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Posts posted by CashNewton22

  1. 8 hours ago, Carl Spackler said:

    I think people laugh at it, because it's rooted in blind optimism and denial of reality.

    The only people who are denying reality are the ones who were expecting us to be a top playoff team. As the op alluded to most people realistically believed our ceiling to be at MOST 9 wins and I still think we scrape out 7/8 *if CMC remains healthy*. The reality is we’ve drastically gotten much younger and much faster as a whole. Our defense is wayyyy better and if we had a competent oline/qb they’d look even better because they aren’t gassed. The giants game was a let down and I was sitting in BOA during the eagles takeover….I’m not some noob fan. I’m just not going to be all doom and gloom and gloss over the fact that we’ve drastically improved our talent on this team. We’re 1.5 years into a rebuild and y’all are losing your minds that we’re not looking like a playoff team yet. Our very own owner told us it was going to take time. Some of y’all need to take a step back and look at the big picture. And even more need a hobby. 

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  2. 15 minutes ago, cardiackat88. said:

    This sounds EXACTLY like you are talking about last season with Bridgewater. Its just the same poo on repeat.

    So we bottom out like the Eagles and just don’t try and lose even more fans? I was at the Eagles game it was damn near a home game for them. We’ve got to at least try to win I’ll never want to root for a team that actively tanks.

  3. 29 minutes ago, BurnNChinn said:

    But why win, hell might as well take CMC out for another year and trade him?

    That’s loser talk we’re a competent qb and solid off-season away from being a playoff team you don’t trade your best player just because. If you want to limit his reps a lot more (which we should do regardless) and let Chuba get more run cool but I’m of the opinion that *next* year is the year we should be a playoff team. Rhule inherited a disaster of a roster and he’s significantly improved it I just think Jerry Jones was right when he said when you hire a college coach  “You pay a price for somebody to get up to date.”

  4. We’re not losing the rest of our games guys we were a DRASTICALLY different team with CMC and when he returns he’ll win us a few games alone. Darnold will suck the remainder of the season of course but we’ll win a few for sure.

    I know I’m in the minority but I wouldn’t be shocked if we actually look competitive in most of our games going forward. The return of Shaq and Burris, Gilmore and CMC…come on guys we’re not as terrible as we played at the Giants. Any one who’s played at a competitive/high level of sports knows sometimes you just get a dud of a performance from your team. You can prepare all week be sharp in practice but when you get out on the court/field the team just doesn’t jive. When you’ve heard all week how much you suck and how terrible you are I have to believe a locker room of guys like Burns Chinn Reddick Moore Robby(yes Robby!) Donte Jackson etc are going to respond in a pissed off manner. Now Darnold/the oline suuuuck and will lose us games for sure…but I think we’re getting a little carried away with the not winning anymore games thing.

  5. Thanks Doc great post. Tepper has stated *multiple* times this is going to be a several year rebuild. We got spoiled by the potential of what we *can* be versus what we truly are. It’s obvious now Sam isn’t a franchise qb and it is what it is. We’ve shown the aggressiveness to go get players with a ton of cap space…I’m willing to trust Rhule and Fitt this off-season to make the correct fixes.

    We were really far away with the roster Rivera left. While there have been questionable calls Rhule is a solid coach. He’s still learning the NFL hence the 7 year contract. Y’all are absolutely crap posting and losing your minds over a team that realistically wasn’t a playoff team from the jump. Let the process play out and enjoy the growth. Look at Buffalo…we’re building much like they did and now they’re one of the NFL’s best teams. We’ve got a smart well connected front office, a progressive deep pocketed owner…we’re going to figure it out. Step away from the ledge and maybe quit the huddle for a few days. Gain perspective y’all and view this as a building year. Hell if CMC plays the last 2 games I believe we win and are 5-1 but those are the breaks! Relax y’all!!

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  6. 1 hour ago, CPcavedweller said:

    Well, rhey called Gruden a racist for disagreeing with kneeling during the National Anthem. As the dude on ESPN said (former player), "I don't think Gruden was a racist. It doesn't seem like he liked anyone very much."

    So this is more about Grudens disdain of people in general than any specific characteristic of an intersectional class of people. He just happens to be white so anything said negatively about any minority is taken as if it has racial bias involved when in reality he treated everyone the same regardless of skin color.

    They also called him a homophobe for calling out Jeff Fisher for drafting Michael Sam because of the public perception of Sam being the first openly gay player. Yet Sam fizzled out in quick order so Grudens judgment on Sam's talent as it relates to the NFL was actually spot on.

    With the Raiders, he has the NFL first openly game starter and he has developed into one of of NFL best pass rushers. But neither the end to the Sam saga or his signing of this defensive end matter because they don't fit the context within which the story is being pushed. 

    I could write the same type of article as the New York Times explaining why Gruden is not a homophobe using the logic above and it would be far more relevant contextually to the end result than anything they wrote, but people don't care. 

    Gruden was removed from the Bucs Ring of Honor while OJ Simpson remains on the Bills, I believe. There is a boatload of hypocrisy going on right now and I'm not the least bit surprised. Did Gruden say nasty things using outdated terms with negative connotations that now make people shudder? Absolutely. Should he have been punished? Yes. Should he have been fired? No.

    If Greg Hardy and OJ Simpson get a pass for their transgressions, how can Gruden be dumped as if he literally murdered someone? He was dropped from everything faster than than Pats dropped Aaron Hernandez. This isn't about the truth. It's about building a narrative to fit the end goal. 

    I'm all for personal accountability for things people say and do, but I feel as not enough critical thinking over the context is done here. People have trigger words now that automatically label a person and make them a pariah without further explanation or exploration. 

    Gruden should have likely been suspended, but none of this happened while an employee of an NFL franchise. The punishment does not fit the crime. I see people on TV feigning anger but deep down you can see the effort to present their emotions through words but their physical reaction does not line up with their words which suggests to me they don't believe what they themselves are saying; and who is driving this story?

    Nah man if you’re Carl Nassib or a minority player who feels your coach views you as lesser then you’ll absolutely *never* play hard for them. It’s easy to dismiss this as some fumbling words of an angry man a few years back, but if those fumbling words are racist, sexist and homophobic then I tune that person out as well as plenty of others. When you’re not affected by those words it’s easy to dismiss them but when you are in one of those categories it’s really not. I respect your point of view but I disagree with it. 

    • Pie 5
  7. It just seems like Jerry was content with being a decent winner and making money and if the Super Bowl happens hey great but as long as we’re not an embarrassment and making money the Panthers are ok. 

    Compare that with Dave Tepper who has let it be known he doesn’t want to just win a Super Bowl….he wants MULTIPLE Super Bowls. That’s how you end up with creative, aggressive outside the box hires like Matt Rhule and Scott Fitterer.

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  8. 27 minutes ago, onmyown said:

    Did we even adjust at all in halftime? Or did we even plan on Dallas adjusting? I know sure as hell Dallas did. Seemed like Dallas switched up everything while we continued to line up and do more of the same.

    I’m not sure what the coaches expected doing that.

    Yeah bro one of the weaknesses of this staff is how bad we are after the 2nd half initially. I’ve got to think a lot of that has to do with the college-pro gap and won’t be so bad as our staff gets more experience.

  9. About on balance as to who I thought we were before the season started. We’re going to be a tough team to beat and I’d venture to say we split those 8 games we lost by a score so 8/9 wins with the possibility of overachieving to playoffs is where my mind has been and will remain. Our o-line and loss of Horn will truly hurt us down the stretch imo…

    And Mike Tomlin…PLEASE call Cameron Jerell Newton! Ben is absolutely cooked and done. He’s not the Cam he once was but this team has a chance with him at QB….but absolutely landing a top 5 pick with Big Ben. But maybe that’s what they want.

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  10. 7 hours ago, Tommy Jone said:

    Right, and I hate to say it, but he may be a little more "weak" mentally in that regard...

    That’s an unfair assumption to make. It’s a heck of a lot easier to say no to friends and family when you’re playing your ball multiple states away it’s waaayyyt harder to say no when you’re playing ball in your backyard a mere hour or two away. You have no idea what he’s gone through to call that man weak. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, MasterAwesome said:

    The WR (Berrios) has the build of a small child by NFL standards but then again, Royce Freeman got destroyed by Roby who is of a similar build, so that really is pretty impressive.

    I met Braxton in Miami randomly at E11even and he’s mayyybbee 5’10. Still a super impressive play by Hasson

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