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Posts posted by WOW!!

  1. No, I think in the NFL.....off field issues are looked at different than guys who struggle with emotions in a football context. Talent makes one of those easier to deal with. Every NFL team had multiple fights this past season.....will always be part of football.

    The off field stuff is different. And yeah, two dudes fighting DOES get viewed different than hitting a chick. That isn't a debate

    Stop!! Steve sucker punch 2 guys who had no clue it was coming. ... it wasn't a normal football fight.. he sent to people to the hospital and got 2 game suspension. . Greg Allegedly beat a woman who waited 10 hours to go to the hospital. . You see the difference?? Steve beat people to injuries that sent people to the hospital..

  2. Richardson played football.

    89 has never been an off field risk. He was an on field and lockerroom risk. Every team has hit heads that struggle to control emotions in comptitive situations.

    If 89 had off field issues....I believe he would have been gone long ago.

    Apples and oranges

    Are you f'n kidding me?? So because Steve literally beat 2 men worse then Greg Allegedly did Holder.. it's ok because he did it at work not home?? REALLY

    I love Smitty and Jerry but Jerry is a hypocrite in this situation. . He cried about one thing but didn't give a fug about Anthony Bright's eye socket and Ken Lucas jaw..

    • Pie 1
  3. Reminds me of two things I really wish more fans would catch on to.

    Number One: The decision on this isn't being made by Jerry Richardson.

    It's being made by Dave Gettleman. Jerry Richardson's role is simply tacit approval / non-interference.

    As I've said many times, anyone who wants to question that should take a moment and answer what color jersey Steve Smith is wearing these days.

    Number Two: It isn't an image decision. It's a business decision.

    Here's a challenge. Go to a bookie and bet ten thousand dollars of your own money that Greg Hardy will stay completely out of trouble for the next five years. Don't have ten thousand to bet? Put up your car, or your house, or something else of value.

    You comfortable with that?

    Well, the Panthers would be wagering a whole lot more than ten thousand on that bet if they offer Hardy a big contract. And please don't give me the "he'll play for less" argument. He reportedly turned down a more than fair 8 million per year contract before he was franchised. It's delusional to think he'll actually play for cheap given his past actions.

    And let's be clear: Ron Rivera wants him back. He's made it plain in many things he's said, but it's not his decision.

    Given Rivera's track record when it comes to personnel decisions, that's probably a good thing.

    I wouldn't make that bet for any player in any league.. Again we don't know any of these guys..

  4. Hardy was lost once he decided to act a fool, yet again, extending his lack of judgement and maturity for all the world to see. This divorce is not about motorcycles, per se (which are very risky propositions for even those with sound judgement), it is about his pattern of recklessness and lack of appreciation for his team and his opportunity in the NFL. He has proven to be selfish and thoughtless throughout his relatively short career. Though it's a marked loss, it's not as devastating as you are making it out to be. We made strides toward the end of the year, and we will continue to improve. We can bring in some guys that are not only make an impact pass rushing on the field, but are able to pass Hardy's level of foolishness and stupidity off the field.

    We made strides against suckass teams and every player in that Locker respects and love Greg and not one would call him selfish. .

  5. Everybody and their brother knows he could have been found innocent the first trial. Him and his lawyer played that out well to keep him out of this past season. Free money and he lives to play another day. He will be found innocent, that's why they fought to get this coming trial, after the season but before FA.

    Again, Dave views this as "fug me once and it's my fault, fug me twice and it's your fault" issue

    Cool but let's not act like he wasn't a good player for us and this isn't going to hurt.. especially if he ends up where we have to see him twice a year..

  6. If it was just that, then all is well. That can be viewed as natural immaturity. But look at the whole body of work, then ask yourself(answer truthfully) is he really worth offering a huge contract to when its 50/50 that he may not be on the field because of future antics.

    JPP would sign for the money we gave Hardy to sit at home and what we would have to give him to come back.

    So, safer bet, Hardy or JPP? JPP is the one that can actually support the "elite" title! Plus, he has never been suspended or put on exempt list

    What else has he done as his time as a pro that makes him a evil person. . Let's be realistic again.. if he is found innocent. . Smitty literally breaking 2 teammates faces is way worst than anything Greg did..

    And I love Smitty but he was a more of a problem child than Hardy.. So I don't want to hear about Jerry's moral compass as he invites Smitty for Sunday dinner..

  7. If he gets his head together, he can be elite and we will regret this decision as a franchise.

    However, due to the motorcycle wreck, posting pics of high speed, the Holder incident, and just his natural eccentricness w/ bouts of depression, he has more than proven himself to be immature and a nut case at times!

    How many other players get on fan boy sites like this? There is a reason why the smart ones don't

    Can we please stop acting like riding motorcycle and speeding is a unforgivable sin..

  8. You were really in denial about this day weren't you?

    No I knew it was coming.. it's the same Mb bullshit that ticks me off..

    Acting like this is a easy replacement. .

    Acting like the players wasn't really as good as he was...

    Acting like he was a major problem because he was speeding and like Motorcycle. .

    Let's just be realistic.. this is a major loss that I hope doesn't come back to haunt us..

  9. The team has moved on! They did what they could to replace an every down DE and we made the playoffs!

    I'm almost certain, pass rush is not 3rd on Dave's list, pretty sure it's first and it will be dealt with in FA. That's a spot he will overpay for!!

    Pretty sure that JPP will be courted but most likely we get the likes of a Derrick Morgan!

    News flash....if we max out on of our credit cards this offseason, it will be on an every down, top shelf DE. Not Cobb or Dunlap or any other position

    Screw the credit card talk.. you pay for elite pass rushers like you pay for QB and LT.. it's a value position. .

  10. It took him two years to get going and he had one year of "elite" type success. He is a mental case that will just flash glimpses of being "elite".

    He is Albert Haynesworth 2.0

    It took him 2 years due to

    1. The Everett Brown Experiment

    2. Tyler Brayton being a vet and Foxy loving his vets..

    3. A motorcycle accident that took skin and his off-season. .

    Let's be real here the guy was a major talent and a steal that we develop for another team now.n

    • Pie 4
  11. you just proved why the original post is flawed, Hardy and R. Lewis aren't even comparable anyway. Smitty never killed anyone just punched a few teammates in a sport filled with the highest levels of testosterone known to man and centered around hitting people. Smitty also was a class act off the field. Again not really the same thing going on here.

    Just stop.. To be real.. Anthony Bright and Ken Lucas both look worse and got a bigger beat down than Nicole Holder allegedly did.. Those guys actually had broken bones as a result of Steve's actions and all Steve got was a 2 game suspension. . So let's not act like Big Jerry's Moral Compass doesn't have a off switch. .

  12. You are getting carried away with the "elite" label! Elite is putting together back to back to back....years of proving yourself!

    Hardy had one promising year, backed it up the next, and then did something stupid to cause him to sit out a year!

    Promising he was, elite he isn't, and behind he is!

    He is a elite pass rushers no matter what you think..

    Speed power can line up anywhere on the Dline can drop back and shown a ability to take over a game..


    • Pie 4
  13. essentially 1 superbowl

    he was a non-factor and actually one of the worst players on the Ravens defense during their superbowl run.

    That is not really the point of my original post though, if you cheer for the Panthers, you inherently bound to JR and his code of having players with a strong moral compass. If winning is all that matters to you as a fan, you should cheer for the Patriots

    2 super bowls later and a HoF bust in the future. .... Yeah they good with their decision..

    And that a moral compass was broke with Smitty right??

    • Pie 2
  14. If the boat is in the Atlantic, you just jumped into the Pacific. Regardless of the outcome of Hardy's trial, the guy has consistently proven to be a headcase that you don't give $80 million to.

    I, for one, am not going to claim to know his status in the locker room, but is it not telling that not one player spoke out for Hardy during this whole mess?

    Baltimore should have left Ray Lewis go, I'd much rather cheer for an organization that values humanity over winning. Life is greater than football.

    2 super bowl later I think they are ok with their decision..

  15. Anyone producing that much behind Indiana lineman has got to be solid!

    I have my doubts about Gordon(running school) and Gurley is broke

    Well I like Buck Allen's speed short area quickness. . Plus he has shown some power run after contact and has great hands coming out the backfield. .

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