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Status Updates posted by EMSMedic79

  1. Pretty good man. Got married, have a kid, life is good. :)

  2. What's up brother man! Been a long time.

  3. Dude, it's been crazy, moved back to ILM, got married, had a kid.... finally got back on here. There's a lot of new faces. How have you been?

  4. Hey cOr! Been a long time!

  5. Sounds good! I'm down for it.

  6. Huddle mom!!!! It's been a long time! Hope you are doing well. :)

  7. Yeah man, took a couple years off. Went to log back on and everything had changed. LOL I'm glad to be back. Don't see to many familiar faces around. What about Northern Hawk, Jester, Goto Girl, CPTX, any of those guys still around? Take it easy bro!

  8. J- Rock!!!! What up dude.

  9. Hey man, been a long time!

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