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Darth Biscuit

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Status Updates posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. Don't like the new one???

  2. I didn't check that out... probably shouldn't huh? There are some sick freaks out there... and the interwebz brings them into the light.

  3. I see you posted that in the random thread too... she's hot, but that image title is killing me... jailbait... funny stuff... What do 25 y.o. single guys do nowadays? Check ID?

  4. OK, but is that her real picture? If so... me likey! :D

  5. Think that stsgirl is real or someone joking us?

  6. I found that one chick that I have up now and liked her too much... :D

  7. Yeah, you don't have to remind me to check that thread... :D It's on lock in my UserCP... I've already posted a comment on it.

  8. :rofl: You f*cker... I almost fell out of my chair laughing at that rep post...

  9. I know, but I like it... :D Wait, if I'm a *****, how come I'm not gettin' any???

  10. I do spread it around damn it... now I don't just give it willy-nilly to anyone, but I probably rep at least 5 a day...

  11. How the hell can you give me rep and I can't rep you? It's irritating.

  12. The current one is Katie Fey...

  13. I'm glad you approve... I don't know if he'll say anything or not... if so, this is my next one... rearboob.jpg

  14. Like that one huh? I hope kurb approves and doesn't swat me... I PM'd him but he didn't answer... oh well.

  15. Mmmm... short skirt, tight top and stockings... now we're talking... :thumbsup:

  16. Since I can't rep you... part1x.jpg

  17. So you've been married less than two years huh... wow, that seems like so long ago for me :cryin:

  18. :lol: Yeah, I know how that is :rolleyes: I have to beat them off sometimes... that one on the left (your right) is smoikin'.
  19. Wassup assmonkey... yeah, you're gettin' there... pretty funny though... I had my 10 year in 2001, so I'm still way ahead of you. Who's those two hotties smooching on you in that pic above?

  20. You really like reminding me that I'm old don't you... :lol:

  21. OK, now that's just weird... go post some asses... FEMALE.

  22. That sounded a little ghey... :P

  23. :lol: I would keep a couple of the good ones up there anyway... you know, for medicinal purposes...
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