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Posts posted by WOW!!

  1. I don't think there is any way you can read the transcript and decide that there wasn't a physical altercation of some sort in his apartment along with lots of unsecured weapons present while both of them were drunk and maybe high

    You can see :

    1. No arrests at the scene of the crime. .

    2. No mention of weapons at the scene of the crime. .

    3. Story change 3 times during the case...

    4. 10 hours unaccounted for after the 911 call and her going to the hospital and filling a report. .

    5. Scared for her life but calling Hardy and his handlers 20x before filling yhar report. .

    And there will be many more uneven facts to read..

    • Pie 1
  2. Understood.

    That can actually work both ways, as is evidenced by those times when other team's fans get excited about a former Panther player or coach, but fans on here say 'buyer beware'.

    Just a question Scot...

    When reading the circumstances and transcripts of this case (like the league office will do) .... What is your interpretation of what happened that night..

  3. The position may be devalued by the rest of the league but it isn't by our team. Our offense is driven by the running game, and Cam can not be the focal point.

    Our offense won't take the next step until we get better in the passing game.. We have the weapons in the running game to be successful. .. all we need is depths at RB and a better Oline... I don't want to spend a high pick on RB depth in a devalued position. .

  4. You're assuming I'm emotionally invested in this as you obviously are. You also seem to be under the illusion that I give a sh*t one way or the other. Scot and I were simply trying to remind you of the fact that the media does not care about facts, truth or the rule of law. They, like politicians, know that the majority of the listening public will believe anything they spew and will not take the time to actually research the facts. Not one single entity with a voice that's heard by the masses gives one iota of the thought about what really happened that you keeping preaching. But you go ahead a scream to all that's Holy about the injustice being done to Hardy. Everyone else is moving on.

    I'm not emotionally invested but I keep going back and forth with you on this discussion. .

    At what point do you realize we're doing the same thing with different opinions??

    Side note:

    People don't care that Brain Williams lied about what he did in The middle East and during Katrina either...

    Oh wait......

  5. The same as Ray Rice initial suspension?

    That'd be a PR nightmare for the NFL.

    Like I said I Sig bet he only gets 2 games if that. . Like I said the NFLPA isn't going to sit back and let a player who hasn't admitted guilt nor can be proven to be guilty take a 6 game suspension. .

  6. You're wasting your time explaining it. The irony of his relentless obsession with the issue is lost on him.

    Are you serious?? You can't martyr a gold digger. . It will sully the domestic violence movement. . To have to portray a women who took the money and ran as a victim. .

    You know there's a thing called Google now... People can see that she was so distrust by the situation she went skiing and shopping. ..

  7. Roethlisberger is a waaaay bigger star than Hardy.

    If they didn't spare Roethlisberger - and remember that was before the league got embarrassed by the Ray Rice story - what makes you think they'll spare a significantly lesser star now when they have image problems to worry about?

    1st offense Hardy 3rd offense Rapisburger.. Big difference. . Rapisburger was on his way to being a serial rapist.n
  8. You will not hear one mention of anything negative about her from the media. She's the victim and nothing you or I could say will stop that narrative from filling the airwaves. Get use to it.

    They can't have the narrative if people can Google the victim skiing. N

  9. Maybe for you and I but not to the people with an agenda an a means to promote it.

    They have to have a victim to promote. . They will say the victim name and all of a sudden you will see her partying and shopping. . And question was a she a victim. . You can't pump up a gold digger as a saint..

  10. You seem to live in a world where facts matter to public opinion. The media isn't interested the truth, they want ratings.

    Again it's going be hard feeling sorry for a victim that is jet setting across the country. . They have to have a victim to make a story about..

  11. The Players Union won't say a word on this as they don't want any of the media sh*t storm that they would get just like the league did on the whole issue. This issue is radioactive right now and they will stay out of this.

    What media poo storm? ?

    The accusers more and more is looking less victim and more predator..

    I think the media is going to have a problem posting her up as a victim as she is snowboarding in Colorado and shopping in NYC..

    • Pie 1
  12. Again, you're talking about a standard of evidence when I'm telling you the NFL doesn't have to meet one.

    This will likely have as much to do with PR as it will what actually happened.

    And if that's the case the NFLpa has a firm base to defend him and reduce any suspension. .

  13. As mentioned in one of the articles, the NFL doesn't have to meet thkind of standard a prosecutor does.

    "It probably happened" is enough for the NFL.

    The only evidence in this case is picture of a women who had 10 hours to create bruise not seen by officers on the scene of the crime and her and her friends story (which has holes in it) of what happened that night... While admitting they were drugged up...

    So what are they going find other than a he said she said case that one judge decided to give more credibility to one person for no clear reason to..

    • Pie 2
  14. Roethlisberger also pre-dated the Ray Rice video and the NFL's image problems.

    Fair or not, the league views Hardy as a reminder of that story.

    I agree with the change in the environment theory. . But the Nfl may come to the same problem ..that the Panthers did when investigating this case.. Nobody in it is credible. . And all you have is a he said she said where nobody is credible. ..

  15. The demonizing of the woman here and defense of hardy is laughable and pathetic. Was the party girl hanging around Hardy because he had money and was an NFL player? Duh, like she is something out of the ordinary. They both know the game and Hardy played on the edges. Choir boy was doing blow, club running and one night he slapped this chick around. Not exactly breaking new ground for a professional athlete. She didn't call the police, some chick that was there did, at that point she probably felt trapped or maybe saw an opportunity, who knows. Obviously she didn't want to go through with it after the poo hit the fan and flaked every chance she got. Once the appeal for jury trial happened then the Hardy lawyers started putting out the feelers for a number to make it go away and by gawd they found common ground. Then they all lived happily ever after. The end.

    How do you know he even slapped her around??

    Nobody was arrested at the scene of the crime. .meaning nobody look beat up enough for the police to take action.. plus she refused to be treated at the scene. .

    Then 10 hours later she goes to the hospital and makes a police report. . Where was she for 10 hours.. what was she doing. .

    Also Greg called 911 1st not the neighbor..

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