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Posts posted by mbarbour21

  1. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get extremely upset with the news; not only for our team, but also for KB himself. My whole mood literally, completely changed. However, I'm a firm believer that a #1 receiver isn't needed. It was a great luxury and I had us pegged for 10+ wins without a doubt. I'm not as confident now, but I do believe we can still win it all.......although it just got a lot harder.

    • Pie 1
  2. Yeeeeeah, I guess I was more referring more to the part about the 2x Super Bowl thing.  But yes you're right, he had a terrible first half to that game.  And since you brought it up, here's a much more relevant stat that makes Russell Wilson who he is and what separates him from "Alex Smith".  During OVERTIME in the PLAYOFFS of THAT GAME,  he was 3/3, 80 yards 1 TD and won it for his team.  Defense never even got off the bench.  Lynch rushed twice for 8 total yards.



    That's easy. During the game, vs a gimpy Aaron Rodgers, Russel threw 4 picks and they were still able to get to overtime. I mean, do you honestly believe if Cam threw four Ints we would even be in a position to take it into overtime?

    Also, regarding Luck's contract. Russel isn't required to do what Luck is. While most agree that Luck getting  25 mil+ is ridiculous, simply because that's just an insane amount to pay anyone for one year. Most do believe he deserves more than Russel. If Russel gets 25mil, IMO, it wouldn't be at all surprising if Luck tried for more. 


  3. If Wilson means what he says, then good for him and I'm praying God helps them do what they've promised Him. 

    If he's lying, the I hope God publically exposes his guilt to humble him.

    This isnt a promise someone makes for publicity. It's a commitment that I learned first hand God takes very seriously. 

    I know none of that will make me popular. But if Wilson wants to put Christ's name out there on such a huge stage, he needs to understand that Christ will hold him accountable to his commitment.

    Being popular is overrated......lol!

    • Pie 2
  4. Well as a Christian I most definitely prayed and fasted for who I was going to marry. She was my best friend that was a girl, and I met her at church camp. I never saw her that way until she was 17. Anyway, I don't personally know Ciara or her beliefs. But I'm sure God wouldn't tell you to be with someone who didn't share your beliefs, as the Bible says to not be unequally yoked. But what do I know about his private life? He could be legit. 

    • Pie 1
  5. I could see Bersin getting the nod over Cotchery. First of all, like mentioned before, they are similiar players. Also, Funch doesn't seem to need much help. Ricky gave him very high praise in a recent article for being very smart, and having the ability to pick up things quickly. Honestly, I didn't think Bersin was going to make it. I thought Boykin would push him out because of his special teams ability. However, from what I have heard on here, Boykin hasn't impressed. 

  6. Truthfully, this news is awesome!!! I didn't really think they would let Cam walk but most people are crazy if they say there wasn't a chance. Honestly, I think Cam agreeing to sign early had a little bit to do with seeing Gett's focus on offense. If we didn't do something to sure it up, I'm not convinced Cam signs now. I don't doubt that Gman and co. waited til after OTAs, but I don't believe Cam would have been on board without offensive improvements. IMO. 

  7. ​That's not really how it works. Funchess will line up in the slot regardless of whoever could go outside. He plays all the wideout positions and will be moved around based on the package. Philly showed last year he is capable of playing the Z receiver spot and the slot, so I see him and Funch moving around a lot. It's not as simple as "WR1 and WR2 are outside and WR3 is in the slot."


  8. it won't be one reason.


    in no particular order and imo,

    • cam being healthier and more mature (more savvy)
    • OL not sucking and buying him some time and room
    • increased no huddle
    • addition of the funch, KB with one year under his belt, return of ginn, better idea of what corey brown can do for you.
    • cam getting to work with his receivers more than last year.
    • RBs healthy and more able to do something becase of increased OL play
    • defense not taking a step backward
    • STs not being a liability
    • riverboat ron doesn't make his annual reverting to paddleboat ron

    there's probably more, but that probably about covers it. everything going well helps cam out and makes him look better. if things don't go well for the team, its somehow going to be seen as cam's fault.

    BING and freakin O!!!

    Its gonna come down to how well the team fairs. As an individual award, it is also reliant on team success. 

  9.    Well, I think he played pretty well for an injured player. I also believe he has had MVP caliber seasons (just without wins) even though he hasn't had a great supporting cast. I think a competent o-line will help as well as weapons, but I think the only way he gets MVP recognition is if the team produces wins. He could have the same stat line with a 7-8-1 team as he does with a 13-3 team but he wouldn't receive recognition with the 7-8-1 team because the wins wouldn't be there. No matter how valuable he is (and has been) to the team, he won't win MVP until the team wins. For an individual award it requires team success......that's just how it is. So, none of the above.

    My answer: Wins

  10. Totally agree with everything you said. We really came close to losing to the Cardinals in the playoffs mainly because we had horrible special teams play (coverage/blocking/returning), and lacked playmakers/protection on the offensive side of the ball.

    Todman, Ginn, and Boykin all have special teams ability while also having the ability to contribute on offense.

    We added Funchess and Williams through the draft to help the offense as well.

    Other guys brought in to bolster STs:

    Coleman, Teddy Williams, Trusnik, and Mayo.

    Plus, we got another special teams coach, and the offseason isn't even over yet. I imagine anything can happen to the roster once other teams start trimming down. Sometimes you just have to let talent go. We have def upgraded.

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