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Posts posted by TheCandyMan

  1. Im the first to admit I’m a hockey novice, but outside of goalie play, it has seemed we’ve needed our defense to score to be competitive. We’ve had more than one game this year, im pretty sure, where the defensemen have scored all the goals.

    The guys that get paid to score goals need to start earning their pay. It’s crunch time and here we are cold as ice again (no pun intended).  I have no idea how to fix it, but with the firepower we have, we shouldn’t beat bad teams 1-0 or go 8 periods without scoring. Just my 2 cents. 

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  2. Welp, just got back in. I had a feeling this one was going to be lop-sided, but I didn’t expect us to be on the losing end. Don’t know what it is about season transitions, but we seem to have a hard time handling it. We just seemed to go through the motions tonight. Hopefully we strike a deal before the trade deadline for someone that works out because come playoff time I don’t have high hopes that they don’t go like last year. 

    Hats off (probably bad choice of words) to the fans tonight. It was like a Panthers/Steelers game only the home fans gave a damn. Ranger fans got under my skin walking in, packing in around the glass pregame like they were all trying to get through the same subway door was annoying, but the hats on ice and the walk out of the arena just pissed me off.

    Let’s go curb stomp Montreal. 

    • Pie 2
  3. That my friends was Hurricanes hockey. Grit, determination, and throwing haymakers in the 3rd.  This was an incredible game and that crowd was LOUD. Two Caniacs from SC will be there to yell with you guys for the Rangers game.

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  4. I hate I missed out on the game thread last night. I got a bucket of kids and sometimes I got to wait until everyone’s in bed before I can start the game. 

    This game had a playoff game feel to it. All 4 lines were fast and physical.  I don’t see who can stop us if we play like we did last night. 

    BB absolutely man handled Crosby to start the 3rd and kill off the rest of that 3 on 5. 

    Here’s hoping Freddie stays healthy. He was just solid. Maybe too aggressive on one play, but he closed it out right.

    ICE UP SON!!  We gotta do it again in a few hours. 

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  5. So I have a question for you hockey experts that I've wanted to know for a little while.  During the playoffs last year we talked a lot about being at home and having the first change advantage.  What exactly is the advantage of first change?  Is it simply home team line changes first, and how does being the home team give you this advantage?

    If it helps I do know what icing is, and sometime offsides, but from what I've seen the league still isn't overly sure what offsides is so....

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