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Captain Obvious

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Posts posted by Captain Obvious

  1. I like this signing. Smart guy who was given a bad rep in Miami by involement with  a roid rage mentally unstable guard. I think he will do fine here in a smaller market where the glare of the public is less. Hopefully Coach can fix his technique and he will be a solid contributor. If not there you move on at no risk.

  2. Guys(and gals) should remember that Dave wasn't a.big fan of signing high profile receivers in NY, he concentrated on getting dominant linemen. A great qb can make average receivers look like HOFers

    . Except we don't have a "great" QB yet. Way too many fundamental flaws for him to be considered anything but slightly above average for now.

    I wouldn't be sad if we let him go. I would really enjoy reading the huddle if that happens.

  3. When Cam is heading on to another team and half the fan base leaves as well because of what the organization did with giving him no weapons that are proven in the NFL at WR we will be left in disarray.

    You do not ignore holes that big on your roster unless it is OTs and you draft those. A number two receiver should be a proven player if your other player at 1 is a young player.

    You say Can going to another team like its a bad thing. He's a middle of the road QB right now. We will recover if he leaves. No big deal.
  4. Yet a judge found that there was enough evidence to find him guilty.

    I am not arguing that he is guilty under the law. Only that based on there being enough there for a judge to find him guilty there would LIKELY be more than enough evidence for Goodell to support a conduct detrimental claim .

    The judge should have excused herself. read her bio.





    1. Harvard Law School

      Doctor of Law (J.D.) • Graduated magna cum laude

      • Co-chair of Harvard's Battered Women's Advocacy Project


    Pleas tell me how that is not from a biased judge. The prosecutors knew who they wanted for that sham and did their best to steer the trail to her. Dirty politics all the way.

    • Pie 6
  5. if a woman is truely beaten and calls the policevyoy dont think the man should be arrested for her protection? It sucks if you are innocent but I think its pretty reasonable for protection of a very real and common problem.

    See here's the rub, My cousin was hit repeatedly by his wife and had the marks and bloody nose to confirm it. He never struck her and this was witnessed by other people in the house. They called the Police. They came and took my cousin to jail for a night with DA charge. When asked why he had to go when she did all the hitting they said it was procedure. He had to go before a judge with his witnesses before it was dropped. Crazy world and yes she is now his ex.

    • Pie 3
  6. This is not about Hardy at this time. I don't care if he ever plays in the NFL again. This is about the NFL getting caught with their pants down and instead of getting out in front of the problem they bent over backwards to public opinion and a witch hunt and went total bonkers. Their ineptitude has done more harm to the shield than any of these court problems. As their awesome commercial says "No More" please. Get these things behind them then institute policies (along  with the NFLPA)  that will be valid and not try to retroact the punishments. Then you can at least save face and say Yes there is a problem and this is how we ( NFL and Players) will handle it going forward.

    • Pie 6
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