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Posts posted by motocross_cat

  1. 46 minutes ago, CPcavedweller said:

    I think Panthers camp should be held at App State, out of the heat, but that's just my opinion. The Cowboys do this in California and it's not an issue. If anything, it allows you to be more productive because you're not contending with the heat. At this point, you're not forging players in the proverbial heat of middle South Carolina.

    As for teams facilities, Rock Hill is fine but wouldn't you want your weekly offices as close to your stadium as possible? Players live in Charlotte right now and if they move to SC their going to be paying taxes to two states I believe. Then you have the commute to contend with for those who purchase homes in and around Charlotte. 

    Just overall a lack of consideration for players and their families by moving facilities to South Carolina, especially as the influx of Yankees and California's continues. 

    Id just do everything in charlotte and be done with it TBH

  2. 12 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Truth. The one common thread between all the different extreme and/or fad diets is avoiding sugar, processed foods, and simple carbs. Makes sense to pretty much just start there since those are the things that virtually everyone can agree on. Keto, vegan, vegetarian, carnivore, Mediterranean, whatever... they're all trying to avoid or at least significantly limit sugar, processed foods, and simple carbs.

    Yea im not a health nazi or anything.  I really was just trying to find a solution to all the pain I wake up in everyday thats not in pill form.  Read that any non natural sugar is just horrible for you so I laid off.  I was not looking to lose weight at all but did pretty quick.  If I can go from 170 to 160 and not really look any different I would imagine it would work great for anyone trying to drop 30, 40 or 50 pounds.  Its the easiest diet in the world really.  I do still drink beer on Friday and sometimes Saturday night tho.  😬 


    I did notice for about 4 days after I cut it out I felt extremely tired.  Then once that period ended I started to feel 10 years younger and thats not an exaggeration.

  3. Stop eating/drinking processed sugar.  I did it to help inflammation in my joints.  Lost 10 pounds in like 3 weeks.  Diddnt have much to lose but I became pretty ripped.  Simple and easy way to start.


    Basically drink water and black coffee.  Plain tea.

    And just don't eat anything that comes in a wrapper.

  4. 1 hour ago, hepcat said:

    My heart goes out to these families dealing with the death of a young person. 

    It's not just in football, there seems to be a lot of younger people dropping dead these days. I've known too many people who have died from drug overdoses or suicides in the last year. A prominent Austin musician unexpectedly died a couple months ago. No cause given, my guess is drug overdose. 

    Fentanyl is a big cause. It's EVERYWHERE. 

    Bingo on the fentanyl 

    Rec drugs are not what they once were.  This stuff needs to be addressed seriously yesterday.  These politicians want to save the world, get this poo off the street.  Its killing people left and right.

    • Pie 4
  5. 7 hours ago, tarheelpride said:

    Hoping for a CX-5 or a new Tucson


    Yea your looking at around 25k new from what I see. Base model.  Honestly in today's market these cars are priced pretty decent.  Maybe finding one in that used 30k miles is the answer.   

    My 19 tacoma is nearly paid off and my wife drives it so her and my son are in a vehicle I dont have to worry about.  I have been wanting to get her a nice suv one its paid off but the prices are too much to justify.  The 99 sierra runs like a champ so thats were I will be.  I am snooping around for a good dual sport dirt bike to ride back and fourth to work tho.   Suckers get 50 mpg.

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