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Posts posted by thefuzz

  1. 5 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Dafuq is it with aging great Packers QBs and this "will he or won't be" bullshit?

    I would've thought that having to go through that bullshit as a young 1st round draft pick waiting in the wings would've ensured that Rodgers wouldn't do that, especially when you have Jordan Love sitting there in the exact same awkward spot he found himself in early on in his career.

    One came from Mississippi...he was likely crazy already, and the 17 Winters in Green Bay did his brain no favors....not to mention the drugs and concussions.

    The other from California, so also likely to be crazy, and gets to spend 15 years in the same place doing the same thing, but with different drugs.

    I'd go completely out of my mind as well.

    • Pie 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

    So it's a minor offense that will result in a fine if it's his first. It sounds worse than it actually is.  Carry on.

    Not so sure.

    Some states have laws where if you are present during a death, while committing a crime, or said death was a result of said crime, you an be prosecuted for much larger offenses.

    Not saying that will happen, but I've seen it before.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Young, stupid, invincible and untouchable...

    You hate to see it.

    Really sad man.  Ruggs, now this?

    Fast cars and young men don't mix.  Throw in women and alcohol...and of weee mayne.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Granted, but they can only find out what's known. I get the impression nobody knew about this until today, not just the NFL.

    The arrest warrant was just issued.

    My hunch, everyone in the top 15 had their PI's calling that DA's office and police dept...bet they have sources in each of the big school cities departments.

    Not saying they knew, but I bet they had heard there was more to the story.

  5. 1 minute ago, TLGPanthersFan said:

    That is a pitiful excuse. The type of offense means nothing. Any offense he runs will he hampered by him. 
    He is a bad QB. B.A.D. 
    But you Darnold stans still think he is good for some damn reason. 
    Also, Tannehill sucks. 

    Apparently you don't understand what the word excuse means. 

    Nor do you have good reading comprehension. 

    I certainly don't know what a stan is, and am fine with that.

    Tannehill does not suck, he's better than any QB we've fielded in about 8 seasons.


    • Pie 2
  6. 1 minute ago, TLGPanthersFan said:

    We all know Darnold is only good for 4ish games before he regresses, happened last year as well as 2021. A suitable backup but I think he would make a terrible bridge QB. He can’t play all 17 games. He just can’t. Bad Darnold will come out. 
    If Reich wants to try to make the playoffs in 2023 Darnold can’t be a bridge.  At the most a backup to the rookie, who will be the backup to the actual bridge QB. 
    Yeah, I’d rather the rookie, or Corral, play than Sam Darnold if the Bridge got hurt. 

    We know he regresses when he doesn't have a creative play caller or a decently designed offense...like most QB's out there in that situation.

    What we don't know yet, is how he would fare under a well designed offense with creative caller.

    Not saying that he can, but I'm not going to blame him getting figured out solely on him.

    • Pie 2
  7. I'll trust this staff.  If we sit patiently and take a QB, I'm fine with Sam here pencilled in as the starter at a decent price.

    I'm not off the Carr wagon if he's willing to sign either short term, or middle of the pack starter money, if not, see ya.

    Sam, Corral, Levis/AR in the room with Caldwell, Reich, Brown and McCown would be fine.  Not ideal, but we are building, not built.

    I actually like Sam a lot, he's been through hell as an NFL player, and just keeps saying and doing the right things.  Would love to see him put it together ala Tannehill, but that's a TALL ask.

  8. On 2/25/2023 at 1:24 PM, stbugs said:

    Nope. This is Love’s fourth year now. Aaron Rodgers, like Tom Brady is a unicorn in terms of a legit QB star who took years to become a starter. Just like I don’t believe Purdy is the next Brady.

    We are all familiar with coach speak and many people thought Love was over drafted back in 2020. If the Packers got pick 4, I think they go QB. Honestly, the drop off of non-QBs is huge from 3 to 4.

    Agreed.  If they get to 4, the smart thing is to draft a QB.  Sit him for a year and let Love start.  If Love goes nuts, you have him for year 5 and the tag, year 5 to solidify his playing ability, or cut him after year 4 and let the rook take over for the next 4 years.

    The Packers are one of the very few teams who REALLY plan for their next QB.  Smart, as it's the most important ingredient to baking this cake.

  9. 1 hour ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Young is one of those prospects that can get you fired a couple of different ways.

    You draft him only to watch him get injured, you're fired.

    You pass on him only to watch him go somewhere else and turn into a star, you're fired.

    I don't envy the personnel guys.

    IMO, you need to treat him the same way that you would treat most "injury likely" QB's.  Treat him like Lamar, Vick (mis treated), RG III, etc....hell, even Cam.

    Get a good vet backup that can get you through 4-6 games per year, build the team specifically to that QB's strengths, plan on getting 5 years out of your 1st round selection, maybe 6 with a tag, and move on.

    I'm coming around to the fact that getting a 10 year starter in the NFL these days is a total and complete crap shoot.  May be smarter to go for the 4-5 year player, and start over again....if they turn into a 10 year starter like Allen, maybe you continue on with him.

    That's how I'd handle Young.

  10. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    It all goes back to not being able to revert to instinct read and react. He's constantly trying to consciously think his way through things and that just happens too slowly to work in the NFL. When Darnold looks good is when either his first read is open or he gets immediate pressure and has to go to his check down immediately. When he has to come off of his first read and start trying to go through his progression... uh oh. He stays on his first read too long and by then it's basically panic time.



    Yup, agreed.  If it's a rapid fire decision, pre determined prior to the ball coming out....he's fine.  Need a 5 or a 7 step drop, and to get to your 2nd or 3rd option after the first slips or is being covered well.....In steps the Sam we all know and love.

    • Pie 1
  11. On 2/26/2023 at 8:35 AM, MHS831 said:

    Some of you act as if some young person is even in a position to consider the logical, long-term implications of playing football---you gotta look at the big picture.

    1. Since Pee Wees, you have been elite--the talk of the town.  It becomes your identity.  Fans, girls, news articles, etc.  It is addictive.

    2. People are drawn to things they do well--the feed off the rush of being really good at something.  You don't work that hard for that long and simply walk away from it.

    4. You do not compare yourself to others--you really think you are elite.  The elevator goes both ways--as you rise, you eliminate people along the way (competition).  You don't think about the day you reach the point when you are not able to eliminate people because they are as good or better than you--you have never had that experience before.  Eventually, all athletes die young.  You do not think about that day.  Like death, you know it is going to happen to you, but you do not think it is going to happen to you today.  The arrogance of youth, the blindness of the moment. In your mind, you are invincible, immortal.  It is the mindset of a gladiator, as someone else pointed out.

    3.  When I was being recruited by colleges, I had academic offers to go to college without having to play football.  I remember telling my father (who played at South Carolina and in the CFL) "I don't want to turn 40 one day, look back, and regret not playing when I had the tools."  (I did not think about turning 40, looking back and thinking, "Boy, that was dumb!")

    Funny, I used to think my life was football.  Now I realize that it didn't start-couldn't start-until football was over.  Life is so ironic.

    Played football from 6 or so through high school.  Played at a program that wins a LOT of NC titles...weightlifting class was mandatory if you were on the football team.  You were the talk of the town, and everyone knows your name.  The two a days don't seem as bad because all your buddies are out there with you going through it together.

    Then the pain comes.  It starts hurting to play football, instead of it being fun.  Saturdays were hard to get off the couch....Dr. visits, surgeries, pins and casts start popping up.  Pain pills....and this is a 15 year old kid here...

    Week long football camps during the Summers at different D1 colleges...concussions.  Lots of them, probably more than 10 or so that I can recall.

    I really really hope my son isn't interested.  Looking back, I wish I had never picked up that football.

  12. 19 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I think some don't have pressure well. Then some just can't go into read and react mode. Then you have the Same Darnolds of the world where both are true. Oh wee mayne.

    His "instincts" look off, because he doesn't have quarterbacking instincts....he didn't play enough.

    What I see is a guy who knows what he's looking at, or at least has a good idea of what he's looking at, but if the play isn't executed precisely, and isn't defended as he assumed it would....he's not real good after that.

    I think that as athletes, it's good to play multiple sports...but as a starting college or NFL QB?  Probably best to dial that in solely for a few years leading into D1 if you are that good.  Just a position that coaches have made very tough to succeed at.

    • Pie 2
  13. 19 minutes ago, La Pantera said:

    If those are his measurements, he will slide in the draft. And rightfully so.

    The teams already know he's small, the "sliding" in the draft has likely already happened.  Meaning, he's likely higher on Mel's board than teams' boards.

    We shall see though.

  14. 18 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Are we getting into the old "just win one Super Bowl and I'm good for the next 20 years" debate again?

    Seems like it.

    Personally, I'd just prefer to try to be the Packers, Steelers, Ravens, etc....learn how to win consistently and take your shots when you get close.

    Just frustrating.

  15. 1 hour ago, OldhamA said:

    I was going to say - isn't the aim of the game to win the SuperBowl?

    1st goal.  Win the division.

    2nd goal.  Host a home playoff game.

    3rd goal.  Win game.

    4th goal.  Host second home playoff game.

    5th goal.  Go to Super Bowl.

    6th goal.  Win the Lombardi.


    You have to get to goal 1 to have a decent shot at goal 3, 4 or 5.  The idea is to keep getting chances to catch fire and get healthy at the same time.  I'm All In on winning an Owl, but I'm more interested in consistency and controlling our division so we can get more shots.

  16. No, but the same can be said currently for a 4/3.

    We will need a nose, and a 5 tech, as well as another pass rusher.

    YGM may be able to play, but he's not shown enough yet to be a starter.  Smith, if he can play, could be that guy, or he may be able to hold the middle.  Not sure if he's good, or just a good athlete yet.

    Need one more safety, and some depth for the line.  Burns could absolutely eat in a 3/4.

  17. 21 hours ago, Luciu5 said:

    Carr is fine. Top half of the league guy currently. We will win games with Carr. That will be fun to watch winning football. He'll never get us to the super bowl. We will pick 18-28 every year. We won't have any hope of a franchise QB until after he moves on or retires. Panthers will continue to be a media afterthought.

    Ya gotta get to the dance...that's all that matters.  I'm ready for a QB that consistently get to the playoffs, period, end of story.  Carr does that.

    One player does not a Super Bowl team make, even the very best of the very best only get a shot or two at the Owl...we need to take more shots.

    If you want to go trade for Mahommes, Herbert, Allen or Burrow...I'm all in.  Trade it all.

    Moving up in the draft to take Stroud, sitting at 9 and grabbing AR....doesn't guarantee you anything other than a 1st round QB on your roster.  Which is great...but that doesn't mean he's good, or will consistently get you to the playoffs....or beyond...but adding Carr does.

    We need to win, and soon.

  18. 3 hours ago, Luciu5 said:

    I'd say the "I'm BACK" Cam could be on that list.

    Some of these guys were great QB's, namely Rivers and Ryans. They were just past their time. Rivers wasn't even bad in Indy, he was just looking for one more shot at a title before retiring. But, that list is all retreads who were busts, middling, or past their time.

    Which looks a lot like our options at FA QB's this year. Lamar Jackson is the ONLY possible QB and he will cost 2 firsts AND a giant contract. I'd rather we trade up for a rookie at that point.

    Why pickup someone who you know is going to fail to win you a Super Bowl. I'd rather have a chance than no chance. Drafting a rookie is possible to get a franchise guy. What is available for FA or trade this year, you will be hard pressed to find a franchise QB that route.

    Carr strikes me as Rivers, but 9 years younger.

    Been successful despite the franchises that drafted them.  Tough, love football, never throw teammates under the bus, etc....just good guys who play football.

    I'd love to get Carr and pair him with Corral and a rook.  Dreams.

    • Pie 2
    • Beer 1
  19. 1 hour ago, SmokinwithWilly said:

    It would also depend on if we plan on keeping Erving or not as a backup tackle. As we've seen across the league though, having a tackle that can step in and play at a high level is a bit of a luxury but a necessity to an extent. I'm sure the Chiefs would have loved to have someone else, anyone else, playing against Tampa in the SB. Dallas plugged in Tyler Smith. I would prefer to address our QB situation if possible, or get QJ, or even trade down a few spots if we can add a 2nd and 3rd and still get the best fit for what we need. 

    Oh yea.

    At 9, I'd want a QB first....after followed by whichever....OLB/pass rush, WR, or trade back some.

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