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Arroz con Panther

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Posts posted by Arroz con Panther

  1. I just saw a "Sack Me Kuechly" sweatshirt in the airport. I was going to take a picture because we all know anything dealing with Luke cheers you up. However, the woman was moving too fast and I felt like a creep. Either way, you should find this hoodie.

    • Pie 1
  2. That LDR 5001 is a sweet sniper. When you unlock the armor-piercing rounds, take it to crucible and start shooting people through walls with it :)


    With the time I have, Crucible is pretty much all I'm playing.


    Speaking of which, I'm getting my ass whopped in the Iron Banner right now.  If anyone wants to join up and play, let me know.  Gamertag (XBONE) is Boo Williams ll.

  3. It sounds like you want to go to ASU for the party atmosphere, not the education. I don't blame you, but a lot can happen once you get to college. If you're going to throw that much money at it, make sure you balance it out. They still get your money if you drop out and you don't walk away with that diploma.

    • Pie 1
  4. I think its more about being closer to the "action" then it is about being first/close to the stadium. I've noticed that the bigger tailgates are closer to the stadium. Of, course there's the convenience as well.

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