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Everything posted by cookinwithgas

  1. Haha I met that Alien guy a few weeks ago, he was trying to pick up this crazy girl that for some undetermined reason attached herself to me that weekend (no I did not avail myself) that hair is quite a selling point
  2. that sounds really really painful
  3. http://youtu.be/3upnHvWmxms I have no idea what she was talking about as my sound was muted
  4. zoom zoom zoom ah zoom

  5. Floppin needs to be put into indefinite detention, glad we can do that now.
  6. I should have never started streaming Pandora.....
  7. I do, on Brandywine - since they raised the levelcap I restarted my maxxed out mini. I only get on a couple of times a week though - once football season is over I will probably be on a bit more Sunday afternoons...I still have a character there on landroval think he's in the 20s or low 30s maybe? Hit me up if you want to set a time to GTG there, or make a new toon on Brandywine and I can get one of my alts with you

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