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  1. And we fuging extended that losing streak. Celebrate.
  2. Chimera


    Was it different games? I knew most of the maps already. I know the zoo map was from The Division. Maybe I'm misremembering, but weren't there some CSGO maps in there too?
  3. Chimera


    I played it on launch day and realized if I wanted to play CS, I could you know, play CS. I hoped it would be a lot more. I did the splinter cell faction, whatever it was called. I used to love SC games and I hoped xDefiant would scratch a little of that itch.
  4. The huddle is only like 7 different posters with 58 accounts each, but the subreddit mods are complete tools. I'd love to chit chat about Panthers football but given the state of the team, maybe its not such a good idea.
  5. There's a very good chance he can make first ballot. Suggs will also be eligible and might get that first ballot nod on longevity alone. Luke, Eli, and Suggs are all locks. I think two out of three will make first ballot with the third guy getting it in 2026. poo, I almost want to call Vinatieri a lock also. Definitely not first ballot, though.
  6. Hispanic is a language group, not a race. It's like calling all white people Anglos despite the entire rest of Europe. If you mean Latino kids, then I'm going to ask for the source of your information because there are a lot of counties in the US that are predominantly Latino. Plus, you know, Puerto Rico exists.
  7. Do you know what you call other coaches who had prime Cam, Luke, Olsen, TD, KK, and JNo on the roster at the same time? Superbowl Champions.
  8. Burns is one dimensional; he's a liability in the run game. The one sack he generates every five games doesn't balance out the five times he's gashed per game.
  9. I miss Fiz writing interesting posts. His newer stuff is as unforgettable as his filmography.
  10. So you're the guy who still has cable tv
  11. But Tepper still forgot one important detail: Andrew Luck said "fug this, I'm out" in lieu of another season under Reich.
  12. Look where they were at mid season. They were probably ranked 28th or lower across the board. They were sitting at 4-7 at one point before they figured out their running game. Why is he considered a good hire? See: Smith, Geno 2022 season and Mayfield, Baker 2023 season.
  13. Everytime you complain about content in the Huddle, it adds 8 years. So we have an estimated 848,988,435 millennia left of this.
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