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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. I'm following a good number of you guys already.
  2. Get your shoulders looked at, people. It's a complex joint made up of dozens of tiny weak bones. If one joint, ligament or bone goes, it can snowball. But biscuit I would put money that you cracked a rib instead of pulling an intercostal muscle.
  3. but I bet this time you were inclined to pick up where you left off
  4. not all, but a pretty big percentage. I still make shakes, but I rarely add protein anymore. usually just almond milk + fresh fruit or nopal cactus + cucumber
  5. that's why you don't take six months off. its damn hard to get back
  6. I found an android app that I guess is either the same thing or similar. The first day was a test to see how many you could do. I believe I did 50 for that.. could have done a few more, but stopped. Well, the choices they gave were like 0-6, 7-14, 15-20 and 21+. Well I expected a little better range than that. I just picked the second highest total, 15-20. I guess I should have gone with 21+ because the first three days of the workout have been underwhelming. The first day was something like 11-9-7-7-9+. 43 reps total. I did it twice. Same for the second day (but it had a few more reps). I only did the third day once. I wish I had started at the highest level, but I have to say I like the program. I'm not too happy with 60-90 second rests after a set of 7, but it'll eventually be worthwhile.
  7. were you able to sleep ok? I've seen people do this and wear a knee wrap around themselves for a few weeks.
  8. keep them loose with rotations... wouldn't recommend stretching between sets. muscles tend to lose strength after stretching
  9. sorry if you already said, but what's the name of the app? 90 seconds rest - sounds tough but I think its doable. are they all regular push-ups or do you change them up?
  10. yeah, when you're doing fast paced calisthenics, the mind games are easier to deal with. But say you're on a 5 mile run. You get bored, your mind starts making you think you can't breathe, and self-doubt starts setting in. I usually end up singing to myself to help keep pace and help keep my breathing slow.
  11. it is boring, but part of the challenge of cardio is your body prevailing over your mind. that boredom is a big reason people quit before they should
  12. 10k in 40 minutes is some serious running. Try swimming and going out west to run the rockies. run a 10k at 10k+ feet; 40 minutes will feel like a light jog.
  13. I could do 100 in a row up until a few years ago. I guess not being able to do it now coincides with me leaving active duty military life. I remember when I first joined, I struggled to get over 45-50. All I did to improve was set my hourly beep on my wrist watch and did 25 on the hour, every hour. In a few months I was maxing my PT tests. Not long after, I was hitting 100.
  14. no joke... Respect the equipment, keep costs down. But if the gym has bumper plates (ground up tires in standard weights/sizes) it's on. I'm slamming the hell out of it
  15. Has anyone tried tai-chi? I gave it a try recently... what a waste of time.
  16. Sun came out long enough to topple my poor snow man around 4:00. I went back out after sunset and built another. But it was that hard, crunchy snow. I've got a tall skinny snow man now :-( but he's at least wearing that panthers tophat they sell at the stadium.
  17. I can't watch women's tennis for that very reason
  18. I do the same thing while running (pounding pavement, not on a fuging elliptical) I don't know why I do it; it just kinda comes from my diaphragm on its own when I feel like I'm gonna die.
  19. I went to PF with my BIL a few times. The lunk alarm and warning was the first thing I noticed. I decided to look for some free weights so I could test it out. There were none.
  20. I still remember code 0013 for Mike Tyson's Punch Out. I played through Super Mario Bros. with it set to MTPO. It's fairly easy until you get to an area with a long jump. It was damn near impossible to run long enough to jump. There was no way to "hold" B on those settings.
  21. I've never used one with raised handles. But I was looking at them on Google and it seems most of them have raised handles now. Seems like that would work against you.
  22. We got them sometime during my junior year in high school and were forced to use them for DL also. I remember almost everyone setting a new PR almost immediately.
  23. not our fault PC games are so lame that he looks for message board flame wars for entertainment.
  24. I've never seen one quite like that. Some people call them hex bars. They are better for shrugs than deadlifts, but they are easier to grip if that's where you struggle. But that picture is a strange bar and even stranger form.
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