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Status Updates posted by LifeisaGarden

  1. I forgot to tell you Happy Valentines Day! I hope you and the missus had a great day. Tell her I said hi. :)

  2. That is a beautiful profile pic. And the mountains and the lake aren't so bad either.

  3. When I feel bad, I go fishing. It makes me feel better. I wonder if it'll help if I just get drunk, watch The outdoor channel and hold my rod and reel.

  4. Meh, So-So. I'm kinda bored. I want to go fishing but its cold as a witches ***! Thanks for asking though. How've you been?

  5. Hey babe. I hope you had a great time on your vacation!

  6. So... Did you grow a unibrow or what? :lol:

  7. Never be afraid of the unexpected. :)

  8. You never know what is in store for you do you? :lol:

  9. Hey there! I didn't realize you were a lady. :) It's nice to have you on board! We need more estrogen around here if you haven't noticed. :lol: I looked at your album, you have a beautiful family. :)

  10. Happy New Year to you as well. I hope you have a good one!

  11. Merry Belated Christmas to you too!

  12. Merry Belated Christmas to you too!

  13. Merry Christmas to you too!

  14. I'm glad you had a chance to visit with your family. That is always nice to do. :)

  15. Thanks, i hope you had a great Christmas as well. Ours was great! I hope to see you again real soon.

  16. Because I haven't heard from you in WEEKS!!! !!!! Did you fall off the planet or something?

  17. I'm mad at you. :toetap05:

  18. We should get together again real soon. :)

  19. It was awesome seeing you again also, I cant wait to do it again. :) I hope she wasn't so koo-koo crazy for you! :lol:

  20. :lol: That's pretty funny! At least you had a date though. I'm glad he was a nice guy. Did you have a good time?
  21. So did he pay up or did he get a free ticket? :lol:

  22. So did you have a date last night or what? :)

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