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Gman was right

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Status Updates posted by Gman was right

  1. Are you the lucky man in the picture above?

  2. Awesome! Beer and ass rule!

  3. Do we get prizes for having alot of green rep? If not, then feel free to take it all the way down son!

  4. For some reason I couldn't see your warrior sig when I was posting on my phone earlier. You just made me spit out my beer. That poo is funny as hell. Lmao

  5. Hate to say I told you so but...... I TOLD YOU SO! Always listen to Gman! He knows what he is talking about!

  6. He was the king of ass though. And he liked wrasslin

  7. Hell yeah! I'm game! Lol! I was talking to a friend of mine about it yesturday

  8. I call BS. You never owned a PSL before. Dont change your story after you were called out for being an idiot. Like I said, I was only 15 when the original PSLs were being sold and didnt live in Charlotte. That kind of had something to do with me not owning PSLS until my 20s.

  9. I dont know wether to laugh or to be wierded out! LOL

  10. I hear ya! I was drunk yesturday too. Aparently not as drunk as you though! LOL! Btw, I love your new ass video BROTHER!

  11. I'm definitely no badass nor claimed to be one but I can hold my own if I have to. I don't take any of these mb arguments seriously like some of these twits here do. I usually get a chuckle out of how angry people get over this stuff. Hope that answers your question

  12. I'm going to miss sultan. He was a good dude.

  13. Is the chick on the right still available? If so tell her gman is interested. She will be honored when you tell her this. I mean Who wouldnt want to date a famous rassler right BROTHER?

  14. It may have to do with the fact that I was only 15 years old in 1993 and didnt live in charlotte when the original PSL owners were forking over money for the team. Ive been to every game since 2000 and bought my PSL in 2002. Sorry son, I know you're all shook up that you were exposed as a bandwagon fan but you FAIL!

  15. It was definitely louder. I think it had to do with all the redskin fans in attendence though because they were being loud on both offense and defense for some reason.

  16. Its never too early to drink

  17. Ive been to Atlanta, Green Bay, Tampa, Washington, and Tennesse. No comparison! They are all much louder! I guess sarcasm isnt your forte. The post was a response to someone who said I count fans. It takes less than 3 seconds to notice all the empty seats. You really took that one and ran with it didnt you? LOL! You keep saying that I overpaid for my seats but then you keep saying you're an original PSL owner. So doesnt that mean you overpaid too? Seriously kid, your stories dont add up. Sure, come on up to my seat. Dont get scared and pretend you were walking by when you see me though and then not introduce yourself.

  18. Lol ill do my best but its already getting hard

  19. Lol ill you rep you back for being a punkass when I get my computer back. Can't do it on my phone for some reason

  20. LOL! Was that really him? Damn, he's old

  21. Merry assmas to you too bro

  22. oh hell yeah baby, Im even cuter than I sound. Just call me RT81's daddy.

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