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Posts posted by WOW!!

  1. We let one walk before who was squeaky clean before....

    We definately can do it with one we can't trust given that fact.


    He walked out the door with them begging him to stay..

    You must have forgotten they offered Pep the richest defensive player deal at that time and he threw back in their faces..

    • Pie 1
  2. Roger suspending Hardy for 2 games wouldn't be him deciding Hardy was guilty....

    Just like if your boss suspended you if you found yourself legally embarrassing your company bc you put yourself in a bad situation.

    And yes, Hardy hanging out with coke snorting fools.....is a mistake Hardy made and one that impacted many

    He could get 2 games but he won't get 6... Rodger can't fly 6 games past the NFLPA for embarrassment. .
  3. I was informed after the Hardy charges were dismissed that innocent was innocent.

    Are you saying that innocent is innocent for Greg Hardy, but not for Ben Roethlisberger?

    Ben was on his 3rd accusers. . At that point guilt or innocence isn't a question... He was looking like a public menace. . The league had to look like they were doing something. . This is Greg's 1st incident. .

    If you get a speeding ticket once you don't get the same punishment as somebody on their 3rd ticket. .

  4. Players being asked certain questions by media are going to generate certain answers (by the vast majority of all players)...that doesn't make it the truth.

    Same thing is also seen when you ask a coach about a player clearly sucking and they say positve things. Saying what you are suppose to say.....simply keeps peace and quiet to a large extent. Most of the NFL players and staff know and practice such. I can find numerous posts of guys 100% supoorting Clausen.....bc that is what they are suppose to say. Can't come out against players bc they might be there. Players know that. So they most show support regardless of question. They are taught that.

    Players as Bill Voth reported are doing more than being asked and giving the obligatory "we want Greg back".. They are actually going to the Big Cat about it..

    • Pie 1
  5. That is the point. You don't invest hugely in guys who "hopefully" learned a lesson. Don't forget BEFORE the incident it was questioned as to whether or not he was the type person you wanted to gamble on with big money bc it appeared his decision making wasn't what you would want in a huge dollar guy

    His teammates sure think so...

    • Pie 1
  6. Ben Roethlisberger was suspended without there ever even having been a trial.

    Roethlisberger is easily ten times as big a star as Hardy (that's being generous, honestly) and the league suffered no consequences. And all of that occurred before the Ray Rice story ever happened. More recently, there's also Adrian Peterson.

    Do you really think the NFL that can get away with suspending big names like Roethlisberger and Peterson is going to be brought to their knees by Greg Hardy?

    (pretty sure people in Pantherland are the only ones who'd buy that idea)

    Are you even going to acknowledge that Ben was on his 3rd rape accusers before they did anything? ?

    I'm sorry that one situation started to look like a "pattern" and one is a isolated 1st incident. .

  7. They will find anything to tarnish Hardy for the good of the League. The NFL is trying to save face, and look ethical about all players involved in last seasons fiasco. This is about saving the NFL image, nothing more. I think the league owes about 12.2M dollars of Cap space to the Panthers, if no evidence is found against Hardy.

    But they have to battle the NFLPA as well.. So unless they have hard evidence they will lose..

  8. No, this is still about the domestic violence.

    As I said, all that has been proven us that he paid holder and she went away.

    League is evaluating whether tgere us enough there to warrant a suspension.

    Remember Rothlesberger was suspended even though he was never found guilty.

    Not saying he should it should not. Just what I think the league is looking at.

    Nobody knows what the settlement was..

    If they couldn't prosecute without her testimony how is the NFL going to find fault with the evidence that wasn't enough to go forward with in the case...

    Ben was on his 3rd accusers when they finally punished him..

    • Pie 1
  9. Actually, we don't even know that a financial settlement was reached. DA didn't say that there was one, just that they had reason to believe there was one.

    And that settlement cannot be contingent on her not testifying or not showing up.

    The only thing we know for sure is she quit talking to DA after saying she didn't want another trial and that she didn't show up

    Get'EM Ray... A lot people spewing opinions that aren't facts in this thread..m

    • Pie 1
  10. It was a paid suspension not a paid vacation.

    The exempt list is for the NFL to stash you away so they don't have deal with constant media attack that the player is still active.

    The NFL will try to suspend him but t will go to the courts which Hardy will win.

    AP pled no contest. Which is why the NFL ultimately suspended him. Because he admitted guilt and only wanted to trial to move faster so he could be back on the field.

    Hardy has retained his innocence throughout the process.

    The NFL suspension will not stick.

    He might get 2 games at the most but the NFLPA has a firm base to fight a suspension for Greg because he retained his innocence. .

    • Pie 1
  11. Some people seem really emotional about not wanting Hardy back. Not really sure why.

    I get having the educated opinion or belief that he won't be. But some of the posters seem to emotionally attached to the idea that he can't come back no matter what.

    This is a guy that makes us better as a team. He has some warts. And if he leaves so be it, we will survive. But i am not excited at the prospect of him walking and possibly signing with a team we have to face in the future

    And than the whole argument that people who would like to see him back are the emotional ones is crazy..

    I'm sorry guys that i want to find a way to keep a top 5 defensive pass rushers that we develop on the team.. I'm sorry that I read the testimony and followed this case from the beginning and feel like the accusers is a lair and full of crap..

    It really pisses me off that real domestic violence victims get a bed at a women shelter and years of fears and damage emotionally and physically. .and not trips to Colorado skiing and shopping sprees in NY..

    • Pie 3
  12. Sticking their necks out? Good lord.

    They are asked if they want Hardy back. They say yes. Guess what, they will say the same about Byron Bell and Thomas DeCoud as well. In fact, they will say that for any single player on the roster.

    Billy is reporting these players are actually going to Jerry and voicing their opinions to him.. Billy is saying they are telling Jerry they want him back.. this isn't just they are being asked about Greg..

    • Pie 1
  13. Hardy looked pretty sad in his rap video. You know, that other career he worked on while away that made him pretty happy. Happy enough not to be seen at the facilities all season.

    Wait, if he was missing football and his team so much... Why not show up and lift weights and such.

    Too heartbroken I imagine. Would be embarrassed to be seen crying.

    How do you know he wasn't. . And now we're seeing that he did have contact with his coaches and other players ...because they are fighting for him to return. . Guys like TD Olsen Kali and CJ are putting their necks out for him...

  14. Don't ignore the word "proof". It's important here. The NFL cannot suspend anyone based on hearsay, which will be the case of they go on the accuser's testimony alone.

    And that reality may not be a reality at all. It is why a judge overturned the private entity's decision in the Ray Rice case. The NFL's punishments in cases where it's not that clear cut are not final.

    A testimony that change 3x during the duration of the case...

  15. Again, in my post I said that in order to suspend Hardy, I think the NFL needs the court documents. This includes bench trial transcripts and police reports.

    You keep using the word "proof". The NFL is not a government entity. They are a business. They are a business that collectively bargained with their union workforce to give the commissioner the authority to make a judgement call (again, not a proof call, a judgement call) when suspending players for conduct that the commissioner believes to be detrimental to the league.

    I am not saying I agree with it, but it's reality.

    When looking at the testimony and transcripts they will notice how her story change 3x and how police on the scene of the crime didn't see enough to make a arrests.

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