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Mr. Scot

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About Mr. Scot

  • Birthday 03/23/1967


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  1. Wouldn't surprise me to see Bryce become a football media personality.
  2. Carey Hart, yeah. Everybody thought he was great (called him "Sensei" out of respect). Only reason he didn't finish was an injury. Kayla Nicole (Kelce's ex) was the only female to survive. The only male was Brody Jenner (Bruce/Caitlin's son, who actually had a lot to say about his dad). Kudos to Brody. In three seasons of this show, he's the only male to finish selection, and that included several pro athletes (Danny Amendola was on last year). All the other winners to date have been female, including at least one Bachelorette.
  3. DS staff told Cam he'd done an amazing job. They heavily respected him, even called him a "frontrunner" to finish the whole thing. He just blinked a little too soon. Golden Tate failed for the opposite reason. He was ready to let Kayla Nicole die (figuratively) rather than give up (yikes ) One funny moment that'll likely end up on social media: The interrogators forced everyone to strip down in a really cold environment. Newton, underneath his military clothes, was wearing some wild looking, very colorful boxer briefs Side Note: Pro surfer Alana Blanchard was apparently wearing a pretty skimpy thong under hers because they had to censor her backside.
  4. ...made it to the very end but failed the final challenge by giving up too soon. Hated to see it. He got reeeeeally close.
  5. I know for some guys, the whole "convincing the unwilling" thing is a big fetish. That seems to have been what drove Deshaun Watson. Maybe that's Tucker's thing too. I certainly don't have any experience with "professionals" but I'd imagine one of them could play out this same fantasy. But then I guess the flipside would be some guys don't want it to be "pretend" because they get off on the power trip. Athletes who've been catered to and never suffered consequences their whole lives could easily fit a profile like that.
  6. There are some McMillan fans onboard. I don't have an issue with it but you've gotta look at the overall offseason (free agency, trades, etc)
  7. Depends on whether all parties are okay with it. This kinda situation happens when one is them isn't.
  8. Yeah, and some of these ladies are trying to grow their business and build up a client base. Having a celebrity client would normally be a boost... ...up until you get an a--holes
  9. Here's a guy who's had a good practice week... Don't know what round he's projected to but he does look kinda intriguing (may be more practical as a complement to Derrick Brown but either way...)
  10. Antonio Brown chimes in... Granted that AB is bonkers but he's actually fairly funny on Twitter.
  11. Would celebrities agree to it, though? Obviously the simplest solution would be for these guys to just not be a--holes, but...
  12. Sound familiar? Different guy. No word yet on what David Tepper plans to offer in trade terms
  13. The New Orleans Saints, ladies and gentlemen Russini did add this:
  14. DeAngelo Hall out per Mike Kaye and Joe Person... I kinda liked having him on staff.
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