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Posts posted by mc52beast

  1. You can blame scheme, coaching but a lot rides on you having healthy starters and we haven’t had that so far. Missing Corbett and Brady means the others have to get used to playing with guys they don’t normally play with. That and the obvious drop off in talent is huge.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Cornflake said:

    We had 1st round investments that hit in DJ Moore, and McCaffrey. Our QB is a rookie who has no support. Even when Cam inherited a team who legit got the 1st overall pick from SUCKING and now trading up - even that dumpster team had Greg Olsen, Shockey, DeAngelo Williams, J.Stewart and Steve Smith. Our team is ass. Rhule/Reich have nothing to do with it. 

    Supposedly Rhule had final say on all personnel moves so he can be blamed to some extent for the lack of talent.

  3. 12 hours ago, GhostWhispah said:

    We are a rebuilding team so what did you expect?? Reich is a solid hire imo but a few games in and you are already whining like many here on the coaching. Let me guess, you wanted Steichen like that other poster but he reminds me of my old boss from Wal-Mart who yells down at his employees even on the first day i was hired. No way i want any head coach like that and doubt he will not last as long as Frank did for the Colts, whose owner oddly acts the same way behind close doors. How he treated Peyton Manning was beyond bad.

    I will play for Frank over Shane all day cause he's my type of leader. Again solid hire Tepper, for once.




    The problem is we were told by Tepper, Fitty, Reich that this team was ready to win, all we needed was a QB and some pieces around him. Talking heads everywhere said we could win the South and most if not everyone here believed the hype. Hot takes like “Reich is trash” come from people who thought we were going to the SB this year.  







  4. Put rookie Peyton Manning behind our inept o-line and you get a guy with 20+ interceptions and close to that many sacks. Normally when a QB goes first he’s going to a team in rebuild mode with a crap ton of holes which by now everyone is aware we have. It’s not fair to try and compare a guy who has seen it all to a guy who has two games of experience. Stop with the GOTTA HAVE IT NOW mentality.

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