616 probability to win. Which in other words, it’s very unlikely that it’s a coincidence.

    I actually went back and researched 5 year periods for the entire NFL over the last 25 years. The Patriots ratio of 187 plays to 1 fumble is the BEST of ANY team in the NFL for ANY 5 year span of time over the last 25 years. Not was it just the best, it wasn’t close:

    1. 2010-2014 Patriots: 187 plays/fumble
    2. 2009-2013 Patriots: 156 plays/fumble
    3. 2006-2010 Colts: 156 plays/fumble
    4. 2005-2009 Colts: 153 plays/fumble
    5. 2007-2011 Patriots: 149 plays/fumble
    6. 2008-2012 Patriots: 148 plays/fumble
    7. 2010-2014 Texans: 140 plays/fumble
    8. 2004-2008 Colts: 139 plays/fumble
    9. 2006-2010 Jets: 135 plays/fumble
    10. 1999-2003 Chiefs: 134 plays/fumble

    There are a few key takeaways. First and foremost, the 187 plays/fumble dwarfs even the rest of the best seasons the last 25 years. Second, the Patriots have been at the top of the NFL since 2007.

    Ironically, as my study yesterday showed, the Patriots performance in wet weather home games mysteriously turned ridiculous starting in 2007. In 2006, they went 0-2. From 2007 onward, they went 14-1.

    The next obvious question becomes, where were the Patriots in this statistic pre-2007? Take a look:



    • Pie 2
  3. In the first article linked, the Tampa Bay writer totally stole the Panther's "be relevant" mantra from last season.


    No, the worst thing you can say about the Bucs is that they are not relevant.

    It's the one thing no team ever wants to hear.

    No one cares. You're not on the radar.

    You don't matter.


    /bucs return to relevance starts sunday against panthers
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