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Sgt Schultz

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Posts posted by Sgt Schultz

  1. 13 minutes ago, AU-panther said:

    I just see Miami being more likely to stick with Tua than the Jets sticking with Darnold. 

    I think CMC would be most enticing to the Dolphins  just because they are all ready a good team, he could be seen as that last piece, not to mention would be good for Tua’s development.


    I think that is true, but I can see both happening.  The real question is if the Jets think Darnold can recover, can he do it with them or are things so far gone that he needs a complete change?  New York is a tough fan base, especially Jets fans who see buzzards circling constantly (and for pretty good reason).

    All other things being equal, I think the Dolphins are more likely to hang onto the #3 pick.  They are close, and they may not have a chance to pick that high again for a while.  They can address needs at WR or OL in that spot in a major way. 

    However (a word defined as disregard everything before this word), all other things are not equal.  The Dolphins also need a RB and I don't see them pulling that trigger at #3.  If they could parlay the #3 pick into CMC and the #8 pick, which will still get them a top-notch WR, OL, or LB (all needs for them) that would be a major win for them.  They also have their own #18 pick, and there should be some quality players available in their areas of need there, too. 

    I really don't see the Dolphins moving on from Tua unless maybe they could get their hands on Watson at an acceptable price.  And you are right, potentially putting CMC and a top-tier WR with him could greatly enhance Tua's (or anybody's) development. 

    The Dolphins are a lot closer than we are, and a heckuva lot closer than the Jets. That would mean they could potentially fill three positions of need with people who start from day one before the first round is over.  For a team that is close, that is hard to pass up.

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  2. Brees may be one of those guys like Favre.  They continue to trot out there until they are wheeled off after the trainer holds up three fingers, asks them how many, and their response is "Thursday."

    Brees has been noticeably declining for a couple of years now.  I understood his thinking coming into this past year, as the Saints were always rallying for one more run.  But the salary cap ramifications may finally catch up with them.  If he is seriously considering playing, he may find it to be less fun that he was expecting.

    I thought Rivers might go down the same path, but he recognized that while his mind still wants to compete, his body has given its all.

    • Beer 2
  3. 11 minutes ago, CRA said:

    This is great pending we aren’t the team he is referencing 

    I do think Mac Jones could see the field and be ready for legit NFL reps before Lance is ready 

    I think Jones is the safer pick in that respect.  His ceiling is lower, his floor may be higher, and his timeline to be ready to go in the NFL is probably shorter.  That is not to say he is the right pick, but safer for somebody looking to go that route. 

    I've heard his name mentioned with New England a lot.  That might surprise Peter King unless the Pats trade up.

  4. I like Dak, but I have seen him disappear in critical games too often for him to be worth what he wants.  To some degree, I think he is a product of the Dallas Cowboys Hype Machine, that whoever is the Cowboys QB must be great.  He's good, but he can't be mentioned with the top tier.

    The Cowboys performance without him proved what he is worth to that team, but the truth is, a good part of their cratering was on the defensive side of the ball.  He would have probably led them to more points and thus potentially more wins, but not enough to make them a contender in anything other than a pathetic division.

    The Cowboys have problems.  But my guess is they tag Dak and try to work out a longer term deal in the process.

    Still, in big games, I have seen him play the role of Captain Checkdown and not be very effective at it, either.  Until he proves he can step up in those situations and not disappear, he can't be considered in the top tier.  Nor is he worth top-tier money, especially with the cap going down this year.

    • Beer 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Tbe said:

    That’s why I said I don’t think he’d ever do it. It would hurt his rep and future earning power.



    If I missed something earlier, I apologize.  I zipped through the earlier posts.  Besides, I love it when I can end a week in violent agreement with somebody!

  6. You guys are being to hard on the idea.  I think he is right.  In fact, if they don't want to trade Watson, we should trade our next three first rounders for a package of three third rounders and sixth rounders and maybe some random fifth and seventh rounders.

    That would have been dangerous when Hurney was around, given his track record after the first round, but we should be okay now.  Think of the trouble we avoid.

    But then there is the opposite argument:

    Season 4 Episode 10 GIF by Friends

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  7. 16 minutes ago, Tbe said:

    Haha...He wouldn’t do this, but he could screw them so bad.

    I wonder what they would do if he sat them down and said...

    Look, if I stay I will ignore every play call. My hammy might tighten up every game. You’ll have to bench me if you want to win.

    Trade me or pay me to lose games.

    The problem with that theory is what does it do to his value to the next team?

    He is only tradable if others want him.  It they see him purposely stinking it up, are they going to take the chance?  Sure, he's good, until he doesn't want to be, then he is not only not good, he is purposely bad.

    He would be cutting his own throat in that sense.  Sometimes you can do something that compromises your own integrity so bad, nobody wants to touch you.

    And that assumes his own teammates don't take their own revenge during practices.

    • Pie 2
  8. 5 hours ago, Raleigh PF said:

    But wait, didn't KC win the SB the year before? No one would mistake KCs defense for Tampa Bay's, so...what happened there?


    That is certainly true, overall.  But, remember KC's offense was busy stepping on its own feet for most of three-plus quarters in the Super Bowl.  They would drive, get in scoring position or the edge of it, then make a negative play.  Meanwhile, their defense kept the game close enough to allow the offense to come back.  They did, in the last 7-10 minutes of the game. 

    So while KC's defense was not to be mistaken for Tampa's, they stepped up when needed in the Super Bowl.  They were not a shut down defense int hat game, but they were good enough to control damage until their offense could finally get out of its own way.

    • Beer 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Telling someone "hey we're bringing in this guy, what do you think?" Is a pretty long way from "so who do you think we should go after?"

    And asking "what do you think" or "who do you think we should go after" is a very long way from putting in writing that you will ask "what do you think" or "who do you think we should go after."

  10. Just now, kungfoodude said:

    Drew Brees dead cap of $12 is well below Teddy. So I am not sure how that taints the list.

    And 13th is pretty bad for a backup QB. That is why I often quote his closest comparisons, which would be Osweiler, Glennon and Foles. 

    If Teddy makes it through this next season, it will be the most money he will likely make in his entire career.

    Brees base salary (which was the list I was looking at) was basically minimum wage, so that part is absurd.

    What people don't seem to get is this: that is done.  If you could hire Hurney back to fire him again, great.  But we can't even do that.

    The question is not "why did we sign Teddy" but what we do from here?

    I swear, this place is like the people I work with.  Sometimes things go bad, and they spend more time complaining as assigning blame than they do asking how we make it not bad anymore.  In this case, it would be like having one of those meetings after they fired the program manager and spending the time stewing over "what was he thinking?"  Who cares, he's gone, how do we fix it?

    FWIW, I joined one of those meetings once during a feeding frenzy, had enough in short order and spouted out "just blame me.  I don't even know what the hell you are talking about or sure, but if we are going to spend this meeting talking about who to blame for 45 minutes instead of taking 5 minutes to figure out how to fix it, blame me so we can move on."

    They then denied they were trying to blame anybody!

    So I have a history of questioning what the hell are we doing and why?

  11. 2 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    He is the 13th highest QB salary this season and will be 10th in 2022. Prescott will likely push him down the ladder but Big Ben and Alex Smith may get cut, so he could actually end up higher in 2021.

    It was an atrocious signing, for an atrocious amount, by an atrocious GM. 

    As for why this dead horse keeps being so heartily beaten? Well that is no mystery at all.........it's February. This is one of the 2-3 months during the year during which most of the horse hamburger is made.


    Again, pretty much middle of the pack this year.  The 2021 lists I see are tainted not only because Dak is absent, but they also contain Brees' renegotiated salary which gets about five asterisks.  I have no idea what they will do with Big Ben or Alex Smith, so it about all evens out, I think.

    Also again, people are jumping off the cliff about a GM who is gone.  This is one of the remaining gifts of his that keep on giving, but I highly doubt Teddy will be 10th in 2022 because the way his contract is structured, he is going to have to have people saying he looks Russell Wilson or that they are sure glad we did not trade the farm for Watson (if anybody does) to collect on that money.

  12. 1 hour ago, thefuzz said:

    Because we have an owner who couldn't recognize that his new toy was, and had been run by incompetent people for a long time, and he was perfectly complicit in continuing down the same path set before him by the previous owner of said new toy.

    There was a simple path laid out in front of Tepper, Hurney, and Rhule....none of them could see it, or worse, they thought this roster was a winner or close to it.


    I don't think Tepper thought this roster was a winner or close to it, and he gave us every indication he expected it to be  

    While Rhule said (or implied) it was, I doubt he thought so, either. 

    Whether Hurney thought so or not is an entirely different matter, but as much as I pick on him, I doubt he did, either.

    In each case, I suspect the thought was it was as good as they were going to put on the field after flushing the toilet.  But everybody had to know they had just flushed the toilet. 

    Hurney probably thought it was enough to keep his job, but thankfully Tepper did not agree.

  13. 1 hour ago, kungfoodude said:

    Well we gave him the biggest QB contract in franchise history in terms of average salary and his 2021 salary will be the second highest we have ever paid a player at any position. I believe it is actually a top 5 biggest contract we have ever handed out in terms of total value.

    I'd say that is pretty bad.

    True, but not when adjusted for the market conditions in the NFL. 

    It is not like we inked circa 2015 or 16 Cam to a new deal in 2019, released him, and then paid Teddy dramatically more than we paid Cam a year later.  What we paid Teddy is pretty much average of the 2020 starting QB market, maybe a little below.  He was 19th last year, when a top-level starting QB not on a rookie contract would have been pushing $30M.  He is 17th this year. 

    Just by the very nature of the salary cap trend prior to 2021, the contracts handed out in 2020 are likely to be some of the biggest ever handed out.  That is simply because they are based on 2020 money, not 2015, or 2010, or 2005.

    2021 may be different because the NFL economy has gone into a recession of sorts.  I expect to see salaries flat to a decline this year, and a lot of one or two year deals because of it.

    But I ask again, why do we have a new thread on this seemingly four times a week?  Especially when not only has the check been written, but the guy who wrote it no longer has the checkbook, the debit card, or any credit cards.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Leotiger said:

    Bridgewater was a stop gap starter till we find our long term starter... and also he had an opportunity to be the long term starter.. Him and Joe Brady were together for a season in NO... also Bridgewater was 5-0 in NO.. we signed him to a market deal .. 20 mill a year is starter money.. Can’t be mad about the signing but it would been nice if Bridgewater played better.. I think Tepper sees that if we had an above avg starter we could have won a handful more games .. Bridgewater is just an below avg starter . So why did we sign him ? Because we know he was a high character guy that has a lot of experience as a starter with a winning record.. it was low risk low reward deal and we could lateral quickly if didn’t work out and can’t say the panthers didn’t try.. it just didn’t work out... he was not paid or thought of as a Franchise QB just a stop gap  untill we find the QB ... I say worse case let’s sign Fitzpatrick if miss on everybody else smh

    This.  Whether it worked out or not, this was the rationale.  We overpaid because we wanted him, largely because of his familiarity with the offense.  We know New England was interested in him, so we "bid" high to get him inked, whether smart or not.  His contract is basically three years with a relatively cheap out after two.  In terms of Hurney contracts, it is cheap.

    There is probably not team in this league that does not have an acquisition that didn't turn out the way they wanted.

    He may be our starter in week one of 2021.  That was known from day one, and if he is, hopefully we have somebody new (and good) waiting in the wings.  We have not had somebody approaching good (or arguably decent), let alone new and good, behind the starter in a while.

    Now the bigger question:  why do we have a thread asking this same question four times a week?  We have a lot of people whose motto is "we're not happy unless we're not happy."  Instead of looking forward, they are obsessed with what is done.

    • Pie 1
  15. Just now, Mr. Scot said:

    That's better than "my parents never taught me to people disrespectful" 🤔

    I saw that, too. 

    It sounded like one of my posts, where I get stuck in between two ways of wording something and what comes out sounds like it is written in Klingon or an incoherent version of Yoda.

    One casualty of the latest forum upgrade appears to be a limited time to edit such murdering of the King's English.  Now, my gaffes can live forever. 

    • Pie 1
  16. 11 minutes ago, Cookie Lyon said:

    Can a mod edit the title. I spelled disrespectful wrong. LOL

    Well, if it is any consolation I looked right at it and didn't notice it.....and I usually notice those types of things.

    Let's hope there is a lesson that sticks here with the kid and it is not just "they made me do it."  Contrary to popular belief, kids can learn things!  Adults, well, that is more often than not another story.

    The other lesson is Newton's Third Law applies to everything.  I suspect the kid did not expect that dreaded equal and opposite reaction, which sometimes stretches the term "equal."

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  17. Assuming we do not do anything stupid with our draft picks, I think the roster will be better.  The underlying assumption there is we have Moton back.

    That said, that improvement in the roster may not translate to much in wins and losses.  IF the "big four" QBs are gone by the time #8 rolls around, and IF we are still at #8, there is a bigger likelihood we will find an OL who can step in and provide quality starts.  Contrary to popular opinion, I can assure everyone that the top 12-15 players in positions we need will not all be gone by the #8 pick.

    Somebody said something earlier about it doing no good to make the playoffs and be "one and done" because we don't have a QB.  It doesn't do any good to make the playoffs and be "one and done" because we do have a QB but not enough else. 

    We've done the QB with too little else (specifically on offense), now we need to try and get the happy median right.

  18. There are certain things you don't want to have happen in your life

    • Hearing the tornado warning sirens from your trailer in Wichita Falls, TX
    • Sitting in the cabin of an airplane, listening to an announcement from the captain which abruptly ends when he says "oh sh1t"
    • Being projected as a fifth round pick, and late in the second round your phone rings with the caller ID saying "Marty Hurney"
    • Being a QB and having Charlie Weis raving about you


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