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Posts posted by vorbis

  1. maybe let's chill with the "crazy bitch on drugs" talk. all you've got is Hardy's 911 call and he has a lot of motivation to exaggerate her state. nothing concrete says that he wasn't a "crazy SOB on drugs" himself at the time. I hope Hardy is cleared just like you guys but it really looks skeezy to see everyone getting their confirmation bias all over the place in a domestic violence situation.

  2. refreshing to see dead weight and old hurney experiments trickle off the roster. improving the bottom 3rd of the roster is improving the roster.  somehow i knew horton was going to make it. he was doing everything right.  i liked how steady melvin white was in the run game. folkerts looked great in training camp practice videos FWIW.


    my guess at practice squad from this crop of cut players:

    roh DE

    lester S

    shaw WR

    walker DT 

    maybe mobley T.  


    rest will probably come from other cut lists.  really think all of the waived/injured guys will be injury settlement/out of here.  the team is moving on. players like brandon williams and folkerts prove new GM isn't afraid to pick up guys off the street for specific roles.  i think this is an exciting time to watch the roster fill with more skill and production.  fewer "hail mary" roster spots means more consistency week to week IMO.

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