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Darth Biscuit

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Status Updates posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. Do the chicks I supply have to have teeth?

  2. I was just thinking that...

  3. Hawk is going to fly in to Charlotte and take us all to a game and buy us beer. He told me so.

  4. Damn, how's he do that... it's an animated GIF too... cool.

  5. Or email it to me @ [email protected] and I'll fix it for ya :D

  6. You mean you can't read arabic??? :eek:

  7. That arabic says "Hello, I am persian." :D

  8. Yes, I am a slut and I am not ashamed. :D

  9. If I had a female alter on here, she would be very slutty.

  10. Just bumped you over 200 bee-otch :P

  11. That's nice right there. :D

  12. We are sneaky bastards... :D

  13. Did u get the text I sent u?

  14. He told me where he lives... lemme see if I can find it.

  15. That's pretty cool... so now you can harrass me on here, via email, on facebook and via cell phone... nice. We should find Hawk's number and mess with him.

  16. :lol: Get it off my email?
  17. Thanks... I will, but I'll probably wait until it hits the library... that's what I did with Backlash... unless it's paperback, if it is, I'll go get it now.

  18. Yeah, I see he posts on your profile a lot too... so F U. :P

  19. Jayden Cole... there's a new thread in the LL's from last week on her... :D

  20. Yeah, and they are more lenient on profiles too... I think/hope.

  21. Nice... just don't show Hawk or Kurb... :D

  22. Why you hatin' on the king?

  23. Meat should win. Edit: Nope, not the way you worded the poll... now Zod will win.

  24. Now we're talkin' :thumbsup:

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