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Posts posted by ichigo1057

  1. 39 minutes ago, Pimpdaddy said:

    ...what i did gather in this press conference is they still want to jam square darnold into a round hole....

    And what other option does he have exactly? Go and get a QB and mortgage the future and not fix the OLine essentially getting Sam and the new QB killed OR deal with Sam right now, work on fixing the line, if Sam does fine behind the line then great, if not, then we have a young OLine with time working together and what should be a good pick to then attempt a move at QB.

  2. 2 hours ago, TheBigKat said:

    and if I can get my money out of the tickets and sell them to opposing fans than thats 3 more non panthers fans in the stadium and I’m net neutral on my PSL financial commitment

    If you want to sell your tickets and not watch then *shrugs* whatever it's your money, do what you want with it. That being said, my mind still says fug you for selling to opposing fans when we already have problems with that poo already. If you got no other options then whatever but specifically choosing to sell to opponents, even during losing seasons, is still pretty fuged up in my mind.

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