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Posts posted by Panther'sBigD

  1. 6 hours ago, tukafan21 said:

    This would be a terrible pick at #8

    If Horn is who the team wants, there is is ZERO reason to not trade down a bit, even if it's not that good of a trade to trade down, we'd still be able to get him and at a cheaper contract.

    I feel like most of the love of him on here is due to the Carolina connection, thankfully as a longtime Panther's fane from outside the Carolina's, I don't have any connection to him and I can realize that.

    I'm not against Horn, but I'm VERY against him at #8, there would just be better choices at that spot regardless.  I very much think we need to get a shut down corner, but I don't think there is anyone worthy to take at that spot, not when we could trade down anywhere from 9-15ish and still get one of the top 2 CB's on a cheaper deal and pick up a few more draft picks at the same time.

    For me, it's Sewell, Slater, or trade down, nothing else would make me happy at this point. 

    We've had a LT problem since Gross retired, there are 2 legit choices for us this year, we should be able to get one of them, but if not, there isn't a clear cut choice at #8 for me and we can trade down a few spots and still get an equally impactful player on a cheaper deal and pick up some extra picks while we're at it.

    Only a dumb homer would pick Horn at 8, and thankfully, the only dumb homer the Panthers had with any real say in draft selection is now with the WFT. 

  2. 1 hour ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Rhule seemed so youthful and energetic at Baylor and immediately following us hiring him. Dude just looks beat down and like he's not enjoying himself these days. Losing sucks, but he's lost before at Temple and at Baylor early in his tenure at those stops. I just hope he isn't getting discouraged with the much more limited ways to address your roster in the NFL vs. at the college level.

    LMAO. Some of you guys will read your pessimistic POV into ANYTHING. 

    • Pie 4
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  3. 21 minutes ago, Snake said:

    While this is creepy as hell its pretty much a slap on the wrist in California. Also who really finds a minor to sleep with them on the internet. Like hasn't anyone seen Chris Hanson.

    Lonely, stunted, evil creeps. Also, I'm pretty sure this kind of thing happens so often, that they only catch a small percentage of them. Haven't you ever seen the missing persons billboard in a Walmart? 

  4. 22 hours ago, raleigh-panther said:

    Apologies to those who don’t like to click links...too much to  copy and paste  

    both from Riot Report 

    1  Slater 



    2. all tackles, as panthers may be trading back 





    Valid criticisms; thankfully most of his issues are coachable. His biggest weakness seems to be dealing with speed rushers, and I have to believe that going against our speed rushers during practice every day will give him better opportunities to improve that aspect than he would have on other teams. 

  5. 52 minutes ago, Scott12345 said:

    that’s total crap...he gets paid to deal with pressure....on Sundays...the rest of the time, he’s just rich 

    and it’s nowhere near the same as someone who has worked their entire life to build something

    he got $40m for 2 yrs...he needs to do whatever the team wants him to do

    LMAO. How old are you??? How long have you followed college and pro sports??? Being a pro athlete is a full time job. 

    How long would you say Teddy Bridgewater has been playing football? Just about his entire life he's played football, and not like you or I played it, it is his lifestyle. 

    That's what I get for expecting more out of you rubes. You whine and complain about the Panthers not making the dumb moves that you'd make, and you criticize the character of players because you think they should be tougher by virtue of the fact that they're rich. 

    • Flames 1
  6. 15 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    No, Teddy shouldn't be happy about it. No competitive person would.

    As to what I'd say to someone I know being hired to replace me: if they lobbied for my job then I'd be upset. If it was just the company's choice though, I can't put that on them.

    It's not Darnold's fault.

    Absolutely true, but they still took the job. You may be completely civil when you're working together, but you're not reaching out, especially remotely during a pandemic, to them to wish them luck in replacing you. 

  7. Just now, Mr. Scot said:

    Would you reach out if one of those employees was somebody you knew?

    That's the difference for me in this story. Bridgewater and Darnold we're already acquainted from their days together on the Jets.

    I could understand not reaching out to a stranger who was brought in to replace you, but if it's somebody you know you should at least say good luck, no hard feelings, something.

    If someone you knew was hired to replace you at your job, would you reach out to say good luck, no hard feelings? Probably not. It has nothing to do with the money. 

    The posters(not necessarily you) that bitch and moan when a player takes it easy after getting a big contract are the same posters who think that Teddy Bridgewater should be happy to be replaced and just take his big paycheck and move on. Dumb, dumb, dumb. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, jfra78 said:

    Honestly if my company brings in new employees, I very rarely reach out to them.  The people who do seem pretty creepy to me

    Especially if they were hired to take your job. These idiots LOVE 'competition' for position when it involves players on their favorite sports team, but completely ignore that in no other field would they welcome their company's management bringing in someone else to do their job. Being composed and using it as a motivator is not the same thing as making a point to reach out to and bring along your replacement. 

  9. 12 hours ago, Scott12345 said:

    If I got paid $40m for 2 yrs it would be hard for me to frown about anything 

    You've never been paid 40MM and you've never had the pressure that comes with having a job that pays 40MM, so what would you know about it? He didn't win the lottery. 

    This is the same bad take as seeing someone who's worked their entire life to build a career at something and saying, "must be nice to have all that money..." 

  10. Jesus, some of you losers need to grow up!

    It's sad/funny how many of you hold these players to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves in virtually every way. Just because they make a lot of money doesn't mean they're not human. None of you would be psyched if your boss put an ad in the paper for someone to replace you, then replace you with another team's question mark employee. Teddy hasn't said or done anything negative, and some of you idiots are acting like he's trying to sabotage Darnold or are maligning his character because he's not rolling out the red carpet for the guy taking his job. In a perfect world they would compete for the starting role, but the team has made it evident that they're moving on, and so we all know that's not going to happen. 

    • Pie 4
    • Poo 2
  11. Everyone knocking Bouye for PEDs has selective amnesia regarding Thomas Davis. Sure, he was suspended for the drug that helps you titrate off of steroids, but let's not pretend he wasn't taking them. And why did he take them? Because he wanted to be on the field. Playing takes a huge toll on these guys' bodies and more than making you stronger, PEDs help with recovery. That tells me this guy will do just about anything to be on the field, which means he's the kind of tough player that Rhule wants. He may only play half of this year's games, but I think he'll be a good, affordable addition to the team. He has played at a high level before, and perhaps with a better conditioning and rehab staff, he can stay on the field this year. At this point, we don't know. I'm choosing to be optimistic. 


    Edit: And Mike Klis is one letter away from one of the all time greatest possible names for a public figure. 

    • Pie 3
  12. 6 minutes ago, bobowilson said:

    Mariota is probably 5 times as good as Darnold and could have been gotten for a 6th round pick.

    But we should have drafted a QB to be honest instead of being content with mediocrity.

    Or preserved our draft capital for 2022 draft class.


    Dude, you're an anonymous poster on a message board. No one's paying you to evaluate players. Your opinion on whether Mariota is better than Darnold means fug all to anyone. What are you guys smoking that makes you think your opinions carry any kind of weight? 

    • Beer 2
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  13. For all of the nimrods bemoaning the 'loss of a valuable pick'...NEWSFLASH:



    Give them a little credit or at least the benefit of the doubt through training camp. Goddamn.

    • Pie 1
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  14. Are you saying that paper products and gasoline are increasing in price due to the government 'printing money like crazy?' LMAO. 

    PPE production has gobbled up a ton of what would normally be readily available materials used to make diapers, paper products, etc.. Scarcity of materials = higher production costs = higher prices. Kimberly-Clark even says as much in their press release. 

    And gas prices rise every year as it gets warmer. Couple that with increased demand due to the country slowly opening back up and you have increases in price. 



  15. 14 hours ago, raleigh-panther said:

    And if so, Rhule can get his happy div 1 ass out of here 

    he is also the guy who loved teddy 

    there is nothing about  Darnold that anyone likes except Rhule 

    he better win   

    What are you gonna do if he doesn't? 

    Nothing. LMAO. 

  16. 15 hours ago, ImaginaryKev said:


    I choose to be positive 

    Seeing Matt Bowen's name reminds me of the game w/ WFT, where he and some other DB absolutely drilled Steve Smith as he was making a leaping catch. Looked like it had demolished Steve, which seemed impossible. Smitty got up, with the ball in his hands, crossed his arms and mean mugged for the camera guy. Ah, memories. 


  17. 3 minutes ago, Growl said:

    The staff needs to understand exactly what they just did: 

    this isn’t just an exploratory move on a possible reclamation project

    theyve staked their career on this

    if Sam Darnold isn’t a pro bowl QB and another QB in our range is-they should be gone

    rhule can go back to coaching amateur ball 

    LOL, no they haven't. 

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