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Posts posted by bLACKpANTHER

  1. tumblr_mcc9jtDXTx1qhpj5ko1_1280.jpg


    Amazing photograph huh?































    Even more amazing since it is not a photograph, but a pencil drawing.


    i dont believe that.. prove it to me...


  2. HELP!!!

    Last January I really got in the gym with 2 guys in my apt complex. I bought my own place in August and stopped going to the gym until X-mas pounds got me feeling soggy this past year.. I joined a gym by my new house in January and have been going by myself ever since..


    I started out at 165, then dropped to 160 (my comfortable/ideal weight)..

    now i am 170 and am trying to cut out the mid-section/belly fat, love handles, etc.


    My regiment consists of about 45 minute workout, Monday - Friday:

    1 - core ab workout warmup - everymorning (leg lifts, crunches, side crunches)

    2 - whatever day it is - a) legs,B) shoulders/tricepts, c) back/biceps, d) chest, e) cardio

    3 - run/elliptical for 10-15-20 minutes

    4 - shoot some hoops to cool down


    any advice on cutting the belly fat and tone it up

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