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Mr. Scot

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About Mr. Scot

  • Birthday 03/23/1967


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  1. Wouldn't say I'm back. Honestly, the board is kind of difficult to read right now. Cataracts have gotten pretty bad but they can't do surgery on them until they get some swelling down in my eyes. Hoping to have it in the next few months sometime. In the meantime, just attribute any errors I make to my voice to text
  2. Inside the League "Adam Maxie (formerly with Raiders) has been hired as a pro scout" For those who go back far enough to remember Brett Maxie, this is his son. The tweet also mentions that Scot McCloughlan's son Caleb is still working as a Panthers scout but has changed areas.
  3. How Dave Canales started the task of turning around the Panthers Enjoy
  4. https://x.com/InsideTheLeague/status/1796267313064460691?t=dpQxWty0VdWseB8abMhCqg&s=19 (link not embedding, have tried all usual tricks but...) Of interest (to me, at least) because Dom Anile which one of the guys who helps the original Panthers get off the ground. Doubt there's anybody left now who would still recognize that, though.
  5. Hi folks. Neil Stratton is always a great source for this kind of news.
  6. Thought this was going to be about Brandon Graham saying "Dallas sucks" from the podium. (Lady Cowboy Fan is still stewing over that one) This works too, though.
  7. Just leaving this here...
  8. For those watching the Draft, yes Lady Cowboy Fan did hear Eagles DL Brandon Graham say "Dallas sucks" and she's ready to jump off the couch and go through the TV
  9. Hey, everyone As many of you may know, I've been dealing with a lot of health issues for the last few months. Mostly heart and lung related stuff, but also eye issues (will have to have cataract surgery sometime soon) so I'm not online much. Lady Cowboy Fan and I will be watching the draft though. I know everybody is into the skill positions, but I want to see the Panthers land Zach Frazier to man the center spot for the Big Uglys. I've seen him mocked to us a time or two, so we'll see. In the midst of everything though, I thought I'd stop by and wish everyone well. Hope to come out of this weekend happy about our draft haul. (and stay that way). As always, keep pounding.
  10. Appreciate it. Had to have a stent put in because they found a 95% blockage in my left descending artery. I'm told that particular blockage kills a lot of people, so I'm lucky. Currently dealing with low blood oxygen. They haven't been able to figure out the cause yet so I'm on oxygen a lot and my energy isn't so great. To top it all off, my vision isn't so good right now. Likely will have to have cataract surgery sometime soon. So not online much still pulling for the team. Best wishes and keep pounding everybody
  11. Was about to say the same thing. A number of the guys on the offensive side are fairly or relatively new to their positions. McPherson has a lot of experience.
  12. Campen was reported to be one of the guys running to Tepper. It's also believed that Tabor was one, but no names have ever been confirmed from internal sources. Campen was mentioned by someone outside the team, though. Brown wasn't. They'd never met. He was reportedly added after an outside suggestion (possibly Tepper).
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