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Everything posted by CarolinaCoolin

  1. Definitely not the first shots fired. You came into the thread shitting out of your mouth. But keep trying to validate yourself to people who couldn't care less
  2. We were having an argument about a console game before you made it into a PC owns everything anything on console is broken garbage argument which you always do. Aka assing up a thread
  3. We were having a discussion about halo with differencing opinions before you assed up the thread like you always do. You are projecting so hard right it's quite funny
  4. Most of the times you get butt hurt when PC isn't mentioned at all. We can have great conversations about console games until you come and ass up a thread always thrusting PC into the conversation. That's why you pretending console gamers think of it like a golden calf is crazy
  5. It's not a PC vs console thing for me. I could care less. But most PC gamers get super rage boners when you enjoy playing a console game
  6. No it's funny that pong is actual gameplay but every single console game ever made is a broken piece of trash to you.
  7. That's like me saying 30 and 40 year old fugs are just crying because videos aren't pong anymore and they don't understand it. Neither of which is true and both are ignorant to say.
  8. You realize in cod there is regular and hardcore matchmaking settings right? Also halo added the hardcore playlist to matchmaking which was all MLG settings maps and game types because it was that good. So you didn't play it that much
  9. Insecurities about what? I play both PC and console. Neither super competitively anymore so I could care less.
  10. PC gamers must have some serious confidence issues that they feel the need to constantly validate themselves every time a conversation isn't about them
  11. Nah PC gamers are hyper sensitive assholes. And just personal offense when no cares about how they play video games so they feel the need to force every conversation about gaming to make it why PC is just soooo much better. No one fuging cares
  12. How do you figure? Most of the original settings were for the casual experience. It's no different than playing cod on hardcore rather than regular. Regular is for causal noobs hardcore takes skill. It's the same thing.
  13. Wouldn't expect anything different out of you. You PC gamers are the wine and cheese snobs of the gaming world.
  14. Stopped reading after your first sentence because that told me you have no clue what you're talking about. You claimed to know about the MLG settings and have played them then you'd know vehicles weren't apart of the game and the MLG didn't use maps big enough for them to be used for that reason. Second MLG made the spawning better not worst. Thirdly it was impossible to double double shot because you needed a full clip to double so you could only do it once in a fire fight. So like I said, br has always been a 4 head shot kill or bxr close range(which took skill to pull off) Fourthly in MLG you were automatically dq'd for using any map jumping glitches so that took that out of the game. Leading me to undoubtedly know that you know nothing about the MLG or competitive halo and were only playing the game causally. So you have no legs to stand on when talking about this game because you actually haven't fully experienced it. I still play cs and it is/was no where near h2 and neither was hl2. You putting cod as a competitive fps at all is beyond laughable. That games whole premise is built on fast spawns and randomness which requires no skill. So that also confirms you don't really know what an actual fps looks like. It's just getting sad man
  15. The more you post the more I get the sense you have no clue what you are talking about at all. That's all I can really say because everything you've posted in this thread has been wrong. Like painfully wrong.
  16. Lol yeah from your posts you have no idea what MLG is at all. And for that matter you don't know what a actual competitive fps looks like.
  17. lol you have no clue about MLG from what you just described. And I could 4 shot you dead before you'd kill me with the plasma pistol. From what you are saying I can tell you weren't that good at the game at all and didn't play much
  18. In MLG settings you started out with the BR which was the h2 equivalent of the ce pistol. So that point is moot. Further adding to the conclusion you were a casual player and didn't even experience the game like me and dex did because of that fact.
  19. I haven't even bought a x1 yet I'm still using my 360 but that's mainly for Netflix. I usually just play wow Starcraft and dota now.
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