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Everything posted by Jangler

  1. Gotta a friend who is a KC fan... He is talking this win up big time. I keep reminding him . . . it's Houston and Hoyer. Not Carolina and Cam. 4th int.
  2. They do need to stop saying he beat cancer. Nobody really beats cancer, you just hope it doesn't come back.
  3. I must have been having a small stroke, cuz what I posted made sense at the time.
  4. Have people made a bigger deal about 10 game a win over a 14 game win streak?
  5. WIlson had a great December no doubt. But Cam had a great 2015.
  6. Uh yeah.. so? We are not and it still doesn't matter. There is nothing wrong with a 15-1 season. 85 Bears were 15-1, imo not a coincidence
  7. They talk about that loss like that was the real panther team.
  8. Old dude said, the Panthers are looking like the team that went 14-0...he said it like we went into hibernation. Okay maybe a week.
  9. Damn old dude! How can the Panthers have the ball 29 minutes and the Bucs 7? Time to retire.
  10. Maybe the Panthers are going to be "that" team for him.
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