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Captain Obvious

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  1. Just try to look like a NFL team this week, please.
  2. really liked the hiring of an "all-star" staff last year. Ended up getting kicked in the nuts because of it. Not getting excited at all this hiring cycle. May he last a year.
  3. I, for one, am very happy he brought more "events" and soccer to CLT. Because there was never anything else to do there. A S S of an owner.
  4. if the Panthers announce going back to grass next 4/20, this place will melt down.
  5. Possible Hall of Famer. Possible cut. Don't know, don't care. somebody got to play special teams. why not him.
  6. trading a 2nd for hopkins or draft a WR, or sign thielen, parris campbell with TMJ sign TE Shultz let's roll
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