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Cary Kollins

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  1. what news outlet is good on politics in your opinion?
  2. Young will cook with an offensive line and nfl WRs. Fug’em
  3. Giants 2nd is pick 39, so we now have 33 and 39 not terrible. Fug it we rebuild and move on. the lack of compensation just more proof of how terrible fitterer was
  4. Hoo fuggin Ray I don’t care about the price tag you can’t win with a poo line
  5. That tweet is inaccurate, the answer to the proudest moment question was something about working with her husband lol. the concerts remark was after Kay mentioned how the city of Charlotte has a lot going on. still, embarrassing interview on the heels of the worst stretch in franchise history
  6. She said anyone is lucky to be in the same room as Dave Tepper. Jesus fugging Christmas this franchise is doomed unless Morgan is a miracle maker.
  7. https://x.com/mrgo30/status/1762305686430781536?s=46&t=Nvijfbx9NMxjV7ziDd9d2Q
  8. i just texted he looks like how he did smiling and manhandling Josh lol
  9. Breaking: sports talk loud mouth says outlandish stuff in the offseason to get attention
  10. Just another example of how awful Fitterer was.
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