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Posts posted by WOW!!

  1. It sounds as if you are looking for slanted, circumstantial reasons to support a person who might have just beaten a woman. There is reason to question some things at the appropriate time, but these questions need to come from objective thinkers. We all hope he is innocent, but I am not going to support him until I know for a fact what happened. You are presenting one-sided, inferential, insignificant, fragmented details and seem convinced that you have turned the tables.

    The police? You have not questioned their handling of the situation. Why question her actions during and in the aftermath of the alleged assault when she was high and traumatized? If the police offered her medical attention and she refused, why would they then determine her injuries to be insignificant in terms of assault evidence? The injuries do not have to require medical attention to evidence abuse-according to NC law, that is only required as evidence in child abuse cases. Hardy claims to have been hit with a heel that drew blood. Was he offered medical assistance? Finally, maybe she went to a friend/relative's house and they advised her what to do to protect herself? There is no statute of limitations that invalidates an assault charge a few hours after it occurs. Much will come out. I am not blaming Hardy, the police, or the girl.

    I am simply not going to build a case for a man just because he plays for my favorite football team. I hope this gets worked out, but for now, I am glad we are not into him for $39-50 million guaranteed.

    1. I'm asking questions not determining guilt or innocence. There is a difference. I only stated the facts as reported. I haven't called the girl crazy or a bitch.

    2. CMPD has a stout record of not showing favoritism. Your taking a extra step in questioning CMPD.

    3. The story has some holes in it if we are being honest.

  2. We know that the judge, a female judge, determined the bruises to be disturbing and put Hardy in jail.

    I am not trying to convict our top DE, but that means little to me if he was hitting a female. There is evidence that suggests Hardy was not as innocent as he appears on the 911 call.

    But she saw Bruises 4 or 5 hours later. The police at the scene didn't seem to think the bruises were enough to arrest anybody. Plus she refused medical help at the scene.

    Where did she go after the police showed up at 4:18 when the couple were separated?

    • Pie 1
  3. We don't know anything about the true extent of the bruises. We know there was something and it was enough for there to be misdemeanor charges brought and an investigation should get to the bottom of it.

    i find it a little odd that she went to the courthouse during his appearance but did not actually appear in front of the judge. If she is terrified of him why be there? It's certainly a good image to show her in public with a sling and big dark sunglasses. Though she never said anything about having facial injuries.

    Anything is possible but I am hoping our star player did not pummel a woman. The court will figure it out though.

    I question why weren't the bruises at the scene not good enough for a arrest at that point?

    Why if he had thrown her on Loaded "weapons" was he allowed to go back in his house and not be arrested until 7 hours later??

    We are talking about a drunk giant with loaded weapons right??

    • Pie 3
  4. She refused help at the time the police arrived. When cops 1st saw her she had minor scratches. He didn't get arrested on the scene but turned himself in later after she filed a report. She goes to the emergency room after refusing services at the scene.

    He also has a friend collaborating who actually held the girl down.

    Does this sound fishy to anyone else?

    • Pie 1
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