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Panthera onca

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Posts posted by Panthera onca

  1. 1 minute ago, TheBigKat said:

    The worst thing to someone who has ever tangible asset in the world is to be hated by people. Right now his popularity is abysmal

    I don't think Tepper cares about being hated. Money is his deity so hit him in the wallet where it hurts. How? IDK. Stop going to games I guess but then the stadium is full of fans from the opposing team. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Peon Awesome said:

    Finally some logic on the Huddle. The idea that a 1st time offensive coordinator who's never called plays before might get a few weeks to acclimate to the job before being thrust into play calling duties seems pretty logical. And that the bye week, where he'll have 2 weeks to prepare and install his scheme would be the obvious time.

    I realize the offense couldn't be much worse so far, but last time we took for granted our wunderkind new OC would be immediately ready to transform our offense from jump street, we got Joe Brady. 

    I'm excited to see what Brown will do and it can't be much worse. But he's still working with the same raggedy Oline, meager receiving corp and rookie qb taking more than his fair share of lumps.

    Come on man! We lead the NFC South in scoring offense!

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